counterfactual history - it's Republican thing


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
Brad DeLong, economics professor at the University of California at Berkeley: Fire his ass. Fire his ass from Newsweek, and the Daily Beast. Convene a committee at Harvard to examine whether he has the moral character to teach at a university. There is a limit, somewhere. And Ferguson has just gone beyond it.

By Bonnie Kavoussi

Paul Krugman says that Newsweek needs to issue a correction for columnist Niall Ferguson's new cover story on why President Obama does not deserve reelection.
Krugman, the Nobel Prize-winning Princeton economics professor, wrote in a Sunday New York Times blog post titled "Unethical Commentary" that Ferguson misrepresented the costs of health care reform. Krugman wrote:
There are multiple errors and misrepresentations in Niall Ferguson’s cover story in Newsweek — I guess they don’t do fact-checking — but this is the one that jumped out at me. Ferguson says: "The president pledged that health-care reform would not add a cent to the deficit. But the CBO and the Joint Committee on Taxation now estimate that the insurance-coverage provisions of the ACA will have a net cost of close to $1.2 trillion over the 2012–22 period."

Readers are no doubt meant to interpret this as saying that CBO found that the Act will increase the deficit. But anyone who actually read, or even skimmed, the CBO report (pdf) knows that it found that the ACA would reduce, not increase, the deficit — because the insurance subsidies were fully paid for.
Krugman concluded: "We’re not talking about ideology or even economic analysis here — just a plain misrepresentation of the facts, with an august publication letting itself be used to misinform readers. The Times would require an abject correction if something like that slipped through. Will Newsweek?"

Krugman and Ferguson have been bashing each other in public for years. Ferguson has been advocating austerity to prevent interest rates on government debt from rising. But Krugman has pointed out that interest rates on government debt are at historic lows.

Ferguson, a Harvard history professor and Newsweek columnist, wrote in the magazine's Aug. 27 cover story that Obama should lose the upcoming election because the president has broken his promises. Ferguson says Obama has not created enough jobs, fixed the financial system or controlled health care costs or the national debt.

He also wrote that in "Obama's America, nearly half the population is not represented on a taxable return. [...] half of us [are] paying the taxes, the other half receiving the benefits."

This is not exactly true. Although roughly half of Americans do not pay federal income taxes, most of them still pay some combination of payroll taxes, state taxes, local taxes and sales taxes, according to the Washington Post.

Ferguson's story also included a chart that seemed to blame Obama for letting the U.S. economy lose ground to China's. The chart shows China's GDP as projected to surpass U.S. GDP in 2017, a projection whose inclusion Business Insider's Joe Weisenthal and Slate's Matt Yglesias called unfair. Yglesias wrote: "Ferguson is implicitly making two points with this graphic and it's difficult to know which of them is more absurd -- the idea that Obama is responsible for rapid economic growth in China or the idea that if he were responsible that would be blameworthy."

UPDATE: 11:10 a.m. -- Ferguson fired back at Krugman in a Newsweek blog post on Monday. He took issue with Krugman for suggesting that he had not read the CBO report. Ferguson wrote that the CBO did say in its report that health care reform will cost the government money, which would be partially offset by taxes. "Thanks for trying, Paul," Ferguson wrote.

UPDATE: 11:48 a.m. -- Another noted economist has blasted Ferguson for his cover story, this time going further than Krugman by calling for Ferguson to get fired. Brad DeLong, economics professor at the University of California at Berkeley, wrote in a blog post on Monday:
Fire his ass. Fire his ass from Newsweek, and the Daily Beast. Convene a committee at Harvard to examine whether he has the moral character to teach at a university. There is a limit, somewhere. And Ferguson has just gone beyond it.
UPDATE: 12:56 p.m. -- Newsweek did not fact-check Ferguson's cover story, according to Dylan Byers, a media reporter at Politico. Byers wrote on Twitter that a Newsweek spokesman said the magazine does not have a fact-checking department, and that "we, like other news organisations today, rely on our writers to submit factually accurate material."

Newsweek does not fact check things?

No real suprise in todays world of enquireristic so called journalism.
And everyone knows that political ads and speeches are exempt from the truth in advertising laws.
NO one should even have to wonder why.
Brad DeLong, economics professor at the University of California at Berkeley: Fire his ass. Fire his ass from Newsweek, and the Daily Beast. Convene a committee at Harvard to examine whether he has the moral character to teach at a university. There is a limit, somewhere. And Ferguson has just gone beyond it.

Silencing opposing points of view, it's a "progressive" thing. Not to mention a scary thing, a dangerous thing, an anti-American thing and an intellectually weak thing. ;)
Brad DeLong, economics professor at the University of California at Berkeley: Fire his ass. Fire his ass from Newsweek, and the Daily Beast. Convene a committee at Harvard to examine whether he has the moral character to teach at a university. There is a limit, somewhere. And Ferguson has just gone beyond it.

Silencing opposing points of view, it's a "progressive" thing. Not to mention a scary thing, a dangerous thing, an anti-American thing and an intellectually weak thing. ;)

Kind of like that girls band that the bushies jumped all over?

