Could be indicted for inciting violence?

MoveOn is a terrorist organization.
It appears that is paying people to 'protest' Trump's rally. It is one thing to pay people to protest as long as they do it peacefully but if it is discovered that sent out memos to people to attempt to get a violent response then could they be indicted for attempting to cause a riot?
It's more serious than that. They used violence to forward their political agenda. What they did was an act of terrorism, not merely inciting a riot.


You can't possibly be serious.

Imagine that. A guy named "Muhammad" who has no clue what "terrorism" means. :rofl:
Muhammed isn't my real name, Ms. Pogo.

I also know what "terrorism" means. Using violence or the threat of violence against civilians to forward a political agenda is an example of an act of terrorism. Especially in the context of a political event.
Then Trump is the terrorist as he is the only one calling for violence.
You are lying.

If you must lie to support your ideology, then perhaps your ideology is fucked up and you should decide to grow up intellectually.
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MoveOn is a terrorist organization.
It's more serious than that. They used violence to forward their political agenda. What they did was an act of terrorism, not merely inciting a riot.


You can't possibly be serious.

Imagine that. A guy named "Muhammad" who has no clue what "terrorism" means. :rofl:
Muhammed isn't my real name, Ms. Pogo.

I also know what "terrorism" means. Using violence or the threat of violence against civilians to forward a political agenda is an example of an act of terrorism. Especially in the context of a political event.
Then Trump is the terrorist as he is the only one calling for violence.
You are lying.

If you must lie to support your ideology, then perhaps your ideology is fucked up and you should decide to grow up intellectually.

You can't possibly be serious.

Imagine that. A guy named "Muhammad" who has no clue what "terrorism" means. :rofl:
Muhammed isn't my real name, Ms. Pogo.

I also know what "terrorism" means. Using violence or the threat of violence against civilians to forward a political agenda is an example of an act of terrorism. Especially in the context of a political event.
Then Trump is the terrorist as he is the only one calling for violence.
You are lying.

If you must lie to support your ideology, then perhaps your ideology is fucked up and you should decide to grow up intellectually.
I am correct.

You are a liar. Why do you feel such a need to lie so much?
Imagine that. A guy named "Muhammad" who has no clue what "terrorism" means. :rofl:
Muhammed isn't my real name, Ms. Pogo.

I also know what "terrorism" means. Using violence or the threat of violence against civilians to forward a political agenda is an example of an act of terrorism. Especially in the context of a political event.
Then Trump is the terrorist as he is the only one calling for violence.
You are lying.

If you must lie to support your ideology, then perhaps your ideology is fucked up and you should decide to grow up intellectually.
I am correct.

You are a liar. Why do you feel such a need to lie so much?
The only group inciting violence are Trump and his supporters.
It's amazing to see all these ignorant sheeple applauding these delinquents from moveon org.....

It's a puzzle to it because of the welfare? food stamps? what is it??????:dunno:
All of the above and a hell of a lot more. The Moveon People are the product of generations of government free shit leeches.
It appears that is paying people to 'protest' Trump's rally. It is one thing to pay people to protest as long as they do it peacefully but if it is discovered that sent out memos to people to attempt to get a violent response then could they be indicted for attempting to cause a riot?
The media says it's TRUMP fault.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Ilya Sheyman, a failed Illinois contender for Congress and the executive director of Political Action, has taken credit for the violence at a cancelled Trump event last night in Chicago. He promised similar violence and disruption will occur at future Trump political events leading up to the election.
Soros Funded Takes Credit for Violence in Chicago

whats next paid killers??
It appears that is paying people to 'protest' Trump's rally. It is one thing to pay people to protest as long as they do it peacefully but if it is discovered that sent out memos to people to attempt to get a violent response then could they be indicted for attempting to cause a riot?

Congratulations.....for the most IDIOTIC post in quite a while.....Tell the truth, someone has to turn on the computer for you, right?
Follow the Soros money trail to hired Ferguson protestors

No matter what city the civil unrest-translation: riots-occur in, if you dig deep enough you will almost always come up with the same name,George Soros. Ferguson is no exception. It is now coming to light that not only did Soros pour the gasoline on the city, but lit the match as well. It was more or less suspected that there was someone behind the Ferguson protests. Now we have the smoking gun.

