Court narrows law used to target white supremacists


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision overturned a district court judge’s ruling in 2019 that found key sections of the Federal Anti-Riot Act violated the First Amendment by criminalizing speech that did not incite imminent lawless action.

“We recognize that the freedoms to speak and assemble which are enshrined in the First Amendment are of the utmost importance in maintaining a truly free society. Nevertheless, it would be cavalier to assert that the government and its citizens cannot act, but must sit quietly and wait until they are actually physically injured or have had their property destroyed by those who are trying to perpetrate, or cause the perpetration of, those violent outrages against them,” the appeals court panel wrote.
“Of course, the government cannot act to avert a perceived danger too soon, but it can act before it is too late,” the court added.

So, it's going to be interesting to see what happens, if anything, to the Rise Above Movement.
I wonder where that ruling was when they were burning, looting and murdering in Seattle and Portland last summer? This sounds more political than something out of compassionate concern. Same old ninth circuit bullshit.
Seems reasonable to me. They will be charged for their actions, not their words. O.K.
This sounds more political than something out of compassionate concern
Of course it is. Law is not supposed to have compassion and is supposed to be only concerned with, applying a Law to a given situation- that's why it's called, the Rule of Law- the courts, and a lot of its officers act under the Color of Law, which is merely emotion hiding behind Law to arrive at and conduct ones self, legitimately, to justify (excuse an act or action) rendering it an Edict of Man- a Court is not supposed to write Law and I don't think they should interpret it, (that's what Law writers get over paid for, and IF words mean things, then it stands until Law writers learn Simple English and stop with their legalese gobbledy-gook)) Law since that introduces Color of Law

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