Country artists Larry Gatlin, Larry Stewart, & Don MacLean pull out of NRA convention performances where Trump & Cruz will speak following TX shooting

Maybe gun stores should be looked at a little closer?

For Example: How would you answer the following question on the application if you had a medicinal marijuana card if the state you lived legalized it and if advised by the gun shop just put no would you turn them in?

Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance? Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside.
You lie--of course. Just like you did for the medical marijuana card~
In Texas, the person would either lie out their ass or go just down the street to the nearest Denny's parking lot and make the purchase there with no ID required.
No, we can all do that. What if the owner of the gun store told them to answer no to that question or another question?
Sure. Population games that numb the youth....a population inured to violence....a desire for notoriety and fame, a moment of power...the availability of weapons....and a lot of powerlessness and anger.
To start with.
Your start with list is a little lite on reasons...

How about the burning, pilfering, plundering, raping, shooting of the "Summer of Love"...? Consequences were severe... The Government sent you money... It was devastating... BILLIONS of dollars of damage and no one was held accountable...
Behavior of this nature has to be challenged or we turn into a 3rd world country...
People who are living on the edge, see behavior like this with no consequences and go ahead and jump...
Your start with list is a little lite on reasons...

How about the burning, pilfering, plundering, raping, shooting of the "Summer of Love"...? Consequences were severe... The Government sent you money... It was devastating... BILLIONS of dollars of damage and no one was held accountable...
Behavior of this nature has to be challenged or we turn into a 3rd world country...
People who are living on the edge, see behavior like this with no consequences and go ahead and jump...
Your timeline is just a bit..short, shall we say. "Summer of Love' eh? means something a bit different to me--but I get your meaning.
No..I don't think so. The BLM protests..and the riots----were not that '60's and '70's standards. I think a lot of people have made a mountain out of a molehill on this issue. Political shyte, ya know?

the reasons are all about psychology and pathology, are you really all the interested?

Govt. sending money was thought to be a great idea by all. Inflation is the price we pay..for the Payday loan idea of 'Money Now"!
The NRA didnt kill those kids. A wacked leftist did.

So enjoy the NRA celebration.

Memorial day is about Americans who picked up guns and fought against tyranny around the globe. At Omaha beach no one gave a fuck if you were woke or offended as the put a round in you to take those beaches.

Wasnt about blaming guns for a psycopath leftist to ban guns.

Anyway. Screw you leftist gun grabbers and enjoy the celebration NRA
EvilEyeFleegle ... Just going with the facts...

he BLM protests..and the riots----were not that '60's and '70's standards. I think a lot of people have made a mountain out of a molehill on this issue. Political shyte, ya know?
I kept a pretty close eye on the 60's and 70's... rookies compared to the ANTIFA/BLM riots of 2 years ago... If you want to compare 2 decades of social unrest to 2 months worth, you got grapefruit & kiwi in your bowl...
And your right about it being political shit...
No..I don't think so. The BLM protests..and the riots----were not that '60's and '70's standards. I think a lot of people have made a mountain out of a molehill on this issue. Political shyte, ya know?

Wow, you are dumb....At least 17 people died during Floyd protests/riots, and some estimates as high as 36 people...


Okay, we'll play your link game even though you know better.

Do You Need a Background Check to Buy a Handgun in Texas?

Private Sales​

Private gun sales in Texas don’t require background checks. This means that, as a Texas resident, you can sell a gun to another Texas resident and no background check is required. It’s the responsibility of the seller to make sure the buyer is a Texas resident and not a convicted felon. Verifying this information could be as simple as asking the buyer these two questions. State law doesn’t require the seller to take further actions to verify this information.
EvilEyeFleegle ... Just going with the facts...

I kept a pretty close eye on the 60's and 70's... rookies compared to the ANTIFA/BLM riots of 2 years ago... If you want to compare 2 decades of social unrest to 2 months worth, you got grapefruit & kiwi in your bowl...
And your right about it being political shit...
Shall we go with..oh..Summer of 1968..and compare? Anyway..this will boil until some real change occurs..just like the '60's and '70's..good, bad..but not indifferent.

Okay, we'll play your link game even though you know better.

Do You Need a Background Check to Buy a Handgun in Texas?

Private Sales​

Private gun sales in Texas don’t require background checks. This means that, as a Texas resident, you can sell a gun to another Texas resident and no background check is required. It’s the responsibility of the seller to make sure the buyer is a Texas resident and not a convicted felon. Verifying this information could be as simple as asking the buyer these two questions. State law doesn’t require the seller to take further actions to verify this information.

I don't know why it quoted that from you...I was actually asking for a link to this statement from you....

"In Texas? A 14 year old that looks like a 17 year old can purchase an AR without even an ID."

Now, what are you talking about here...?
LOL! Hey, he wounded his grandma..shortly before going to the school..with the gun he had already bought, right? Thus kinda hard for the check to have caught him~

Where did this kid get $4,000 to buy those weapons? It does not add up.
My point is when people see behavior like what was going on and no repercussion's, it's like society is giving free passes for acting like street thugs...

Shall we go with..oh..Summer of 1968..and compare? Anyway..this will boil until some real change occurs..just like the '60's and '70's..good, bad..but not indifferent.

Martin Luther King Jr., in Memphis for the sanitation workers’ strike, is fatally shot on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel. Gunman James Earl Ray, a white supremacist, flees the country. Over the next week, riots in more than 100 cities nationwide leave 39 people dead, more than 2,600 injured and 21,000 arrested.

Students take over five buildings on Columbia University’s campus and briefly hold a dean hostage, calling for the university to cut its ties to military research. Before dawn on April 30 administrators call in the police, who respond with about 1,000 officers. More than 700 people are arrested, and 132 students, four faculty and 12 officers are injured.
You almost gotta laugh that Larry Gatlin still makes a buck peddling some snake oil "sleep remedy" on Fox. What a chicken shit.
I don't know why it quoted that from you...I was actually asking for a link to this statement from you....

"In Texas? A 14 year old that looks like a 17 year old can purchase an AR without even an ID."

Now, what are you talking about here...?

Common sense. You know what that is? Something completely out of your wheel house. If a seller decides to sell to a 14 year old out of the back of his buick then the sale is made. The Seller can always claim the thought the buyer looked old enough. You know, the old booze defense that was ruled against decades ago.; There is nothing that says the buyer must even show a valid ID for the sale. The Seller is supposed to be aware of it. But it happens on a daily basis in Texas and Arizona. Texas is a hotbed of hot guns. Second goes to Arizona and 3rd goes to Indiana before they did a law change in indy. Those are facts no matter how you want to spin them. The South is going to have the lions share of the school killings in the last 10 years because you people just ain't too smart but damned are you armed.

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