Could be indicted for inciting violence?

No matter how extreme Trump is, his supporters love him. He's a Fascist.
No matter how extreme Trump is, his supporters love him. He's a Fascist.

Remember that Mussolini often voiced the slogan, "I will make Italy great again..."
The RW is sooooo extreme these days.
Okay. Let's just gloss over the fact that if Trump supporters did this at a Bernie rally, you very people defending the radical thieves of moveon who believe somehow stealing more money from people and giving it to the government somehow fixes something and doesn't make it worse would absolutely lose your minds. Please...Don't try to dispute that. You would be screaming Hitler, crying for justice. Not only that but the Obama white house would give you whatever you wanted. They use the IRS as a weapon nowadays. It's very common. If you don't believe that, then just ask Ben Carson, who came under a massive audit after his breakout speech at the prayer breakfast talk. (They didn't find anything by the way. They just wanted to disrupt his life and make things hard on him.) So, right...Let's just ignore the fact that people on the left are in absolute denial about how out of control and unchecked the federal government is at this point and time. They will not accept it. They can't fathom that there could be corruption in their own ranks. Hell. Democrats won't even do a debate or an interview on Fox, even though the repub candidates will do a debate and interview on any network, even the radically left MSNBC. That's telling you something right there. Please, for the sake of just all of us who are Americans, please stop ignoring the blatant corruption.

Educate yourself about the media's extreme lies and propaganda about Trump.

To the people on the left who read this, please understand one thing for me. The government is out of control. I don't care who you support or what spectrum of politics you subscribe to. Not only this but the mainstream media has partnered with the federal government. In America right now we have an incredible level of corporatism going on behind the scenes that is heavily invested into establishment candidates on the right and left. Corporatism is bad for regular and working people everywhere always. The corruption in our government right now doesn't care if you're right or left. All they want is more money. To liberals I say this from the bottom of my heart: you supporting someone who will greatly raise taxes will not fix anything you believe in. You can not give more money to a rampantly corrupt government that will still borrow more and further grow the debt. If you are a true socialist, or w/e you call yourself, you must understand that before the government can fix something, it has to be fixed itself. Please, please, please, please stop making 'scuses for your party and your supported establishment. No one is winning and no one will win until we get our house in order.

All this said, if you think the moveon crowd didn't go to that rally for the sole purpose of inciting violence and instigating a riot, then you are truly out of your mind. This is nothing new, people. This is not an isolated event in history. It happens all the time. Also. It was in Chicago. A city with rampant murders, rapes and drugs. It's not hard to get a riot going there. ....

Also please stop denying the radicalism on the left. Across all forms of social media left wingers cry and beg for someone, anyone, to please murder/assassinate/kill Donald Trump. This is the fault of the media's propaganda that is directly indoctrinating people and inciting violence.
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The same thing that video does could easily have been done with Obama. You know Obama already started a program that's going to add muslims to a database? You know Obama's administration has already been building a massive data base on citizens, what they do for a living, how they vote, what they search online, how much money they make, all for the purposed of ranking people's privilege?

The media does lie and misconstrue. It's been proven on massive levels. Especially to propagate racism and keep the nation divided. The lies and muddying of the Trayvon and Mike Brown stories have been well documented. Please...Stop. Trump is not Hitler.

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