Could It Be;Obama Is Terrified and Jealous Of Paul Ryan?Fearing A Romney/Ryan Ticket?

I say to really take the thunder away from the old hope and change voters.a whole group of another generation.ROMNEY/PAUL is the only way he will win.
i am the furthest to the right here on the.board..but a realist.
any of the previous choices...
GOP gets squashed again.
Paul Ryan is red meat for the left. Obama would probably pay Romney to put him on the ticket.

Even Trump called Ryan's budget "catastrophic".

If Paul Ryan wasn't on Romneys VP list, do you think Obama would be spending so much time bashing him? A rising star, considered the next VP (or Future President?) why is the left&MNSBC beating up Paul Ryan? Are they trying to take him down before he gets chosen as VP? Kinda like what they did to Sarah Palin? Rip her to shreds to make her and McCain look like bafoons.
Conservaties/GOP alike know it! Obama is jealous of Paul Ryan. He is VERY likable and Very Intelligent(Unlike Obama) If it comes down to Romney/Ryan, Obama can kiss every state from Wisconsin to Pennsylvania good-bye!!! aka,,,the Rust Belt.
Am I Right? :trolls:

The company-killer/granny-starver ticket aka Romney/Ryan?


Oh, yeah. "Terrified and Jealous" sounds just like our Commander-in-Chief.


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