Ron DeSantis Suffers Blow As Court Rejects 'Dystopian' Anti-Woke Law

Anything that keeps racism out of our schools should be OK with everybody.
CRT teaches kids to hate whites & wokester ideology is the nectar of the ignorant & dim witted.

It purposely seeks to divide the nation along whatever lines they can gaslight the sheeple with & then divide them into separate camps to facilitate the reset.

It's all about divide & conquer but anybody that has retained an ability to reason after years of gaslighting will see through it all to this obvious deeper agenda.

As usual, you progbots & your delusional/deranged emotions mean nothing to me so your replies are just a fart in the wind.
In this case, my definition for academic freedom is total Govt. non-interference in the classroom curricullum, absent criminal activity.
I agree. Especially when government interferes by funding colleges that would not be successful otherwise, and by funding students unwilling to pay for their own colleges.

So long as tax dollars are sent to public universities, taxpayers are entitled to a say in what is taught there.
All viewpoints? Sure..although those who take on contentious subjects like White Superiority or conspiracy shyte are subject to the judgement of the students and faculty.
Let the college decide..and let the students decide..if they don't agree..they can work it out.
Sorry, I don't want tax dollars funding some Nazi ideologue professor, any more than I want them spent on some Soviet idealogue professor. Students in college are barely past childhood, and often living off of my hard work.
Yes, I know you can parse this out infinitely---and come up with sorts of things. But Govt. interference in the Universities is a bad thing. Freedom to learn, anything, even those things politically or culturally combustible, keeps us as free..or more so, than the application of the 2nd Amendment.
It is our Right as adults and as US citizens.
Again, the interference starts when government funds universities. Private colleges are free to offer the wokist of curriculum, and it's nonma.


I see in another post you claim to support withdrawing funds as a consequence of teaching the woke stuff. I don't see that as any more or less valid than funding colleges but not allowing them to teach a curriculum designed to promote hate.
Yeah...they do have the right to withdraw the funds...if the school does not comply--and I'd support that as legal. But they wish to dictate the curriculum via force of criminal statute--and that's a bridge too far, IMO~
I agree. Especially when government interferes by funding colleges that would not be successful otherwise, and by funding students unwilling to pay for their own colleges.

So long as tax dollars are sent to public universities, taxpayers are entitled to a say in what is taught there.

Sorry, I don't want tax dollars funding some Nazi ideologue professor, any more than I want them spent on some Soviet idealogue professor. Students in college are barely past childhood, and often living off of my hard work.

Again, the interference starts when government funds universities. Private colleges are free to offer the wokist of curriculum, and it's nonma.


I see in another post you claim to support withdrawing funds as a consequence of teaching the woke stuff. I don't see that as any more or less valid than funding colleges but not allowing them to teach a curriculum designed to promote hate.
FYI..I do not support such a move..but I do acknowledge its legality--unlike this bill, which mandates criminal penalties for not hewing to the party line~ appears that there are still some sane people left in Florida..who knew?

A federal court in Florida has denied an attempt to block an injunction issued against Governor Ron DeSantis' flagship "Stop WOKE Act" which prevents it from being implemented at universities.
On Thursday, a three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a request from the DeSantis administration to overturn a previous ruling which blocked the Individual Freedom Act, also known as the Stop the Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees Act, being used in higher education institutions.

The legislation is a continuation of DeSantis' battle against the "woke agenda" and education, which has also seen the governor introducing the "Don't Say Gay" bill and banning the teaching of critical race theory in K-12 classes. Critics have accused the Act of violating the First Amendment, as well as having the potential to harm race relations.
DeSantis' office said they still expect the policy will be fully passed into law.
"The Court did not rule on the merits of our appeal. The appeal is ongoing, and we remain confident that the law is constitutional," Bryan Griffin, DeSantis' press secretary, told Newsweek.
In his ruling, Walker made a reference to George Orwell's novel 1984 while condemning the legislation as "positively dystopian."
"'It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking 13,' and the powers in charge of Florida's public university system have declared the state has unfettered authority to muzzle its professors in the name of 'freedom,'" Walker wrote.

