Could story of Lilith be true?

No. It is merely occult fiction from a dubious source, which is why she isn't in the canonical books. Rabbinic literature is largely Babylonian era rubbish and not anything to do with Judaism any more than stories like The Da Vinci Code book is.

The second myth comes from the ancient myth of how the gods blinded people from clay so that they themselves would not work. From here comes the motive of original sin: when they molded people, they were drunk and made them flawed.

This contradiction is apparently explained by the fact that the compilers did not really read what they compil, because the people were still illiterate.
These are just different myths from different sources.
Ashtoreth / The Queen of Heaven
"Astarte/Ashtoreth is the Queen of Heaven to whom the Canaanites had burned incense and poured libations." Soul Vision website: "Known by many names, across time and space, Lilith or Eve, Anath and Asherah, Astarte, the Queen of Heaven, the Shekhinah and the Matronit.... No matter Her name, she was loved." Shekhina Hebrew Goddess website:
In the realm of the Bible story in genesis, it is possible.....for the reason you stated. Women and men were first created as equals, Adam couldn't handle it, Lilith was banished or ran away, Adam was left lonely, God created a new mate out of him, just for him.

There are two creation stories in the Bible, that are completely different. And I believe the story of Lilith in the old testament? or the apocryphal books? could fit, with the two stories of human creation in the Bible.

Of course I have no proof of any such thing, I'm just open to it possibly fitting in to the known gaps in the two creation versions.

Lilith comes from a Mesopotamian myth. After the Fall she and Adam got together and gave birth to demons.


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