Could It Be;Obama Is Terrified and Jealous Of Paul Ryan?Fearing A Romney/Ryan Ticket?

no matter who Romney chooses, u know PMS NBC will immediatley make him/her out to be just as dumb as maxinne waters or ed schultz. Romney could pick a Ronald Reagan clone and the left will rip him apart. It wont work, Obama already has the reputation of being the dumbest president ever along with his senile side-kick Biden who never stops making a jackass of himself. Go ahead Obama, bash romney all u want, You Are the one who pissed off 5 Trillion Dollars, and nothing to show for it,,,,DID U GIVE ANY TO NASA?

Your view is blinded by your ideology. Most people do not believe Obama to be anything other than intelligent.
Romney (and his GOP opponents) has given Obama and the DNC a TON of ammunition to work with. Additionally, he has followed Santorum right off the edge into the abyss of Right Wing extremism. This has done huge damage to to Romney.
People capare this to Obama / Hillary but the opposite is true. Obama was forced to follow Clinton to the Middle, where all the crucial votes are. Romney was forced in the opposite direction by Santorum and Gingrich.
Ryan won't be on the ticket. He doesn't so much appeal to women, independents, democrats or minorities.

I agree, my gut still senses it will be Bob McDonnell. This will insure Virginia/North Carolina and then we have two handsome men on a ticket,,,women will love that! and the GOP will see Bob McDonnell as "President McDonnell" come 2016.
The left will have nothing on McDonnell,,he has a great record!
You are admitting that Romney will lose in 2012 or if elected the one termer will be such a disaster that he will be "primaryed" in 2016
[ame=]Town Hall Attendees Boo And Scream Liar As Paul Ryan Wants To Cut Taxes On Corporations - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Paul Ryan gets booed for supporting wealthy tax breaks - YouTube[/ame]

Look at the people doing the booing and calling Ryan "liar". These are old, white haired Republicans, the base of the party.
Look at the people doing the booing and calling Ryan "liar". These are old, white haired Republicans, the base of the party.

Yeah we Independents are not impressed with this guy either. I went through his budget and well, no thanks.
Look at the people doing the booing and calling Ryan "liar". These are old, white haired Republicans, the base of the party.

Yeah we Independents are not impressed with this guy either. I went through his budget and well, no thanks.

This is too much of a blanket statement. What don't you like about the budget? BTW - been reading some of your posts; you should just change your name to LiberalNonsense
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Ryan won't be on the ticket. He doesn't so much appeal to women, independents, democrats or minorities.

I agree, my gut still senses it will be Bob McDonnell. This will insure Virginia/North Carolina and then we have two handsome men on a ticket,,,women will love that! and the GOP will see Bob McDonnell as "President McDonnell" come 2016.
The left will have nothing on McDonnell,,he has a great record!

That's very possible. I'd probably bet on Huntsman before McDonnell on the double handsome ticket.

But my top two suspects are Christie and Rubio. I think that Pawlenty or Haley are possible dark horses.
Mmmm mmm mmmm... I love it how the wacko conservative wing of the party has to have another moderate wishy washy candidate again. They have to get behind him and they have to like it, or else they're not going to win. I love it when they have to stand beside people they hate because their really ridiculous ideal candidates stood no chance at all.
Mmmm mmm mmmm... I love it how the wacko conservative wing of the party has to have another moderate wishy washy candidate again. They have to get behind him and they have to like it, or else they're not going to win. I love it when they have to stand beside people they hate because their really ridiculous ideal candidates stood no chance at all.

That's the media spin and Santorum and Gingrich's spin that Romney is not conservative. I frankly have been impressed by Romney. It won't be a hold your nose and vote experience like it was with McCain.
no matter who Romney chooses, u know PMS NBC will immediatley make him/her out to be just as dumb as maxinne waters or ed schultz. Romney could pick a Ronald Reagan clone and the left will rip him apart. It wont work, Obama already has the reputation of being the dumbest president ever along with his senile side-kick Biden who never stops making a jackass of himself. Go ahead Obama, bash romney all u want, You Are the one who pissed off 5 Trillion Dollars, and nothing to show for it,,,,DID U GIVE ANY TO NASA?

I truly hope that the right thinks exactly the way you do..and campaigns like this.


Damn, feret.........why don't you start a thread with a premise and then completely abandon it after a few posts.

You have come here claiming that Ryan scares Obama and that a Romney/Ryan ticket would win easily. Then you listed Ryan as third choice for Romney and McDonnel as your choice.

Are you as stupid as this thread makes you seem?
I agree. We libs are terrified of Ryan. I sure hope Romney doesn't nominate Ryan...
Look at the people doing the booing and calling Ryan "liar". These are old, white haired Republicans, the base of the party.

Yeah we Independents are not impressed with this guy either. I went through his budget and well, no thanks.

