Could it be so easy

Mr. Sauerkraut

Active Member
Dec 23, 2010
Heart of Germany
Boehner and his ratpack are nothing else than racists which can´t imagine to be ruled by a black president? I see no other explaination for this madness. And if it costs the world - a black man is never allowed to rule over texas + the others.
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Umm can't possible be because of his policies.
Never mind that Republicans wanted Herman Cain and it was a neck and neck race between Romney and Cain at one time.
The president does not rule. He serves at the leisure of the people and only does so for a maximum of 8 years.
Boehner and his ratpack are nothing else than racists which can´t imagine to be ruled by a black president? I see no other explaination for this madness. And if it costs the world - a black man is never allowed to rule over texas + the others.

The President of America is a servant of the public, not a King. The White House is but a temporary home, not a castle.
Boehner and his ratpack are nothing else than racists which can´t imagine to be ruled by a black president? I see no other explaination for this madness. And if it costs the world - a black man is never allowed to rule over texas + the others.

Being lectured on racism by a German? Lmao!
Boehner and his ratpack are nothing else than racists which can´t imagine to be ruled by a black president? I see no other explaination for this madness. And if it costs the world - a black man is never allowed to rule over texas + the others.

The "everyone who opposes Obama is racist" is a really silly view to hold Mr. Sauerkraut. Hope you're not serious.

You see no other explanation? Here's a few:

1.) Obama (after telling us he will create the most transparent administration in history back in 2008) has gone on to prosecute more whistleblowers (ie people opening up on government WRONGdoing) in history, and has spied on and pressured numerous dissenting journalists (this is a documented fact) to keep quiet. Remember the AP scandal?

2.) Obama (after telling us he will take down the “fat cats” back in 2008) has gone on to prosecute approximately zero high ranking officials associated with fraud that led to the 2008 collapse of the world economy. Even Bush was better at this (ie Enron). The Fed has also perpetuated an indefinite bailout to the big banks for the past 5 years under Obama (via quantitative easing). So much for “punishment”.

3.) Obama made a pledge to reduce the influence of lobbyists back in 2008, yet since getting into office he’s not only stacked his cabinet full of them, but also appointed a former Monsanto exec to a top FDA position. Obama also signed the “Monsanto Protection Act” which is basically a “free pass” for that company to do what they like without fear of prosecution, despite a petition being circulated with over 200,000 signatures to veto the bill (which would have been easy for him to do).

4.) Obama has ignored protecting our basic rights as Americans by signing the NDAA 2012 (after saying he wouldn’t) which gives the exec branch the power to arrest you and place you in prison without a trial. He also oversaw the expansion of the NSA and many of the freedom-crushing policies set forth by none other than George W. Bush following 9/11 (Patriot Act, etc).

5.) Obama oversaw the DRAMATIC expansion of the United States drone program, which has been responsible for thousands of civilian deaths over the past 5 years. He did nothing to end the Iraq War ahead of schedule, and has even pushed for MORE war with countries like Syria and Libya. This guy won a peace price?

In short, I have many legit reasons for disliking our President…

Does that make ME a racist too?
Boehner and his ratpack are nothing else than racists which can´t imagine to be ruled by a black president? I see no other explaination for this madness. And if it costs the world - a black man is never allowed to rule over texas + the others.

Um, no – it’s not that ‘easy.’

It’s partisanism, not race; the right hates Obama because of his party affiliation, nothing more. They perceive the WH as their ‘birthright,’ an no democrat is ‘worthy’ of occupying the Oval Office, whatever his race.

Republicans are clearly wrong to be such vacuous partisan hacks, but it’s not about race.
Umm can't possible be because of his policies.
Never mind that Republicans wanted Herman Cain and it was a neck and neck race between Romney and Cain at one time.

How does one spell "Token"?

How does one spell "retarded progressive"?

What an asshole. Yes, we supported Cain just to try to fool you racialist liberals.

Negged for retardery.
Boehner and his ratpack are nothing else than racists which can´t imagine to be ruled by a black president? I see no other explaination for this madness. And if it costs the world - a black man is never allowed to rule over texas + the others.

Um, no – it’s not that ‘easy.’

It’s partisanism, not race; the right hates Obama because of his party affiliation, nothing more. They perceive the WH as their ‘birthright,’ an no democrat is ‘worthy’ of occupying the Oval Office, whatever his race.

Republicans are clearly wrong to be such vacuous partisan hacks, but it’s not about race.
Read KevinWestern's post. Then tell us why Obama is good and righteous and holy for doing all that.


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