Court Forces Non-Religious Mom To Get Christian Counseling Or Lose Custody Of Her Children

The judge should be removed form the bench as he is doing something unconstitutional by forcing his religious beliefs on normal people

Holly Salzman is a loving mother of two sons who lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She recently sought court aid in coparenting her children with their father, from whom she is now divorced. The judge then ordered her to attend sessions with a Christian counselor or face contempt of court charges and lose custody of her children.

Court Forces Non-Religious Mom To Get Christian Counseling Or Lose Custody Of Her Children

so what you leftards always say the judge is right

Only when they are.

in your opinion
Nope my agreement to a given verdict or ruling is not based on opinion but facts.
View attachment 50212
Again false
Only homophobes say it is , but hey that's all you.
Yeah right, I have never done anything against a queer, but medically it is a mental disorder. I'm just tired of hearing about it every where I go.
False 50 years ago it was but not now it's as homophobic and as antiquated as the pejorative queer.
That is a mental disorder.
Next time you put on a suit which is really just another kind of costume .it must be a mental disorder too.
God you're an ignorant fuck.
They are proud to dress like that you degenerate.
Why should they not be, a costume is made to be worn proudly.
You do realize that there has not been a single case where a Judge ordered a baker to bake a cake, right?

Judge Orders Colorado Bakery to Cater for Same-Sex Weddings
A Colorado baker who refused to make a cake for a gay couple has been given an ultimatum by a judge; serve gay weddings or face fines.
Did not order him to bake a cake, ordered him to follow the law that did not allow him to discriminate based on sexual orientation. It was a cease and desist order directing him to stop breaking the law. The wedding he refused to bake for was long over.

Semantics seems to have blinded you in your ideology.
He ordered him to bake cakes for future weddings.
Nicolle Martin, an attorney for Masterpiece Cakeshop, told The Associated Press that the judge's decision was "reprehensible" and "antithetical to everything America stands for."

"He can't violate his conscience in order to collect a paycheck," Martin said. "If Jack can't make wedding cakes, he can't continue to support his family. And in order to make wedding cakes, Jack must violate his belief system."
Ordered him to cease and desist from violating Colorado law. Does not want to follow the law, move or choose a different occupation.

The Court gave rights to a small minority and took rights away from the large majority, rather than working things out where both have their rights.
Bullshit .
Of course, one way to look at this argument is that nobody can force another to abide by a set of dogma they don't agree with... You know..dogma is all about human behaviors and not a static thing like being born with a birthmark or being born black..

So what looks like a "victory" to the LGBT cult here may in fact just be the other side of the Kim Davis coin. She didn't force people to follow her faith, she just refused to allow her name to be affixed to any marriage certificate that promotes homosexualty as a social norm.

So if this lady here wins her case, which of course she will, it will be an affirmation of the 1st Amendment, not the opposite. She will have won the right to not be forced to accomodate certain behaviors via dogma, be it a religion or as in the case of LGBT, a cult.
Did not order him to bake a cake, ordered him to follow the law that did not allow him to discriminate based on sexual orientation. It was a cease and desist order directing him to stop breaking the law. The wedding he refused to bake for was long over.

Semantics seems to have blinded you in your ideology.
He ordered him to bake cakes for future weddings.
Nicolle Martin, an attorney for Masterpiece Cakeshop, told The Associated Press that the judge's decision was "reprehensible" and "antithetical to everything America stands for."

"He can't violate his conscience in order to collect a paycheck," Martin said. "If Jack can't make wedding cakes, he can't continue to support his family. And in order to make wedding cakes, Jack must violate his belief system."
Ordered him to cease and desist from violating Colorado law. Does not want to follow the law, move or choose a different occupation.

The Court gave rights to a small minority and took rights away from the large majority, rather than working things out where both have their rights.
What rights were taken away? The right to discriminate? Sorry, that right was taken away by the Colorado legislature when they passed the anti-discrimination laws.

The right to practice their faith.
It is also discrimination against those of faith.
False they are free to practice they're faith in way they choose , up to the point where it infringes on others rights.
Of course, one way to look at this argument is that nobody can force another to abide by a set of dogma they don't agree with... You know..dogma is all about human behaviors and not a static thing like being born with a birthmark or being born black..

So what looks like a "victory" to the LGBT cult here may in fact just be the other side of the Kim Davis coin. She didn't force people to follow her faith, she just refused to allow her name to be affixed to any marriage certificate that promotes homosexualty as a social norm.
Fuck off silly wet!
False they are free to practice they're faith in way they choose , up to the point where it infringes on others rights.

Can you point me in the direction of where the US Constitution says "just some repugnant deviant sex behaviors have the right to marry but others don't"? Or the twin question:, could you describe to me in exact legal terms how polygamy and incest are not legal now across all 50 states?

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Yeah right, I have never done anything against a queer, but medically it is a mental disorder. I'm just tired of hearing about it every where I go.
False 50 years ago it was but not now it's as homophobic and as antiquated as the pejorative queer.
That is a mental disorder.
Next time you put on a suit which is really just another kind of costume .it must be a mental disorder too.
God you're an ignorant fuck.
They are proud to dress like that you degenerate.
Why should they not be, a costume is made to be worn proudly.
Yeah costume, that's how they should dress their daughter for Halloween. Lol, like I said. Being queer is a mental disorder.
Anyone who writes about "repugnant deviant sex behaviors" has no clue about the issue of marriage equality.
False they are free to practice they're faith in way they choose , up to the point where it infringes on others rights.

Can you point me in the direction of where the US Constitution says "just some repugnant deviant sex behaviors have the right to marry but others don't"? Or the twin question:, could you describe to me in exact legal terms how polygamy and incest are not legal now across all 50 states?

