Could the country stand to have Trump as President?


unlicensed metaphysician
Jul 5, 2012
As someone who thinks of Reagan as a disaster for America and 'W' as inexecrable, most people on this board will think they know me. They don't. Even I have very little idea of how to classify myself politically. Eclectic comes to mind, but that won't mean much to anyone else.
Anyway, in looking at the scenario facing us, and the growing chance that Mr. Trump really could manage to secure sufficient electoral votes to be selected as President, this occurs to me; the US survived 2000 to 2008, Trump cannot be worse than that administration.
If America can withstand eight years of the Magic Negro... (
Hopey-Changey... Hopey-Changey
)... it can withstand four or eight years of Attila the Hun.
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Congress, over the years, has both conducted a coup d'état AND abdicated.
Trump is a showman, and he knows elections are shows. I feel certain that during a conference in his office, he's nothing like what we see in the (cough, cough) 'debates'.
There are two things I really enjoy doing now that I have become a senior citizen and retired. Both bring a lot of glee to my soul. I dearly love to mess with the limited IQ of the younger Liberal minds about the inevitability of a Trump Presidency. It is almost as much fun as waving to the absolute strangers in the cars and trucks I meet on the highway and streets. It drives them crazy all day long.

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