Court awards 4.6 million because she was stuck w/ hypo needle she picked up in a Target parking lot

or maybe you put up a fence and keep them out to avoid the dangerous situation??? maybe????

did they ask the police to get rid of the folk? or could they have done something simple like go in mornings and clean the area?

is it possible the woman got the money she did because the needle was infected with HIV or hepatitis? or that they thought it might be and the woman spent months taking the drug cocktail to prevent getting AIDS? those would all have a value to a jury

Not if I was on the jury it wouldn't

well, not having been on the jury, you wouldn't know what the evidence was that they saw.

and if you went in that biased, no, you shouldn't be on the jury and should be excluded for cause.

Oh I can get on any jury. It's not that difficult

so you'd lie?

No I would say I would listen to and regard all evidence before I made a decision and I would

then you shouldn't be making a decision in this case without having heard the evidence is all i'm saying.
Not if I was on the jury it wouldn't

well, not having been on the jury, you wouldn't know what the evidence was that they saw.

and if you went in that biased, no, you shouldn't be on the jury and should be excluded for cause.

Oh I can get on any jury. It's not that difficult

so you'd lie?

No I would say I would listen to and regard all evidence before I made a decision and I would

then you shouldn't be making a decision in this case without having heard the evidence is all i'm saying.

There are certain things in life that are axiomatic.

One of them being that no one is responsible for the acts of another.

Tell me if some piece of shit criminal tossed a pistol into your bushes in the middle of the night and in the morning a neighbor's kid found it and killed himself with it would you be responsible?

Of course not.

If a business makes a reasonable attempt to keep its grounds clean and some junkie tosses a needle on the ground is it any negligence on the part o the business

of course not
well, not having been on the jury, you wouldn't know what the evidence was that they saw.

and if you went in that biased, no, you shouldn't be on the jury and should be excluded for cause.

Oh I can get on any jury. It's not that difficult

so you'd lie?

No I would say I would listen to and regard all evidence before I made a decision and I would

then you shouldn't be making a decision in this case without having heard the evidence is all i'm saying.

There are certain things in life that are axiomatic.

One of them being that no one is responsible for the acts of another.

Tell me if some piece of shit criminal tossed a pistol into your bushes in the middle of the night and in the morning a neighbor's kid found it and killed himself with it would you be responsible?

Of course not.

If a business makes a reasonable attempt to keep its grounds clean and some junkie tosses a needle on the ground is it any negligence on the part o the business

of course not

i understand your personal philosophy.

but the law requires you to be responsible for those dangerous things on your premises.

we don't know that target took ANY actions to secure their property. apparently the jury thought they did not. again, this verdict may be reduced or overturned. we'll wait and see.
I don't have to tell real parents that kids pick things off the ground and you can't always control that. There's just no stopping my autistic son once he fixes his eyes on something he wants to touch. Strange that you don't know this. Maybe you kept yours on leashes.

Watch your autistic son more closely.

Take it to the nth degree. I plant a broken bottle under the shade of a tree on your lawn. You can't see it but know it's there. I go and collect a ball I 'accidentally' kick under the tree. I 'accidentally' stand on the broken bottle. "Oopps!" Oh, look, my foot is bleeding. The owner of this house must pay. Thank you.

Where do you live SMDT?
Wrong. It's not a general principle, it's a "targeted" comeuppance. Target is a disturbance in the Force, so to speak, having sown a grievous offense by deliberately allowing pedophiles and perverts into restrooms where they don't belong. Exposing women and little girls to such danger has offended God and he is bringing down a whirlwind of retribution. If it wasn't this, it would have been something else. I pray there will be no slackening of divine judgement until Target is driven out of business.

It's like something unfair happening to someone you know is a bad person who deserves that and much worse. Do you feel sorry for the person? I don't. Target deserves this injustice and so much more.
well, not having been on the jury, you wouldn't know what the evidence was that they saw.

and if you went in that biased, no, you shouldn't be on the jury and should be excluded for cause.

Oh I can get on any jury. It's not that difficult

so you'd lie?

No I would say I would listen to and regard all evidence before I made a decision and I would

then you shouldn't be making a decision in this case without having heard the evidence is all i'm saying.

There are certain things in life that are axiomatic.

One of them being that no one is responsible for the acts of another.

Tell me if some piece of shit criminal tossed a pistol into your bushes in the middle of the night and in the morning a neighbor's kid found it and killed himself with it would you be responsible?

Of course not.

