Courts Squash Democrats’ ‘Most Secure Election’ Lie:

Dude - here's some math - "unofficial election results" means a stream

People vote asynchronously. There are two choices, notify the server as each vote is cast, or buffer the votes and transmit them as a block

Did you think the server did cyclic polling?
NOPE. The server doesn't do polling.
It doesn't know the IP address of computers communicating to them, since the wireless modems don't have static IP.

The individual voting machine, or precinct tabulator would at the conclusion of voting, have it's modem turned on, receive a random IP address, and with it establish a connection to the county or state server, using a secured (password protected) protocol, and upload it's vote totals.

Then the modem would be turned back off.
You're a master of using the wrong device inputs, in order to confuse the subject.

I said on a CISCO switch you could disable the port(s) the voting machine is connected to, thereby completely isolating it from the network, making it impossible to access it remotely.

You said the control port (meaning console port, not network port) is always listening. Which is true, but which also is subject to physical security, and can't be remotely accessed.
So your claim is there's a Cisco switch at every voting location?
So your claim is there's a Cisco switch at every voting location?
It's the choice of network professionals. So I used it as an example of the type of switches you would find at voting locations, providing security and reliability. Any commercial switch would have similar features.
It's the choice of network professionals. So I used it as an example of the type of switches you would find at voting locations, providing security and reliability. Any commercial switch would have similar features.

So you're guessing.

Well, that was clear from the start.

Read your information carefully.

They're using cell phones.

Therefore, you have two choices: broadband and wi-fi.

Now think. You're a voting machine. Are you going to have a broadband connection inside of you? No. So you're going to use the cell phone as what is essentially a "hot spot". Something comes in from one or more voting machines, and goes out either broadband or Wi-Fi.

So yes, if you have an app, you can turn the broadband or wi fi in the cell phone on and off. Or you can do it manually.

But we're not talking about connectivity. We're talking about SECURITY.

The most likely and most common security threat in any setting is an insider. Human engineering is usually the EASIEST way to access a network. Give me 5 minutes with a receptionist and I'll have the keys to the kingdom.

And a reveal doesn't even have to be deliberate.

There is a further issue. The counting machines for the mail in ballots.

Yowser Bowser ...Bucky Bubba.I guess that explains this
January Select Insurrection Hearing Investigation where NO
Firearms were used except by a Capitol cop who shot dead w/o
as much as a warning an Unarmed Female vet in the neck.
Then this Bucky rogue Capitol Cop was awarded protection mode.
Whereas in the summer of 2020 there were dozens killed,including
cops where Malatov cocktails were thrown.Innocent pedestrians
beaten and Billions in property damage inflicted.Including
Burnings of Federal bldgs.Cop cruisers and mayhem night after night.
Over 500 examples of protests,riots and cops losing their life and
this Corrupt Democrat party ignores.Except when it comes to bailing
out sheer instigators like BLM and Antifa.
Cry us a storm you belligerent Retard.
Stick to one subject please, election integrity or 1/6. Questions about one don’t excuse the other.
Actually the whole chain of custody is a bogus issue,

This is clear since none of them gave a rats ass about chain of custody in 2016. It is just one more talking point they have been given to parrot since all the rest have failed.
This proves that you have zero integrity after two huge debunked claims.

1). the next 3-4 weeks are going to explosive.

still waiting on that one, any day now.:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

2). 2,000 Mules, which proved absolutely no fraud, except to the people who still believe that the "Next 3-4 weeks are going to be explosive."

When you say debunked or the people you listen to say debunked it means 0. I thought I have made that clear.
This is clear since none of them gave a rats ass about chain of custody in 2016. It is just one more talking point they have been given to parrot since all the rest have failed.
Half the country thinks the election was stolen. I would not call that failure unless you are speaking of the side you are on. The Big Lie that there was no fraud has failed miserably.

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