Zone1 Could Metaphorical Naturalism Include Celestial Religion ?


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Feb 3, 2018
" Could Metaphorical Naturalism Include Celestial Religion ? "

* Applying Esoteric Allusions To Physical Phenomenon *

Could metaphorical naturalism include celestial religion ?

Metaphysical naturalism (also called ontological naturalism, philosophical naturalism and antisupernaturalism) is a philosophical worldview which holds that there is nothing but natural elements, principles, and relations of the kind studied by the natural sciences. Methodological naturalism is a philosophical basis for science, for which metaphysical naturalism provides only one possible ontological foundation. Broadly, the corresponding theological perspective is religious naturalism or spiritual naturalism. More specifically, metaphysical naturalism rejects the supernatural concepts and explanations that are part of many religions.

* Metaphorical Naturalism Where Celestial Religion Meets Planetary Science *

Consider a celestial religion that commemorates the beginning of salvation from eternal hell fire for planetary life on earth , at the summer solstices in the northern and southern hemispheres , whether at aphelion or perihelion , respectively .

Consider a celestial religion that commemorates the beginning of salvation from eternal darkness for planetary life on earth , at the winter solstices in the northern and southern hemispheres , whether at perihelion or aphelion , respectively .

* Prosperity Of Spring And Harvest *

What would a celestial religion commemorate as salvation of planetary life on earth at the spring and fall equinoxes of the northern and southern hemispheres ?

* Synchronicity Of Celestial Calendars With Coincidence And Numerology *

* Creation In Full Form Determined By Intelligent Design Or Opportunity Evolution Of The Possible Though Highly Improbable *

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Not sure, but I doubt it.
There is one God.
" Could Metaphorical Naturalism Include Celestial Religion ? "

* Applying Esoteric Allusions To Physical Phenomenon *

Could metaphorical naturalism include celestial religion ?

Metaphysical naturalism (also called ontological naturalism, philosophical naturalism and antisupernaturalism) is a philosophical worldview which holds that there is nothing but natural elements, principles, and relations of the kind studied by the natural sciences. Methodological naturalism is a philosophical basis for science, for which metaphysical naturalism provides only one possible ontological foundation. Broadly, the corresponding theological perspective is religious naturalism or spiritual naturalism. More specifically, metaphysical naturalism rejects the supernatural concepts and explanations that are part of many religions.

* Metaphorical Naturalism Where Celestial Religion Meets Planetary Science *

Consider a celestial religion that commemorates the beginning of salvation from eternal hell fire for planetary life on earth , at the summer solstices in the northern and southern hemispheres , whether at aphelion or perihelion , respectively .

Consider a celestial religion that commemorates the beginning of salvation from eternal darkness for planetary life on earth , at the winter solstices in the northern and southern hemispheres , whether at perihelion or aphelion , respectively .

* Prosperity Of Spring And Harvest *

What would a celestial religion commemorate as salvation of planetary life on earth at the spring and fall equinoxes of the northern and southern hemispheres ?

* Synchronicity Of Celestial Calendars With Coincidence And Numerology *

* Creation In Full Form Determined By Intelligent Design Or Opportunity Evolution Of The Possible Though Highly Improbable *

Who designed nature?
More specifically, metaphysical naturalism rejects the supernatural concepts and explanations that are part of many religions.

that is not true of the metaphysical - naturalism is a misnomer.

physiology is a physical, metaphysical substance that will dissipate into the atmosphere when its spiritual content is removed ... a condition that itself negates - naturalism.

the creation of physiolgy in the test tube may someday be possible and is already reproduced - what gives physiology its life, the unique spiritual content that guides it will almost certainly never be reproduced in a laboratory. what is easily reproduced in a bed.
" Pragmatic Naturalism "

* Objective Projection *

Who designed nature?
Is the nature of nature a ^ priori ?

Does the nature of nature include infinitude whereby nature has always been and will always be ?

A priori ("from the earlier") and a posteriori ("from the later") are Latin phrases used in philosophy to distinguish types of knowledge, justification, or argument by their reliance on experience. A priori knowledge is independent from any experience. Examples include mathematics,A priori and a posteriori - Wikipedia tautologies, and deduction from pure reason.[ii] A posteriori knowledge depends on empirical evidence. Examples include most fields of science and aspects of personal knowledge.

* Not Separable From Its Self Including A Quality Of Infinitude *

A good answer to following thread is that the premises are not paradoxical , rather the premises propose that as a golden mean is a'priori and that nothing can be separated from itself , thereby implying that the characteristics of the golden mean are implicit with and an immutable quality within nature , whether the entirety of nature be perceived as nature itself , or whether the entirety of nature be perceived as a personified creator .

" Is an omnipotent , omniscient , omnipresence capable of changing the golden mean ? "

* Justify Your Answer *

Why are " yes and or no " , or " yes and no " , or " yes or no " , not poll options ?

The eighteenth post explains the origins of monism and quality of infinitude .
" Monotheism Foundations Boisterous Claims "

* Forwarding Interests From Antiquity *

One may equally acclaim that nature is eternal , while unchanging would be most illogical for any quality of infinitude .

Consider a monad to be an infinitessimal , that is also an identity element , that is also an infinite number , that is also a smallest geometric entity of which all is comprised .

Now consider that an infinite number is without an end , such that a monad is ascribed a quality of infinitude .

By hermeneutics , has it been establish that a monad always was and always will be ?

Now an identity set can be both infinite , closed and complete ; so how could goawd or nature be extricable from itself ?

The theories of a monad can be interrelated with theistic monism , except there are issues .

A presumption that all of existence is comprised of infinitessimal monads would presuppose that a monad is inchoate rather than omniscient .

Hence monads would exhibit some disposition based upon its infinite quality , but would be cognitively indifferent to event outcomes .
" Existential Metaphysics "

* Idiosyncrasy Implications *

that is not true of the metaphysical - naturalism is a misnomer.
physiology is a physical, metaphysical substance that will dissipate into the atmosphere when its spiritual content is removed ... a condition that itself negates - naturalism.
the creation of physiolgy in the test tube may someday be possible and is already reproduced - what gives physiology its life, the unique spiritual content that guides it will almost certainly never be reproduced in a laboratory. what is easily reproduced in a bed.
The proposition specifies metaphorical naturalism rather than metaphysical naturalism .

The term metaphorical naturalism means the inclusion of metaphor when describing the nature of nature .
were but many, not one that is the creator of the universe ... forces and their equality in the heavens. to create life -

or life that created physiology to have a physical presence. chicken or the egg. came first, must be life.
OK, so your god is nature.
Any Good That Nature Does Man Can Do Better

Exactly opposite. Nature is the enemy of mankind. So the supernatural is the genius that can transform nature for man's benefit, safety, and even pleasure.

That is why abortion and birth control are great human achievements. Nature, which some passive and proudly impotent blowhards call "God" to make themselves feel superior, creates an overwhelming desire for sex and punishes those who are trapped in it. So Treehuggers and Bible-bangers are of the same ilk. Though pretending to be complete opposites politically, they are both sponsored by the same self-appointed ruling class, the Nobility With No Ability.
" A Fat Man Called Skinny *

* Knot Following Not *

- seems an oxymoron ...
How is applying metaphor to project a mythology about celestial bodies , or their synchronous coincidence , an oxymoron ?

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