Could Nixon have posssibly defeated RFK??

To avoid a very long, complex and probably boring detailed explanation -

Don't know but RFK would not have been nominated anyway.
No fucking way. Nobody even heard of Nixon until after RFK was shot. Not that they literally never heard of him. People still remember Nixon getting his ass kicked by JFK in their televised debate 8 years before. But the buzz about RFK running really jacked up this country. He got all the attention and all the news coverage.

One particular speech was quite memorable. It was in Indiannapolis the night MLK got shot. And RFK had to inform the crowd of what happened. Now this was a predominately black crowd and they were concerned about what would happen after they announced the news to people in attendance. Because all over the country they were rioting after hearing word of MLK's death. But RFK went out there and told them MLK had been killed. He also told them he knows what they're going through. He said, "I to had a brother that was killed..." and the crowd really connected with what he was saying. That night, there were no riots in Indiannapolis.
No freaking way

RFK would have defeated Nixon in a landslide.

Nixon barely defeated HUmphrey .
Not likely. People would have imagined seeing JFK's ghost standing at the voting booth, politely opening the curtain for them as they entered. But that was a long ago era when the Democratic Party was still pro America.
"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"

"I think America should be more like Communist China" Lieawatha Warren (CAND D-MA)
"If you're a businessman with a successful business, you didn't build that!" The Head Of The Chicago Communist School, Barack Obama.
No fucking way. Nobody even heard of Nixon until after RFK was shot. Not that they literally never heard of him. People still remember Nixon getting his ass kicked by JFK in their televised debate 8 years before. But the buzz about RFK running really jacked up this country. He got all the attention and all the news coverage.

One particular speech was quite memorable. It was in Indiannapolis the night MLK got shot. And RFK had to inform the crowd of what happened. Now this was a predominately black crowd and they were concerned about what would happen after they announced the news to people in attendance. Because all over the country they were rioting after hearing word of MLK's death. But RFK went out there and told them MLK had been killed. He also told them he knows what they're going through. He said, "I to had a brother that was killed..." and the crowd really connected with what he was saying. That night, there were no riots in Indiannapolis.
One of the greatest "speeches" of all time - and it was almost exclusively off the cuff.

RFK was a brilliant man. Our country would be a different place if he had lived.
Don't know but RFK would not have been nominated anyway.

Not nominated? He was the darling of the party and had just won CA. That was back in the day of a lot more unbound delegates, who were preparing to swing to him en masse.
I heard about JFK assn in a 3rd grdaeclassroom - likeyesterday.

TheRFK ass was like -not again- think my mother told me about thatr when she woke wm out of bed.......................
Dare I say it?

I can't believe I'm going to say this and I hope someone corrects me if I'm wrong,
but wasn't RFK killed by a Palestinian?

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