Follow the Soros money trail to hired Ferguson protestors

paid mobs is nothing new.
Follow the Soros money trail to hired Ferguson protestors

No matter what city the civil unrest-translation: riots-occur in, if you dig deep enough you will almost always come up with the same name,George Soros. Ferguson is no exception. It is now coming to light that not only did Soros pour the gasoline on the city, but lit the match as well. It was more or less suspected that there was someone behind the Ferguson protests. Now we have the smoking gun.

Follow the Soros money trail to hired Ferguson protestors

paid mobs is nothing new.

So you're saying Rump melts down for George Soros too?

Put him on the list with Megyn Kelly, David Duke and a bald eagle..... is there anything Rump WON'T run away and hide from?
Follow the Soros money trail to hired Ferguson protestors

No matter what city the civil unrest-translation: riots-occur in, if you dig deep enough you will almost always come up with the same name,George Soros. Ferguson is no exception. It is now coming to light that not only did Soros pour the gasoline on the city, but lit the match as well. It was more or less suspected that there was someone behind the Ferguson protests. Now we have the smoking gun.

Follow the Soros money trail to hired Ferguson protestors

paid mobs is nothing new.

So you're saying Rump melts down for George Soros too?

Put him on the list with Megyn Kelly, David Duke and a bald eagle..... is there anything Rump WON'T run away and hide from?

you said it not me. you elected big ears and his storm troopers to office. they don't want an American president. or any flags waving. these are all paid for thugs.
when is your membership to moveon due??
Indicted? A Liberal organization? Hellooooooooooo....
You've got as much chance of indicting Soros for FUNDING it...

Don't you know? If you get raped, it is because of the clothes you were wearing.

AKA - It's all Trump's fault.
It appears that is paying people to 'protest' Trump's rally. It is one thing to pay people to protest as long as they do it peacefully but if it is discovered that sent out memos to people to attempt to get a violent response then could they be indicted for attempting to cause a riot?

Congratulations.....for the most IDIOTIC post in quite a while.....Tell the truth, someone has to turn on the computer for you, right?

Well, you should take it up with this guy because he is quoted as having taken credit.

"lya Sheyman, a failed Illinois contender for Congress and the executive director of Political Action, has taken credit for the violence at a cancelled Trump event last night in Chicago. He promised similar violence and disruption will occur at future Trump political events leading up to the election."

I'll say one thing about moveon org ...they use the same methods employed by Hitler's brown shirts....and those criminals were never indicted

Trump who was talking about how it was politically the old days is now being labeled as calling for violence. wow!

“I love the old days, you know. You know what I hate?” Trump said as the protester was led away. “There’s a guy, totally disruptive, throwing punches, we’re not allowed to punch back anymore.”

“I love the old days. You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out in a stretcher, folks,” he said to applause.
“Here is a guy, throwing punches, nasty as hell, screaming at everything else when we are talking, and we are not allowed — the guards are very gentle with him. He’s walking out, big high fives, smiling, laughing. I’d like to punch him in the face, I’ll tell ya,” Trump said.

Liberals hate men who act like males should. Gentlemanly very often, but a fucken buzz saw to take disrupters out when called for. Democrats are metrosexual and can't understand what motivates manly men.
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Muhammed isn't my real name, Ms. Pogo.

I also know what "terrorism" means. Using violence or the threat of violence against civilians to forward a political agenda is an example of an act of terrorism. Especially in the context of a political event.
Then Trump is the terrorist as he is the only one calling for violence.
You are lying.

If you must lie to support your ideology, then perhaps your ideology is fucked up and you should decide to grow up intellectually.
I am correct.

You are a liar. Why do you feel such a need to lie so much?
The only group inciting violence are Trump and his supporters.
there wasn't violence when I heard Trump talk to us in Iowa. The only reason for Sander's supporters to show up is to cause trouble. It's liberals causing violence and disruptions. Don't assume we are stupid as you are.

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