Could the Democrat Party Survive a President Carson?????


Gold Member
Feb 6, 2014
Look where the Democrat Party is today, taken over by Progressive extremists, slave to their racial arsonist policies after 40 years of pandering, patronizing race-based politics and victimhood ideology.
Can the Democrat Party as we know it survive the election of a Black man that isn't a divisive, pandering, progressive demagogue and douchebag like you know who????
if that became a reality, i believe there would be many mass Jim "Kool-Ade" Jones incidents.., except the flavor of the Kool-Ade would be Lemmon. :lmao:
It's a good question. If even a portion of the black vote went to Carson dems would have serious problems. Especially if Carson was a decent president.
I don't believe that Ben Carson is well-versed in the issues facing this country, though he may be as informed as a typical brain surgeon.
It's a good question. If even a portion of the black vote went to Carson dems would have serious problems. Especially if Carson was a decent president.
Blacks rallied for Clarence Thomas, so they will rally for Ben Carson. If Carson is nominated, he will win with a HUGE majority of black voters.
Democrats have relied on one racial narrative for decades; that Black people are all victims that cant get a break on account of "institutional racism" and desperately need the help of the Democrat Party to make it in the world. a Carson presidency would shatter that narrative
I think if he's nominated the Left will go full retard demonizing him; and people may finally realize what Democrats are all about.
It's a good question. If even a portion of the black vote went to Carson dems would have serious problems. Especially if Carson was a decent president.
Blacks rallied for Clarence Thomas, so they will rally for Ben Carson. If Carson is nominated, he will win with a HUGE majority of black voters.

i doubt he would get more than 5% and lose nationally to hillary by 15+.
Look where the Democrat Party is today, taken over by Progressive extremists, slave to their racial arsonist policies after 40 years of pandering, patronizing race-based politics and victimhood ideology.
Can the Democrat Party as we know it survive the election of a Black man that isn't a divisive, pandering, progressive demagogue and douchebag like you know who????
I think you about covered it.
It's a good question. If even a portion of the black vote went to Carson dems would have serious problems. Especially if Carson was a decent president.
Blacks rallied for Clarence Thomas, so they will rally for Ben Carson. If Carson is nominated, he will win with a HUGE majority of black voters.

i doubt he would get more than 5% and lose nationally to hillary by 15+.


he's beating Hillary right now in some head to head polls
Anyone who says blacks will vote for a white candidate against a black candidate is high.

Does anyone remember the O.J. Simpson trial? In every poll, large numbers of blacks told pollsters that they thought O.J. was innocent. And the jury acquitted in what's called "jury nullifcation."
Blacks are loyal to the Democratic party, but they are much more loyal to anyone who is black.

Two black Presidents in a row? No black has ever imagined such a thing.
Ben Carson could go to Syria, join ISIS, behead a Catholic nun, show the video on youtube, and he would still win with black people.
If Dr. Carson stood for any position that the black community agreed with, then yes, I would think they would vote for him....but if Carson stands against what black voters believe in, then he won't get their majority vote...he'll get some, more than any white Republican perhaps, but if Carson's positions would harm them...they won't be voting for him in droves...
Look where the Democrat Party is today, taken over by Progressive extremists, slave to their racial arsonist policies after 40 years of pandering, patronizing race-based politics and victimhood ideology.
Can the Democrat Party as we know it survive the election of a Black man that isn't a divisive, pandering, progressive demagogue and douchebag like you know who????

Ben Carson will never be elected president so your rant is meaningless.
Blacks are loyal to the Democratic party, but they are much more loyal to anyone who is black.

Two black Presidents in a row? No black has ever imagined such a thing.

Have to strongly disagree. He wont get more than 5% of the black vote, but he would have a bigger problem, he would lose the white vote to Hillary and lose by 15+ nationally. She would eat him alive.
Look where the Democrat Party is today, taken over by Progressive extremists, slave to their racial arsonist policies after 40 years of pandering, patronizing race-based politics and victimhood ideology.
Can the Democrat Party as we know it survive the election of a Black man that isn't a divisive, pandering, progressive demagogue and douchebag like you know who????

Didn't you get the memo? Carson is "low energy" and Trump is the new WWE Champion!!!!
Sort of like asking if the Democratic Party would survive a direct impact of a planet sized asteroid hitting in Kansas while the National Convention was meeting in Topeka and the towns of Kansas City and Dodge City were satellite meeting places for the overflow and every Democrat in the Country was attending.

The only difference is that the Asteriod may happen. A Carson Presidency is more farfetched.
Blacks are loyal to the Democratic party, but they are much more loyal to anyone who is black.

Two black Presidents in a row? No black has ever imagined such a thing.

disagree- libs are libs regardless of race or gender.

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