Couples staying together because of poor economy

Sunnidiot, you've gotta be the stupidest motherfucker on the face of this, or any other, planet.

Supposedly you're a therapist, which explains why you play the passive aggressive game so well, you've had training. However, running your experiments on others on this messageboard is way fucking out of line. continually ignore all the SCIENTIFIC AND MEDICAL data that people pass your way, because you're happy in your own ignorance.

Maybe the earth will just open up and swallow you whole......I can only hope.

I do feel bad for your family though........having to live with a close minded fanatical asshole such as yourself.
Sunnidiot, you've gotta be the stupidest motherfucker on the face of this, or any other, planet.

Supposedly you're a therapist, which explains why you play the passive aggressive game so well, you've had training. However, running your experiments on others on this messageboard is way fucking out of line. continually ignore all the SCIENTIFIC AND MEDICAL data that people pass your way, because you're happy in your own ignorance.

Maybe the earth will just open up and swallow you whole......I can only hope.

I do feel bad for your family though........having to live with a close minded fanatical asshole such as yourself.

A therapist?

No wonder people have such a hard time getting off drugs!
I'm not surprised to hear Bush admit this.

Bush had two lines of thought he could have pursued. That of his hwaks or that of his father and Powell. Mainly his father. Had 9/11 not taken place, I think he would have been more inclined to listen to his fathers direction.

When Powell stood before the UN and presented what he believed and what Bush believed to be correct and vital intelligence the door was open to go either way. Given the over all uncertainty of how much Iraq may have been involved with terror in general (not 9/11) and a possible resurgence of a weapons program, he listened to his hawks. In fact, at that point, even Powell was convinced that enough had been uncovered to support the more direct and harsh approach. The only one still advising him to not take that course was his father, the one who Bush should have listened to, the one man who truly had the best overall understanding and who truly had his son's best interest at heart.

From there other mistakes made the situation worse. The execution of this war frankly was really very poor until of late. Even with our forces in Afghanistan, had Bush made better execution choices, we could have and should have been able to control and stabilize the country much better than we have, thus saving many innocent lives.

Though I sided with 41's approach on how to take Saddam out, I understood why Bush chose to take the course he did. However, I have never been able to understand the early execution failures which really changed the entire outcome of it. He lost my support right then and that was very early on, in fact in the first week of ground movement, because he was placing politics ahead of American lives.

Just my personal feelings on the deal.

Not enough boots on the ground is the basic reason why Iraq collapsed. Nobody listened to Gen.Shinseki until it was too late..

After President Bush told the nation on Wednesday night that he was ordering a rapid increase of American forces in Iraq, Gen. Eric K. Shinseki was not among the retired officers to offer instant analysis on television.

But the president’s new strategy, with its explicit acknowledgment that not enough troops had been sent to Iraq to establish control, was a vindication for General Shinseki, who as Army chief of staff publicly told Congress as much just before the war began in 2003.
First vilified, then marginalized by the Bush administration after those comments, General Shinseki retired and faded away, even as lawmakers, pundits and politicians increasingly cited his prescience.

“We never had enough troops to begin with,” Senator Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, said just before the president’s televised address. “A month or two ago we found out the Army is broken, and they agreed that General Shinseki was right.”

Gen. John P. Abizaid, the departing commander of American forces in the Middle East, told Congress late last year, “General Shinseki was right that a greater international force contribution, U.S. force contribution and Iraqi force contribution should have been available immediately after major combat operations.”
In his prime-time address on Wednesday, even President Bush said the main reason past efforts to stabilize Baghdad had failed was that “there were not enough Iraqi and American troops to secure neighborhoods that had been cleared of terrorists and insurgents.”
The acknowledgment was far different from the harsh administration rebuttals after General Shinseki electrified Washington with his blunt warning that victory in Iraq would require more troops than were being deployed for the invasion.
He was the target of immediate rebuke from the Pentagon leadership, in particular from Donald H. Rumsfeld, then secretary of defense, and his deputy, Paul D. Wolfowitz. Mr. Wolfowitz dismissed the testimony as “wildly off the mark.”
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Not enough boots on the ground is the basic reason why Iraq collapsed. Nobody listened to Gen.Shinseki until it was too late..

Exactly. When Turkey denied us the north, Bush should have held up until he got them on the ground and properly staged. Further, IMO even with the forces from the north, it still would have been good to have more numbers. When Bush pushed it, after letting Turkey do that, IMO from that point on he began to play politics with American lives. Well, we have been there and done that.

Good point and thank you for the link.
wait a minute here, i thought Bush was a war monger that wanted to invade Iraq from day one???????

well, thats what most libs have said
wait a minute here, i thought Bush was a war monger that wanted to invade Iraq from day one???????

well, thats what most libs have said

Bush is lying to try to make excuses for his failures.

This man will NEVER take responsibility for ANYTHING.
Watch the interview, at 3:14 Bush says greatest dissapointment in Iraq was NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!!
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Watch the interview, at 3:14 Bush says greatest dissapointment in Iraq was NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!!


If you went half way round the world to kick someone’s arse, because you were told they were making threats towards you, but you subsequently found out they weren’t and you were misinformed, would you most:

A. Regret having kicked an innocent persons arse

B. Regret that he hadn’t been threatening you

IMO B. is the wrong answer, but apparently Bush’s

If you went half way round the world to kick someone’s arse, because you were told they were making threats towards you, but you subsequently found out they weren’t and you were misinformed, would you most:

A. Regret having kicked an innocent persons arse

B. Regret that he hadn’t been threatening you

IMO B. is the wrong answer, but apparently Bush’s

Don't try to figure out Bush II logic, amigo.

It's like trying to make sense of the babbling nonsense of pyschotics.

"They hate us for our freedoms" pretty much sums up the ability of that nitwit to fathom his world.

He's an illogical ignoramous like most of his supporters.
Don't try to figure out Bush II logic, amigo.

It's like trying to make sense of the babbling nonsense of pyschotics.

"They hate us for our freedoms" pretty much sums up the ability of that nitwit to fathom his world.

He's an illogical ignoramous like most of his supporters.


Thank God, he will be gone soon.

Thank God, he will be gone soon.

But the types of people who supported him remain.

The stupid will always be among us

Jesus said that, I think.

If he didn't he should have.
But the types of people who supported him remain.

The stupid will always be among us

Jesus said that, I think.

If he didn't he should have.
actually, he said "the poor"
but your post kinda proves your statement as well ;)
Watch the interview, at 3:14 Bush says greatest dissapointment in Iraq was NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!!
so now you finally believe something Bush says

you people are fucking CLOWNS
You knew things weren't going well for Bush's image when the GOP kept repeating the saying, "i think it's too soon to say, history will judge this president".

In other words, we write history so we'll just leave the bad parts out.

But they'll never again be able to say Carter was the worse.

And I still say Mission Accomplished for GW. His friends are all billionaires now.
so now you finally believe something Bush says

you people are fucking CLOWNS

I'm surprised you're such a staunch Bush apologist and defender DC.

apparently Bush is placing the blame for everything on the past adminstrations... everything from 9/11, the war in Iraq to the current economic meltdown.

He inadvertantly blamed his own father for the current crisis saying that it started more than 10 years before he was in office :lol:

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