If a business makes a reasonable attempt to keep its grounds clean and some junkie tosses a needle on the ground is it any negligence on the part o the business

of course not
Target has become a magnet for all things that defile. Evil is drawn to it because of its perverted restroom policy. Ultimately they are responsible for this.
it was target's private property, including the lot....Target invited her to come to their property... the property was NOT safe for her to come there and an accident happened....

Target's Insurance will pay for the mistake. the punitive amount is a lot of money because innocent people invited to their property, like a two year old, could have picked up a needle that carried Hepatitis or AIDS,gotten pricked, and eventually died from it....

Seems like the amount is too excessive to me, however....this is to prevent target from letting this happen again.....and target should have a cleaning team out there sweeping up before the Store opens every day....if it happens again after that, they will show as defense they put reasonable methods of securing and cleaning the parking lot in and they can't help what happens outside of those measures...

I do think the amount will probably be reduced on an appeal.
Oh I can get on any jury. It's not that difficult

so you'd lie?

No I would say I would listen to and regard all evidence before I made a decision and I would

then you shouldn't be making a decision in this case without having heard the evidence is all i'm saying.

There are certain things in life that are axiomatic.

One of them being that no one is responsible for the acts of another.

Tell me if some piece of shit criminal tossed a pistol into your bushes in the middle of the night and in the morning a neighbor's kid found it and killed himself with it would you be responsible?

Of course not.

If a business makes a reasonable attempt to keep its grounds clean and some junkie tosses a needle on the ground is it any negligence on the part o the business

of course not
Target has become a magnet for all things that defile. Evil is drawn to it because of its perverted restroom policy. Ultimately they are responsible for this.

That syringe could have just as easily been thrown into your church parking lot
so you'd lie?

No I would say I would listen to and regard all evidence before I made a decision and I would

then you shouldn't be making a decision in this case without having heard the evidence is all i'm saying.

There are certain things in life that are axiomatic.

One of them being that no one is responsible for the acts of another.

Tell me if some piece of shit criminal tossed a pistol into your bushes in the middle of the night and in the morning a neighbor's kid found it and killed himself with it would you be responsible?

Of course not.

If a business makes a reasonable attempt to keep its grounds clean and some junkie tosses a needle on the ground is it any negligence on the part o the business

of course not
Target has become a magnet for all things that defile. Evil is drawn to it because of its perverted restroom policy. Ultimately they are responsible for this.

That syringe could have just as easily been thrown into your church parking lot
Not as easily, no.
No I would say I would listen to and regard all evidence before I made a decision and I would

then you shouldn't be making a decision in this case without having heard the evidence is all i'm saying.

There are certain things in life that are axiomatic.

One of them being that no one is responsible for the acts of another.

Tell me if some piece of shit criminal tossed a pistol into your bushes in the middle of the night and in the morning a neighbor's kid found it and killed himself with it would you be responsible?

Of course not.

If a business makes a reasonable attempt to keep its grounds clean and some junkie tosses a needle on the ground is it any negligence on the part o the business

of course not
Target has become a magnet for all things that defile. Evil is drawn to it because of its perverted restroom policy. Ultimately they are responsible for this.

That syringe could have just as easily been thrown into your church parking lot
Not as easily, no.

Of course as easily

How hard is it to drop a syringe on the ground? Or are you telling me you think that the sky man would smite the junkie before he could drop it?
then you shouldn't be making a decision in this case without having heard the evidence is all i'm saying.

There are certain things in life that are axiomatic.

One of them being that no one is responsible for the acts of another.

Tell me if some piece of shit criminal tossed a pistol into your bushes in the middle of the night and in the morning a neighbor's kid found it and killed himself with it would you be responsible?

Of course not.

If a business makes a reasonable attempt to keep its grounds clean and some junkie tosses a needle on the ground is it any negligence on the part o the business

of course not
Target has become a magnet for all things that defile. Evil is drawn to it because of its perverted restroom policy. Ultimately they are responsible for this.

That syringe could have just as easily been thrown into your church parking lot
Not as easily, no.

Of course as easily

How hard is it to drop a syringe on the ground? Or are you telling me you think that the sky man would smite the junkie before he could drop it?

Again if there was a judgment it is likely it was an endemic problem and not someone tossing a syringe over a fence
then you shouldn't be making a decision in this case without having heard the evidence is all i'm saying.

There are certain things in life that are axiomatic.

One of them being that no one is responsible for the acts of another.