Wrong thread pencil dick.
View attachment 50212
False 50 years ago it was but not now it's as homophobic and as antiquated as the pejorative queer.
That is a mental disorder.
Next time you put on a suit which is really just another kind of costume .it must be a mental disorder too.
God you're an ignorant fuck.
They are proud to dress like that you degenerate.
Why should they not be, a costume is made to be worn proudly.
Yeah costume, that's how they should dress their daughter for Halloween. Lol, like I said. Being queer is a mental disorder.
The only real mental disorder here is obviously yours.
Judge Orders Colorado Bakery to Cater for Same-Sex Weddings
A Colorado baker who refused to make a cake for a gay couple has been given an ultimatum by a judge; serve gay weddings or face fines.

When it comes to legal matters you should really read the court documents instead of attention getting headline used to sell papers and generate internet it.

The Judge did not order Masterpiece Cakes to serve gay weddings. The Judge issued a order that means that Masterpiece Cakes cannot discriminate in the selling of their product to same-sex couples.

Here is the "money shot" if you will:

"(1) Cease and desist from discriminating against Complainants and other same sex couples by refusing to sell them wedding cakes or any other product Respondents would provide to heterosexual couples;"​

Masterpiece Cakes is free to remove wedding cakes from their catalog of products and not sell them, they are not required under the ruling to sell them to same-sex couples in the future.

Judges Ruling -->>

The Court gave rights to a small minority and took rights away from the large majority, rather than working things out where both have their rights.

The legislature is the one that passed Public Accommodation laws, the Judge ruled in accordance with the law.

In the grand scheme, how bad is this really? Would a person rather have to pay money, do community service, etc. than go to counseling? Just because she has to go doesn't mean that she has to listen to anything that the counselor says to her. I don't believe that counseling is really all that helpful, but how hurtful is it really if any? In my opinion, not very much. Just go and get it over with and them move on to whatever your next objective was.

God bless you and the woman always!!!

The judge should be removed form the bench as he is doing something unconstitutional by forcing his religious beliefs on normal people

Holly Salzman is a loving mother of two sons who lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She recently sought court aid in coparenting her children with their father, from whom she is now divorced. The judge then ordered her to attend sessions with a Christian counselor or face contempt of court charges and lose custody of her children.

Court Forces Non-Religious Mom To Get Christian Counseling Or Lose Custody Of Her Children

so what you leftards always say the judge is right

Only when they are.

in your opinion
Nope my agreement to a given verdict or ruling is not based on opinion but facts.

only when you think so
View attachment 50212
Yes it is, being queer is also considered a mental disorder.
Again false
Only homophobes say it is , but hey that's all you.
Yeah right, I have never done anything against a queer, but medically it is a mental disorder. I'm just tired of hearing about it every where I go.
False 50 years ago it was but not now it's as homophobic and as antiquated as the pejorative queer.
That is a mental disorder.

This is equality as well as; life, liberty and pursuit of happiness
It is also due process and equal protection, justice and enumerated rights
The judge should be removed form the bench as he is doing something unconstitutional by forcing his religious beliefs on normal people

Holly Salzman is a loving mother of two sons who lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She recently sought court aid in coparenting her children with their father, from whom she is now divorced. The judge then ordered her to attend sessions with a Christian counselor or face contempt of court charges and lose custody of her children.

Court Forces Non-Religious Mom To Get Christian Counseling Or Lose Custody Of Her Children

so what you leftards always say the judge is right

Only when they are.

in your opinion
Nope my agreement to a given verdict or ruling is not based on opinion but facts.

only when you think so
This should shed some light on the subject. Here is a local piece on the aforementioned story.

Court-ordered religious classes raise concerns
Well that cash money angle should be looked into QUITE closely.
Still missed out on WHY the court order though.

It seems she does pepper (get it, lol) her classes with some religious jazz and the money issue is troubling. The whole thing sounds fishy. I wonder if she is related to anyone in The Family Court? :dunno:

Ms Pepper is a poster child for the premise that "Christians" think they have a God-given right to lie, cheat, and steal. "Keep her costs down" my ass. She doesn't want to split her lucre with anyone and is willing to break the law rather than rent a place of business. Disgusting.
Did not order him to bake a cake, ordered him to follow the law that did not allow him to discriminate based on sexual orientation. It was a cease and desist order directing him to stop breaking the law. The wedding he refused to bake for was long over.

Semantics seems to have blinded you in your ideology.
He ordered him to bake cakes for future weddings.
Nicolle Martin, an attorney for Masterpiece Cakeshop, told The Associated Press that the judge's decision was "reprehensible" and "antithetical to everything America stands for."

"He can't violate his conscience in order to collect a paycheck," Martin said. "If Jack can't make wedding cakes, he can't continue to support his family. And in order to make wedding cakes, Jack must violate his belief system."
Ordered him to cease and desist from violating Colorado law. Does not want to follow the law, move or choose a different occupation.

The Court gave rights to a small minority and took rights away from the large majority, rather than working things out where both have their rights.
What rights were taken away? The right to discriminate? Sorry, that right was taken away by the Colorado legislature when they passed the anti-discrimination laws.

The right to practice their faith.
It is also discrimination against those of faith.
Baking a cake for a party that follows a wedding is not "practicing their faith". There is nothing about baking a cake that is a religious expression. You choose to engage in commerce, you have to follow the rules and one of the rules is that you may not discriminate.
And nobody has produced the original decress that would influence the court's decisions.

Until that happens, none of you have proven anything.
If you read the article, you would know that this was not about enforcing any decree. There may not even be a custody order. The case came before the Judge on Mother's Petition for co-parenting counseling.

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