Couple donates ten million dollars to Head Start


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

A true act of courage and kindness. We need more benevolent acts of kindness. God Bless Them.
Well if that's what they want to do with their money than more power to them. It's time the government got out of the family handout business and left it to churchs and private donation anyway.$10-million-to-help-head-start-amid-government-shutdown/

A true act of courage and kindness. We need more benevolent acts of kindness. God Bless Them.

I believe in Headstart . I worked with Headstart one summer back in the late 60's--must have just started around that time.

The truth is --I support programs like that in general. Certainly there is 'abuse' --of the system but 'that is just how I am'.

this will probably not sit well with some/many --but when I think of millions and billions of dollars that are invested in 'recreational sports'--and other less than critical aspects of life--it doesn't sit well with me to think that young children are at the bottom of the list. Just the way life is in the US. pretty much has always been that way.

I hope Dario Francietti? race car driver is recovering well. How many millions are spent to enable him to drive faster than anyone? That's the sort of thing that gets to me at times. Millions for a car to wreck while driving at top speed. just not my thing.
The Arnolds are Obama supporters. Okay Murdoch, how about helping some poor kids? Oh, thats right. You are an Aussie....

Michelle Rhee's Backers Include Obama Bundler Billionaire, Big Romney Backer
Billionaire John Arnold, a former Enron trader and his wife Laura, were slated to host in their Houston home a $10,000-ticket Obama fundraiser to feature Michelle Obama last October (the event was postponed). Arnold describes himself as a libertarian, and his wife Laura identifies as a Democrat. Still, Arnold was one of Obama's top 2008 donors, a bundler who gave the campaign between $50,000 and $100,000. According to Huffington Post's FundRace, he has given $35,800 to the Obama Victory Fund 2012.
Tired of our tax dollars going for this , what is glorified free baby sitting. Why cant the parents teach the children the basics like we did for years. My boys did not go to preschool. They did go out to a mothers day out program that I paid for 2 days a week. Gave me a break to do grocery shopping, deep clean the house with out the kids under foot.. I taught them their abcs, colors, counting , how to tie their shoes and write their name and know their address ect .. This is the PARENTS job . Not the tax payers jobs. And guess what without any preschool or head start . My kids have made honor roll every year and my kids have been in the 10 ten percent of their class. WHILE most of these kids in Head start since A LOT are minority do not even graduate!!!!! It doesn't work. If it did there would be more kids who graduate.. It is a failure program besides the free babysitting these kids get and what gets me MOST Of the Mothers don't even work. They are one welfare or some sort of assistance..
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Tired of our tax dollars going for this , what is glorified free baby sitting. Why cant the parents teach the children the basics like we did for years. My boys did not go to preschool. They did go out to a mothers day out program that I paid for 2 days a week. Gave me a break to do grocery shopping, deep clean the house with out the kids under foot.. I taught them their abcs, colors, counting , how to tie their shoes and write their name and know their address ect .. This is the PARENTS job . Not the tax payers jobs. And guess what without any preschool or head start . My kids have made honor roll every year and my kids have been in the 10 ten percent of their class. WHILE most of these kids in Head start since A LOT are minority do not even graduate!!!!! It doesn't work. If it did there would be more kids who graduate.. It is a failure program besides the free babysitting these kids get and what gets me MOST Of the Mothers don't even work. They are one welfare or some sort of assistance..

You really do not know what you are talking about, lass.

Head Start is an excellent educational investment.

Possibly those educational dollars spent give us the very best return on investment in the world of Education.
Tired of our tax dollars going for this , what is glorified free baby sitting. Why cant the parents teach the children the basics like we did for years. My boys did not go to preschool. They did go out to a mothers day out program that I paid for 2 days a week. Gave me a break to do grocery shopping, deep clean the house with out the kids under foot.. I taught them their abcs, colors, counting , how to tie their shoes and write their name and know their address ect .. This is the PARENTS job . Not the tax payers jobs. And guess what without any preschool or head start . My kids have made honor roll every year and my kids have been in the 10 ten percent of their class. WHILE most of these kids in Head start since A LOT are minority do not even graduate!!!!! It doesn't work. If it did there would be more kids who graduate.. It is a failure program besides the free babysitting these kids get and what gets me MOST Of the Mothers don't even work. They are one welfare or some sort of assistance..

I agree. Why should I pay for daycare because the woman was stupid enough to have a kid she couldn't afford. All the welfare government programs take food out of the mouths of my family that my husband worked hard for and gives it to irresponsible able bodied people who don't want to take care of their own shit. When the welfare mothers come to my house, cook my husband dinner,clean his cloths and suck his dick, then she can have his money for her offspring. Think about it people, what has Compton Carlotta done for you lately to deserve your hard earned cash? Welfare is little more that a charity that had a government label slapped on it to force you to pay into it. It's time to dump the freeloaders.
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Tired of our tax dollars going for this , what is glorified free baby sitting. Why cant the parents teach the children the basics like we did for years. My boys did not go to preschool. They did go out to a mothers day out program that I paid for 2 days a week. Gave me a break to do grocery shopping, deep clean the house with out the kids under foot.. I taught them their abcs, colors, counting , how to tie their shoes and write their name and know their address ect .. This is the PARENTS job . Not the tax payers jobs. And guess what without any preschool or head start . My kids have made honor roll every year and my kids have been in the 10 ten percent of their class. WHILE most of these kids in Head start since A LOT are minority do not even graduate!!!!! It doesn't work. If it did there would be more kids who graduate.. It is a failure program besides the free babysitting these kids get and what gets me MOST Of the Mothers don't even work. They are one welfare or some sort of assistance..

whatever--all of that is 'true' and the reasons for having such programs are also 'true'.

if we take a historical look---going back to the 19th, early 20th century--children of immigrants/lower economic families were starving and dying and working in factories for pennies a day--the glorious tradition of Charles Dicken's England. I have to agree with those who thought 'something should be done'. --sigh--progressive--Reform.

There are those who 'can't' do what you did--and those that 'won't'. I understand that.

As I said--Headstart was probably just starting when I was in college. I greatly enjoyed the summer I worked with that program. Then I taught for several decades. I guess that's just how I feel about kids--they deserve some assistance and support.

Things have changed considerably--the 'entitled' attitude is not something for which I have a great deal of patience--but in theory--'the children' deserve support--having no choice but to be brought into the world.
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