CDZ Could chinese dictator Xi be overthrown?

Not when it comes to the most inhumane police states known to man such as red china and north korea

they seek out and brutally suppress any opposition to the dictatorship

a hundred million people have starved there but the communist party is as strong as ever
Yes, yes they do. But that is political opposition.
Starvation is apolitical.
Which is why those who promise food often defeat those who've failed to deliver food.
Even the most benevolent or violent of revolts is ultimately doomed to fail if the causes driving the revolt are not addressed.
A new dictator has, at most, 2 years to deliver the bread before a new revolt begins.

Ideologues think people care about who is ruling and the "who" should be them.
But people don't care who is ruling as long as there is food in their bellies and entertainment to divert them from the corruption of every system.
But, most often, a change in ruler that does not change the form of government has little effect on the people.
Has Biden's replacing Trump REALLY affected your life that much?

Bread and Circuses.
Starvation is apolitical.
People in China and north korea still experience starvation

particularly north korea

but the dictatorship has always blamed it on foreign enemies
People in China and north korea still experience starvation

particularly north korea

but the dictatorship has always blamed it on foreign enemies
North Korea is hungry, not starving. Starving is Biafra, Russia 1915, France 1801.
All leader groups follow the model of "blame the outsider" for internal faults.


It seems you're missing the point.
A change in leadership with the same political/economic systems in place makes no difference.
Get rid of Xi and you may get someone more Xi than Xi, you never know.
At best you get someone a little less Xi than Xi.
But, overall policies and outcomes will not change.

A nation does not change economic-political systems without the presence of a huge driver, like Europe in WW-2, like the US in the Great Depression, in both instances, while recovering from devastating events both faced the very real threat of communist takeover. Thus, the "Social Safety Net" was born. There are still communists but because of the net, fewer people become followers because fewer are starving and are, for the most part, ignored EXCEPT when they can be used for political gain.

Look, I didn't come up with the "Bread and Circuses" concept, it's 2000 years old.
But, if you're a ruler, it is a good plan.
Sometimes north korea is truly starving and at other times its not quite that bad

but either way the people suffer in silence
And the government provides the circuses
Blaming outsiders when things are bad
Claiming heroism when things get less bad.
But, in the end, there is enough to eat and heroes and villains aplenty to keep the people busy.
Not when it comes to the most inhumane police states known to man such as red china and north korea

they seek out and brutally suppress any opposition to the dictatorship

a hundred million people have starved there but the communist party is as strong as ever

This is a country where the Maoists indoctrinate school children to beat their school teachers to death on command from their local Cadre officials. It is essentially mob rule, not the rule of law. Sounds like the same political model used by black pols in black ghettos.
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China was on its way to being a world power and a model for other Progressive failures. In the last 2 years, the Hardliners have plunged the nation into ruin.

They could have traded fairly with USA under Trump, instead:

i) they launched a bioweapon on the world, mostly to install a puppet regime in the USA:
ii) they've abandoned the Capital markets;
iii) they are now publicly declaring they are at war with the USA.

Stupid, transparent macho bullshit

I think Xi got boxed in by hardliners

Biden has our military leadership kowtowing to them, and constantly asking their permission on policy issues, for 'stability', of course; they essentially direct the Democratic Party and its foreign policy now.
Biden has our military leadership kowtowing to them, and constantly asking their permission on policy issues, for 'stability', of course; they essentially direct the Democratic Party and its foreign policy now.
Sad but true.
China may choose another leader of their country if Xi doesn't continue to perform well. But Americans should also keep in mind that Xi is a figurehead who is not responsible for China's major decisions. That's spread among a very highly intelligent group of leaders.

That becomes the 'leg up' that China's system has over the US and it's dismally ignorant choices of both Biden and Trump!

Xi's huge smackdown of Biden's invitation to meet on a personal level can't say anything but 'smart' for Xi right now.
Crusader and Dudley, you're both far too immersed in wishful thinking brought on by hate for China.
China has demonstrated huge success with their choice of capitalism with a socialist conscience regarding the wellbeing of the people. That's not something that can be argued against with your 'sour grapes' attitudes.

And that is still ongoing. The mutual circle jerk you two are having doesn't contain any substance to make it convincing.

Try doing that for a change and this can become a worthwhile discussion.
This is a country where the Maoists indoctrinate school children to beat their school teachers to death on command from their local Cadre officials. It is essentially mob rule, not the rule of law. Sounds like the same political model used by black pols in black ghettos.
Just think how empty your Tiny Mind would be if it weren't for your racism.
This is strictly my own speculation

Before Xi took over china things were going very smoothly as far as the outside world was concerned

there was money to be made in china and fat cats in the West were lining up to invest in the capitalist Great Leap Forward II

But Xi has turned china in a different direction and is in danger of killing the golden goose

Dont be surprised if we wake up one day and find Xi dead or in prison

because he’s real threat the economic prosperity that millions of chinese have come to enjoy
Regarding the thread title.

All we have in life is hope.

So I sure hope that the Emperor is, uh, "invited" to retire because, uh, "he wants to spend more quality time with his family."

Hopefully, at this very moment, some other hair-dyed tyrants in Beijing are planning his overthrow if he insists on staying in office forever. Or if he orders the invasion of Taiwan.
Crusader and Dudley, you're both far too immersed in wishful thinking brought on by hate for China.
China has demonstrated huge success with their choice of capitalism with a socialist conscience regarding the wellbeing of the people. That's not something that can be argued against with your 'sour grapes' attitudes.

And that is still ongoing. The mutual circle jerk you two are having doesn't contain any substance to make it convincing.

Try doing that for a change and this can become a worthwhile discussion.

Yes, we already know you commies love thug states that ride on the backs of slave labor. Thanks for the constant reminder just how looney you sociopaths are.
Most Americans don't like Chinese people and they don't like Muslims, but they love Chinese Muslims.

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