Tell me if some piece of shit criminal tossed a pistol into your bushes in the middle of the night and in the morning a neighbor's kid found it and killed himself with it would you be responsible?

Of course not.

If a business makes a reasonable attempt to keep its grounds clean and some junkie tosses a needle on the ground is it any negligence on the part o the business

of course not
Target has become a magnet for all things that defile. Evil is drawn to it because of its perverted restroom policy. Ultimately they are responsible for this.

That syringe could have just as easily been thrown into your church parking lot
Not as easily, no.

Of course as easily

How hard is it to drop a syringe on the ground? Or are you telling me you think that the sky man would smite the junkie before he could drop it?
I'm saying that junkies don't hang around church parking lots with the same frequency
There are certain things in life that are axiomatic.

One of them being that no one is responsible for the acts of another.

Tell me if some piece of shit criminal tossed a pistol into your bushes in the middle of the night and in the morning a neighbor's kid found it and killed himself with it would you be responsible?

Of course not.

If a business makes a reasonable attempt to keep its grounds clean and some junkie tosses a needle on the ground is it any negligence on the part o the business

of course not
Target has become a magnet for all things that defile. Evil is drawn to it because of its perverted restroom policy. Ultimately they are responsible for this.

That syringe could have just as easily been thrown into your church parking lot
Not as easily, no.

Of course as easily

How hard is it to drop a syringe on the ground? Or are you telling me you think that the sky man would smite the junkie before he could drop it?

Again if there was a judgment it is likely it was an endemic problem and not someone tossing a syringe over a fence
We're in the same room through different doors.
Target has become a magnet for all things that defile. Evil is drawn to it because of its perverted restroom policy. Ultimately they are responsible for this.

That syringe could have just as easily been thrown into your church parking lot
Not as easily, no.

Of course as easily

How hard is it to drop a syringe on the ground? Or are you telling me you think that the sky man would smite the junkie before he could drop it?

Again if there was a judgment it is likely it was an endemic problem and not someone tossing a syringe over a fence
We're in the same room through different doors.

Might just be the case
There are certain things in life that are axiomatic.

One of them being that no one is responsible for the acts of another.

Tell me if some piece of shit criminal tossed a pistol into your bushes in the middle of the night and in the morning a neighbor's kid found it and killed himself with it would you be responsible?

Of course not.

If a business makes a reasonable attempt to keep its grounds clean and some junkie tosses a needle on the ground is it any negligence on the part o the business

of course not
Target has become a magnet for all things that defile. Evil is drawn to it because of its perverted restroom policy. Ultimately they are responsible for this.

That syringe could have just as easily been thrown into your church parking lot
Not as easily, no.

Of course as easily

How hard is it to drop a syringe on the ground? Or are you telling me you think that the sky man would smite the junkie before he could drop it?

Again if there was a judgment it is likely it was an endemic problem and not someone tossing a syringe over a fence

Now who is assuming things?
There are certain things in life that are axiomatic.

One of them being that no one is responsible for the acts of another.

Tell me if some piece of shit criminal tossed a pistol into your bushes in the middle of the night and in the morning a neighbor's kid found it and killed himself with it would you be responsible?

Of course not.

If a business makes a reasonable attempt to keep its grounds clean and some junkie tosses a needle on the ground is it any negligence on the part o the business

of course not
Target has become a magnet for all things that defile. Evil is drawn to it because of its perverted restroom policy. Ultimately they are responsible for this.

That syringe could have just as easily been thrown into your church parking lot
Not as easily, no.

Of course as easily

How hard is it to drop a syringe on the ground? Or are you telling me you think that the sky man would smite the junkie before he could drop it?
I'm saying that junkies don't hang around church parking lots with the same frequency

Really? Churches minister to addicts all the time don't they?

Or are they banned from the magic sky man's temple?

And a junkie doesn't need to hang around to to drop a needle on the ground he just has to be walking by
Target has become a magnet for all things that defile. Evil is drawn to it because of its perverted restroom policy. Ultimately they are responsible for this.

That syringe could have just as easily been thrown into your church parking lot
Not as easily, no.

Of course as easily

How hard is it to drop a syringe on the ground? Or are you telling me you think that the sky man would smite the junkie before he could drop it?

Again if there was a judgment it is likely it was an endemic problem and not someone tossing a syringe over a fence

Now who is assuming things?

That's based on the fact that if they had no notice of the condition then they wouldn't have been found to be negligent.

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