Coulter: Hey Commander! Start Commanding!

Women Annie's age, never married, no kids, go to seed. She, Stevie Nicks, and Linda Ronstadt should form a self-help group for old party girls who ended up alone, barren, and bitter.
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they could consider being, "gunnys",

who don't mind bringing guys with low numbers and limited practice,

up to speed.
Apparently, Ms. Coulter (like most conservatives), doesn't understand about the Posse Comitatus Act.

That says that the US military cannot be used for law enforcement duties inside the borders of this country, except in 3 instances.................

1) Loss of nuclear weapons. Military is the only ones equipped to handle it.
2) Loss of chemical/biological weapons. Same reason as above.
3) When specifically requested by the governor or legislature of a state when they need help putting down riots and insurrections.


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