"Defendants argue that, under this act, professors enjoy 'academic freedom' so long as they express only those viewpoints of which the State approves. This is positively dystopian."
WOKE appears to me as just another "sneak it in there" backdoor lefty attempt to promote their racial/nazi agenda, the end result of course is still the same which is the ole Divide & Conquer $trategy. We got to be careful though that legislation proposed by the right does not come full circle back around & turn into a power & control agenda of it's own. I can well remember the righteous righties drafting legislation prohibiting certain sexual acts between a man & woman even if married, whether common law or legally married. We had one heck of a time back then getting the righteous righties out of office, which of course left the vacated seats open to the statist left & their kinky/violent lefty agenda. Our America is in serious need of "Original Intent" constitutionally based independent & third party candidates.
These anti-woke and big government trash bills are unconstitutional overstep that will be knocked down. People like DeSantist belief that they can tell people what to think and are playing little hitler. It is sickening.
No, he is keeping perverts away from children.
The Democrats are using their CRT curriculum to indoctrinate students in Left Wing hate and racism.
CRT is part of the Democrat Party's Marxist cultural revolution agenda.
The Pedophile wing of the Democrat Party is using the public schools to groom students in homosexuality and transsexuality.
As for 1st amendment freedom of speech right for the Left Wing to spread their hate and pedophilia, that is debatable.
Both of those cause harm and endanger people.
Marxist have murdered millions of people.
The Left's Marxism and pedophilia are the dystopia.
This judge is a left wing crackpot.
The Democrats are using their CRT curriculum to indoctrinate students in Left Wing hate and racism.
CRT is part of the Democrat Party's Marxist cultural revolution agenda.
The Pedophile wing of the Democrat Party is using the public schools to groom students in homosexuality and transsexuality.
As for 1st amendment freedom of speech right for the Left Wing to spread their hate and pedophilia, that is debatable.
Both of those cause harm and endanger people.
Marxist have murdered millions of people.
The Left's Marxism and pedophilia are the dystopia.
This judge is a left wing crackpot.
Can you point to a public school in the US that teaches CRT?
The Democrats are using their CRT curriculum to indoctrinate students in Left Wing hate and racism.
CRT is part of the Democrat Party's Marxist cultural revolution agenda.
The Pedophile wing of the Democrat Party is using the public schools to groom students in homosexuality and transsexuality.
As for 1st amendment freedom of speech right for the Left Wing to spread their hate and pedophilia, that is debatable.
Both of those cause harm and endanger people.
Marxist have murdered millions of people.
The Left's Marxism and pedophilia are the dystopia.
This judge is a left wing crackpot.
Can you point to a public school in the US that teaches CRT?
The NEA passed a business item in 2021 specifically stating an initiative to do so.

"New Business Item A

2. Supporting and leading campaigns that: Result in increasing the implementation of culturally responsive education, critical race theory, and ethnic (Native people, Asian, Black, Latin(o/a/x), Middle Eastern, North African, and Pacific Islander) Studies curriculum in pre- K-12 and higher education

NEA passed that^^^, then scrubbed it from their website as soon as it was noticed. They've passed other things as well and directed budget to those efforts.

We can stop the canard that none of this is actually going on.
The NEA passed a business item in 2021 specifically stating an initiative to do so.

"New Business Item A

2. Supporting and leading campaigns that: Result in increasing the implementation of culturally responsive education, critical race theory, and ethnic (Native people, Asian, Black, Latin(o/a/x), Middle Eastern, North African, and Pacific Islander) Studies curriculum in pre- K-12 and higher education

NEA passed that^^^, then scrubbed it from their website as soon as it was noticed. They've passed other things as well and directed budget to those efforts.

We can stop the canard that none of this is actually going on.

So it wasn’t passed
Show any public school that teaches it
DeSantis might not be getting all the woke judges to open their minds but he is exposing them as the groomers and totalitarians that they are. appears that there are still some sane people left in Florida..who knew?

A federal court in Florida has denied an attempt to block an injunction issued against Governor Ron DeSantis' flagship "Stop WOKE Act" which prevents it from being implemented at universities.
On Thursday, a three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a request from the DeSantis administration to overturn a previous ruling which blocked the Individual Freedom Act, also known as the Stop the Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees Act, being used in higher education institutions.

The legislation is a continuation of DeSantis' battle against the "woke agenda" and education, which has also seen the governor introducing the "Don't Say Gay" bill and banning the teaching of critical race theory in K-12 classes. Critics have accused the Act of violating the First Amendment, as well as having the potential to harm race relations.
DeSantis' office said they still expect the policy will be fully passed into law.
"The Court did not rule on the merits of our appeal. The appeal is ongoing, and we remain confident that the law is constitutional," Bryan Griffin, DeSantis' press secretary, told Newsweek.
In his ruling, Walker made a reference to George Orwell's novel 1984 while condemning the legislation as "positively dystopian."
"'It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking 13,' and the powers in charge of Florida's public university system have declared the state has unfettered authority to muzzle its professors in the name of 'freedom,'" Walker wrote.

"Defendants argue that, under this act, professors enjoy 'academic freedom' so long as they express only those viewpoints of which the State approves. This is positively dystopian."
I agree the law goes to far when it is applied to colleges

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