Coultergeist Compares Wall St Protesters To...Wait For It...Nazis


Gold Member
Jul 28, 2011
Surprise! Ann "Skeletor" Coulter compared the Occupy Wall St protesters to Nazis. So, let's get this straight: Tea Party protesters = freedom-loving patriots; Wall St protesters = Nazis. You can always tell when the right can't come up with a legitimate argument - they break out the Nazi card.

Ann Coulter: Occupy Wall Street Protesters Are Like Nazis (VIDEO)

Ann Coulter made some rather surprising analogies on Monday when she compared the Occupy Wall Street movement to Nazism and the French Revolution.

Coulter was speaking to Fox Business' Eric Bolling, who seemed to share her less-than-charitable views of the protests, which have gained widespread attention and sparked similar demonstrations in cities across the U.S.

Bolling first quoted the protesters' use of the phrases, "demolition of capitalism" and "if we can learn to share we can all live in prosperity," and asked Coulter for her reaction. Coulter responded quickly that these terms could have been said right "before the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, and with only slight modification when the Nazis were coming to power...This is always the beginning of totalitarianism."
The fact that this woman is still in the public eye is proof positive there are a lot of stupid people.
Thank goodness no pundits on the left ever called Tea Partiers or Republicans Nazis because that would make you look like a hypocrite. You couldn't be that, right?
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Well if Pelosi skank can do it why can't Coulter? You wouldn't be showing your double standard now would ya boys?
Thank goodness no pundits on the left ever called Tea Partiers or Republicans Nazis because that would make you look like a hypocrite. You couldn't be that, right?

Deflection noted.
The fact that this woman is still in the public eye is proof positive there are a lot of stupid people.

Stupid rhetoric calls for stupid rhetoric I guess. Coutler calls them Nazis and Josef tries to equate them to Tea Partiers. Only an idiot would be unable to recognize glaring differences.
So how is she wrong in her comparison?

You did actually listen to the statements in context to find out right?

of course not...
The fact that this woman is still in the public eye is proof positive there are a lot of stupid people.

Stupid rhetoric calls for stupid rhetoric I guess. Coutler calls them Nazis and Josef tries to equate them to Tea Partiers. Only an idiot would be unable to recognize glaring differences.

Speaking of idiots....I did not equate anybody to Tea Partiers. I said that some of the conservatives who cheered Tea Party protesters are now calling Wall St protesters 'Nazis'. Learn to read.
So how is she wrong in her comparison?

You did actually listen to the statements in context to find out right?

of course not...

What statements do I need to to hear in order to come to the false conclusion that Wall St protesters are akin to Nazis? :cuckoo:
I wouldn't compare them to nazi's, but would compare them to people like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Po pot, Che, Castro...
The fact that this woman is still in the public eye is proof positive there are a lot of stupid people.

Stupid rhetoric calls for stupid rhetoric I guess. Coutler calls them Nazis and Josef tries to equate them to Tea Partiers. Only an idiot would be unable to recognize glaring differences.

Speaking of idiots....I did not equate anybody to Tea Partiers. I said that some of the conservatives who cheered Tea Party protesters are now calling Wall St protesters 'Nazis'. Learn to read.

You inferred they should be regarded in the same light as Tea Partiers. Again, you're so stupid you can't see that. And noone called them Nazis. She did say they used similar rhetoric. Again proving you are an idiot and have no basic ability to discern actual meaning.
So how is she wrong in her comparison?

You did actually listen to the statements in context to find out right?

of course not...

What statements do I need to to hear in order to come to the false conclusion that Wall St protesters are akin to Nazis? :cuckoo:

If you used intellect instead of emotion, you would know that she did not say they were 'akin to Nazis'.

But your desperate desire to bullshit is noted. And dismissed as emotional hyperbole.
The Bolsheviks would be a much more accurate comparison than the Nazis
So how is she wrong in her comparison?

You did actually listen to the statements in context to find out right?

of course not...

What statements do I need to to hear in order to come to the false conclusion that Wall St protesters are akin to Nazis? :cuckoo:

And how do you know if it's a false conclusion if you dont bother listening to the connection?

Why on earth do you criticize something you havent bothered listening to?
The Bolsheviks would be a much more accurate comparison than the Nazis

"...before the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, and with only slight modification when the Nazis were coming to power...This is always the beginning of totalitarianism."

That's what she said. How the fuck anyone gets 'akin to the Nazis' from that really does not have the intellect required to become a house plant.
Surprise! Ann "Skeletor" Coulter compared the Occupy Wall St protesters to Nazis. So, let's get this straight: Tea Party protesters = freedom-loving patriots; Wall St protesters = Nazis. You can always tell when the right can't come up with a legitimate argument - they break out the Nazi card.

I am NO fan of Anne Coulter, but you are full of shit. This is what she said verbatim:

"All of those quotes could have been said in 1789 France before the French Revolution or the Russian Revolution, or with only slight modification, when the Nazis were coming to power, Cuba under Fidel Castro, or Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. This is always the beginning of Totalitarianism."​

She very clearly brought up the similarities of this Protest Wall Street movement with the beginnings of historical revolutions of the past. She didn't call anybody a Nazi.

I'm getting so sick of you people and your bullshit lies. Go suck a dick.
Surprise! Ann "Skeletor" Coulter compared the Occupy Wall St protesters to Nazis. So, let's get this straight: Tea Party protesters = freedom-loving patriots; Wall St protesters = Nazis. You can always tell when the right can't come up with a legitimate argument - they break out the Nazi card.

I am NO fan of Anne Coulter, but you are full of shit. This is what she said verbatim:

"All of those quotes could have been said in 1789 France before the French Revolution or the Russian Revolution, or with only slight modification, when the Nazis were coming to power, Cuba under Fidel Castro, or Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. This is always the beginning of Totalitarianism."​

She very clearly brought up the similarities of this Protest Wall Street movement with the beginnings of historical revolutions of the past. She didn't call anybody a Nazi.

I'm getting so sick of you people and your bullshit lies. Go suck a dick.


Context. It's important to smart people.
I see the group Occupy Wall Street as an extreme movement that represents a much more conservative resentment that Main Street America has regarding Big Money controlling America's agenda. Main Street America is hurting and much of it is because of the incompetence and dysfunction presence in Washington and the absolute greed of Wall Street's players.
It's both good and bad what this group of people are doing.

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