This is too much of a blanket statement. What don't you like about the budget? BTW - been reading some of your posts; you should just change your name to LiberalNonsense

Well of course you feel I should change my name to Liberal - I'm not a mindless drone who agrees with the Conserv view on EVERYTHING. So ignorance is the basis for your opinion. let me give you a clue: People who mindlessly agree with Conservative on everything are not called "Independents", they're called "Conservatives". Glad i could clear that up - obviously you were confused or brainwashed to believe otherwise.
I have a lot of Conservative views, I just don't follow the herd blindly.
As far as petty insults and labeling, I don't start it but I do return fire.

The problem I have with the Ryan budget is that it cuts a lot of social programs that offer emotional appeal to the whackjobs but make up less than a few percent of our costs. At the same time, it actually reduces taxes to the point that, upon close inspection by anyone other than, ends up not reducing the deficit at all. It comes from a guy who voted to INCREASE spending in the one area we could realistically cut major spending - defense - and reflects this. It does nothing to curb off-shoring of revenues by MNE's, thus insuring companies like GE will continue to pay zero in taxes.
I could go on but unlike most posters, I have directly addressed your point with specifics and without changing the subject, dodging etc...

Will you do the same? Doubtful but we'll see.
Yeah we Independents are not impressed with this guy either. I went through his budget and well, no thanks.

This is too much of a blanket statement. What don't you like about the budget? BTW - been reading some of your posts; you should just change your name to LiberalNonsense

Well of course you feel I should change my name to Liberal - I'm not a mindless drone who agrees with the Conserv view on EVERYTHING. So ignorance is the basis for your opinion. let me give you a clue: People who mindlessly agree with Conservative on everything are not called "Independents", they're called "Conservatives". Glad i could clear that up - obviously you were confused or brainwashed to believe otherwise.
I have a lot of Conservative views, I just don't follow the herd blindly.
As far as petty insults and labeling, I don't start it but I do return fire.

The problem I have with the Ryan budget is that it cuts a lot of social programs that offer emotional appeal to the whackjobs but make up less than a few percent of our costs. At the same time, it actually reduces taxes to the point that, upon close inspection by anyone other than, ends up not reducing the deficit at all. It comes from a guy who voted to INCREASE spending in the one area we could realistically cut major spending - defense - and reflects this. It does nothing to curb off-shoring of revenues by MNE's, thus insuring companies like GE will continue to pay zero in taxes.
I could go on but unlike most posters, I have directly addressed your point with specifics and without changing the subject, dodging etc...

Will you do the same? Doubtful but we'll see.

What whackjobs get emotional support?

If Paul Ryan wasn't on Romneys VP list, do you think Obama would be spending so much time bashing him? A rising star, considered the next VP (or Future President?) why is the left&MNSBC beating up Paul Ryan? Are they trying to take him down before he gets chosen as VP? Kinda like what they did to Sarah Palin? Rip her to shreds to make her and McCain look like bafoons.
Conservaties/GOP alike know it! Obama is jealous of Paul Ryan. He is VERY likable and Very Intelligent(Unlike Obama) If it comes down to Romney/Ryan, Obama can kiss every state from Wisconsin to Pennsylvania good-bye!!! aka,,,the Rust Belt.
Am I Right? :trolls:

A Romney Ryan ticket would be the gift that keeps on giving for Obama.

The reason the MSM is beating up on Ryan is because he's the one proposing balancing the budget on the backs of the elderly. Now, I think this is a discussion we need to have. We absolutely need to honestly talk about curbing the growth of Social Security and Medicare. But that discussion should also include raising taxes on the wealthy and cutting out a lot of other pork, including the military.

It's just not the discussion to have on the campaign trail... and Ryan would be poison.

Not that I mind, anyone Romney teams with is going to have the problem that he's teamed with Romney.
McCain and Palin didn't need the media to make themselves look bad. That was quite possibly the worst campaign I've seen in my life.

Why would anyone be afraid of Romney? And why does his VP pick matter at all? As if Ryan can change a wind sock moderate into a conservative.

It might just be me, but I don't understand how anyone can be swayed by a VP pick.

If it was the worst campaign you've ever seen you must be 5 years old. Your posts read like it.

Off by a few years. But, I see you kept the number in the single digits to make things easier on yourself. Those darn double digits are tricky, aren't they?

The reason it was so bad was because it became very clear that McCain wasn't running, his campaign staff was. The man didn't dare answer an unscripted question without conferring with his staff first, which he obviously couldn't do on the spot, so he made himself look like an idiot. And then picking Palin as a VP. An obvious attempt to pick up disenfranchised Hillary voters and conservatives who vomited at McCain's voting record. The whole thing was just bad.

I was referring to the Tank boy Dukakis. Not much of a memory huh? Maybe you don't remember Dole either?
well I would guess that the order of preference is Rubio,McDonnell,Ryan,{maybe Rob Portman} are there any other Governors out there who are on the list? please tell!

Whoops** I forgot about Mitch Daniels, now thats a ticket! but is he interested?

If he picks Daniels, I can see a set up coming. If Romney loses it becomes a two horse race for 2016. Daniels vs. Santorum. Otherwise Santorum is the inside pick for 2016 if Romney loses this one. People will be chomping at the bit for a real conservative to roll back all of the Obama crap.

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