And I keep hearing about the "art" that was a cross in a jar of urine" as an excuse to defund the arts.

Keeping a Muslim temple out of Tennesses or NYC?

Defund NPR and PBS?

Boycott Disneyworld for alloowing gays in?

Keeping evoloution from being taught in schools?

Yep always those progressives that want to squelch differing viewpoints.
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One of the fake whining:

From the article:

He also wrote that in "Obama's America, nearly half the population is not represented on a taxable return. [...] half of us [are] paying the taxes, the other half receiving the benefits."

This is not exactly true. Although roughly half of Americans do not pay federal income taxes, most of them still pay some combination of payroll taxes, state taxes, local taxes and sales taxes, according to the Washington Post.

Did the writer read where he said "Taxable returns?" Obviously not. Do you know what are taxable returns? Everyone knows that when someone makes the statement about 47 percent not paying taxes they mean income taxes.

Obama is responsible for 4 trillion in debt and the longest and weakest recovery in history, to that he is responsible.

BTW Obama, Reid and company are lying about Romney not paying taxes if Klugman is lying, which he is not.
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Brad DeLong, economics professor at the University of California at Berkeley: Fire his ass. Fire his ass from Newsweek, and the Daily Beast. Convene a committee at Harvard to examine whether he has the moral character to teach at a university. There is a limit, somewhere. And Ferguson has just gone beyond it.

Silencing opposing points of view, it's a "progressive" thing. Not to mention a scary thing, a dangerous thing, an anti-American thing and an intellectually weak thing. ;)

Kind of like that girls band that the bushies jumped all over?

Which "girls band" was fired and had a committee convened to determine their musical expertise?
Guess I totally missed that one.

Regardless, the OP's clipped rant is typical.
Silence all with whom we disagree and marginalize their supporters as "crazies".
We saw the same thing with Corey Booker, God rest his soul as he is now "dead" to the left.
Would this be the same Paul Krugman who rubber stamps everything Obama say and does as brilliant?
Krugman is one of the biggest leftist shill "economists" out there. He has been DEAD WRONG so many times with his twisted commentary, I can't begin to add them up.

All I know is that Obamacare is going to be partially financed by gutting Medicare of $716 billion.

Tough luck for the senior citizens and the disabled. All that matters is that Obama got his "historic" Obamacare nightmare passed by his leftist operatives in Congress.
Silencing opposing points of view, it's a "progressive" thing. Not to mention a scary thing, a dangerous thing, an anti-American thing and an intellectually weak thing. ;)

Kind of like that girls band that the bushies jumped all over?

Which "girls band" was fired and had a committee convened to determine their musical expertise?
Guess I totally missed that one.

Regardless, the OP's clipped rant is typical.
Silence all with whom we disagree and marginalize their supporters as "crazies".
We saw the same thing with Corey Booker, God rest his soul as he is now "dead" to the left.

"OP's clipped rant"? As you know this M/B doesn't allow full articles to be C&Ped onto the board.
LOL -- you shoulda checked it out before throwing your pissant hissy fit. Below is the "clipped" portion from the OP article-----in-it's-entirety.

UPDATE: 1:25 p.m. -- Matt O'Brien, associate business editor at The Atlantic, wrote a stinging blog post fact-checking Ferguson's cover story, writing that "we got an exercise in Ferguson's specialty -- counterfactual history." Head over to The Atlantic for the full fact-check.

"counterfactual history", hmmm, where have I heard that before?
Are ya feelin' stupid yet? You people-----you people crack me up.
Fact checking Pubcrappe is Communist. It's all BULLSHYTTE. Take Romney's big talking points now:

"Obama gutted Workfare, Medicare" -Pub PANTS ON FIRE always...

A) Gave states right to ask for waivers to IMPROVE Welfare, % working if anything...NOTHING like what lying Pubs say...Romney WANTED it for Mass. 100% FOS.

B) It's a way to cut Medicare costs from suppliers- that suppliers agreed to as costs WILL go down as Teddycare proves, AND an influx of INSURED patients. Does NOTHING to benefits of patients AT ALL.

BTW, Medicare patients WILL lose with Romney Plan- doughnut hole WILL open again. ANOTHER lie our cowardly corporate media doesn't report...not to mention cost will continue to rise at 15% annually, NOT the 2% now of Teddy/Romneycare.For more Pub lies, see sig pp3.

Obama "lies" are BS Pubcrappe!! Still waiting for ONE...Pub policy are one big pile of pandering to the greedy, bloated rich. FACT, dupes.
Krugman who said Paul Ryan's plan will kill people and the Failed Stimulus failed because it was too small...that Paul Krugman?
Krugman who said Paul Ryan's plan will kill people and the Failed Stimulus failed because it was too small...that Paul Krugman?

For a change you're right, it is "that" Paul Krugman, except Krugman didn't say the stimulus "failed". One thing he did say is: "What’s extraordinary about all this is that stimulus can’t have failed, because it never happened. Once you take state and local cutbacks into account, there was no surge of government spending."

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