Courts Squash Democrats’ ‘Most Secure Election’ Lie:

Many legislatures through their election laws delegate a lot of the responsibility for the manner of the election to subordinate bodies. I pointed out the law in Georgia, where the legislature delegated choosing the place of election to the local county executives.

There are even instances where the legislature gave the power to enact election law, without realizing it.

Under Pennsylvania's Emergency Management Services Code, the Governor is empowered to declare states of emergency and exercise broad authority, including issuing executive orders with the force of law.

Maybe they missed that last part about the Governors emergency powers, giving him legislative powers. And as such, the governor became part of that states legislature for the purpose of enacting voting laws.

When they say legislature, they clearly are talking about the entire state government to include the legislature, governor and state courts. The founding fathers believed in checks and balances.
Wow. That's the biggest bunch of nonsense I've read here in a long time.

Let's start with this one: Donald Trump wasn't actually running for Congress in 2020; he was running for President. Maybe this will refresh your memory:

View attachment 670713

So 100% of your post, of the article you quoted, of pretty much everything you say about how congressional elections are run had absolutely nothing to do with presidential elections, right?

So let's talk about what the Constitution says about presidential elections; don't you think that would be more appropriate in this discussion?

Article II, Section 1, Clause 2:
Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

You said that the courts have interpreted the word Legislature to mean anything the left wants it to mean instead of the actual voted for and elected representatives of the people but you didn't provide any cases or links. Surely you're not suggesting that the Supreme Court or the Constitution or the Founders or anyone with half a brain considers anyone or thing other than the actual legislature of the states to be the legislature, are you?

The meaning of Legislature is quite clear and it means one thing only.

As for delegation, The OP, in post #1, already demonstrated that there was no delegation of authority to change the rules for voting, thus the court rulings against the unconstitutional procedure changes. The US Supreme Court also ruled last month, that the Congress must explicitly delegate a specific decision or authority and that they can't generally delegate power to make any just any regulation they wish. Presumably, the same interpretation of delegation would, on federal matters such as elections and Electoral College delegates, be applied to state legislatures.

Legislature means the entire elected government to include governor, legislature and state courts. There is absolutely no evidence that legislature refers only to the state
legislatures. If we accept your interpretation, then the US Supreme Court has violated the Constitution by throwing out parts of the Voting Rights Act. This was passed by a national legislature called Congress.
Are you just gurgitating idiocy or do you have some knowledge, technical, indirect, direct, news research, something you read, anything at all to back up your comments or are you just noise?

Federal judges, state judges, Republican election officials, Trump's AG and US Attorneys and the Michigan state legislature all have said there was no major fraud that affected the outcome of the election. the outcome. The Michigan legislature also concluded there was no fraud that affected A number of prominent conservatives has also released a 72 page report stating there was no fraud.

That's just a stupid, stupid thing to say.

You make a lot of assertions you can't possibly support.

Sounds to me like you're spewing partisan garbage

You are the one spewing partisan garbage. All the assertions are supportable by Republican judges, Republican election officials and Trump's DOJ.
You are the one spewing partisan garbage. All the assertions are supportable by Republican judges, Republican election officials and Trump's DOJ.

Your persistence is admirable.

But we were having a technical discussion.

If you'd like to educate yourself about how voting machines work, you can read the earlier links.

Look here, busybee, I told you, the pros are in the game now. We're going to tear apart the lies from BOTH sides. Rip them to shreds. Publicly. Loudly. So everyone will know, and everyone will have to look in the mirror.

You partisans (of BOTH sides) get ridiculous spew from your leadership, total misinformation like "voting machines are never connected to the internet". BULLSHIT. The source material I posted describes how things REALLY work. The very words of the people who actually built the systems.

The game has changed, BB. You better go back to your masters and tell them they need to raise the bar.
How so? Are they performing illegal abortions?
Maybe you are just unaware or ignurn't of how the law
is applied.Both Abortions and Murders are not federally
decided or determined.The states decide what abortion
laws they want applied just as they do with Murders.
Each state also uses their State Legislatures to determine
Election law,rules and procedures.
This form of Government was intentionally what our
Founders decided on.Just as each state gets only 2 U.S.
Senators.No matter the size or population,.
Maybe you are just unaware or ignurn't of how the law
is applied.Both Abortions and Murders are not federally
decided or determined.The states decide what abortion
laws they want applied just as they do with Murders.
Each state also uses their State Legislatures to determine
Election law,rules and procedures.
This form of Government was intentionally what our
Founders decided on.Just as each state gets only 2 U.S.
Senators.No matter the size or population,.
I hate to have to point out how ridiculous that statement is, because most people have on-demand internet access. The connection through their ISP requires their modem and router to be turned on, in order to connect.

And voting machines had the devices needed to connect to the internet turned OFF. Except to upload the vote tabulations.
Wrong. I've seen literally thousands of devices and not a single one has an on/off switch for the network. They have the option of disabling or unloading the driver and enabling or loading the driver, but they don't turn on and off.

And if it's on demand, on whose demand? Are you suggesting the network drivers are unloaded until someone executes a command to load or activate them? You're wrong if that's what you're suggesting. The network connections are active any time the machines are turned on - even if there's no cable plugged into the jack, the drivers load. If it's configured for DHCP but there's no DHCP server it assigns a default IP address but the device is on and the drivers are loaded by default.

Unless you can show where the maker of the machines, either in their published manuals or sworn statements, says that the network connections are not activated then it's just another lie to protect the steal.
You apparently haven't dealt with large networks. Ever since the late 1990's microsoft included tools to allow remote access to computers for the purpose of remote troubleshooting, software or parameter updates, and monitoring of remote computers.

Things like remote desktop required confirmation to allow the connection. This was since obsolesced by enterprise software tools.

But when it came to voting machines, the connection devices to the internet was kept powered off, except when Dominion or other administrative overseer, requested they turn the access on.

The other time it was turned on, was to upload election day tabulations to the secretary of states (or election boards) systems.
You're an idiot. Networks are not run by Microsoft. Microsoft makes server and desktop OS and jokes like Office. I have a string of Microsoft (and other) certifications longer than your arm. Among other things, I am an expert in networking large corporate networks and Microsoft isn't among the list of vendors for anything in the network.

For networking tools, the universal vendor of choice in any serious corporate network is Cisco but there are others used, especially as you move further from the data center.

But you prove my point. When the service desk wants to help me with a computer issue they don't have to wait for me to turn on my network to access it. Just the fact that I get the prompt to approve their access proves that the network is working and the software had access - it just gave me the option of letting that service desk user see what was happening on my screen. The software itself already had the access and could have been taking screenshots all day long for all I know.

The underlying OS of the voting machines is most likely some version of Linux. It is almost certainly NOT Windows. It could also be a completely custom OS or some version of industrial control computer OS from places like Intel, TI, HP, or many others. But turning on and off the network connection is not a thing in any of those. That doesn't mean it couldn't be done but it's not done and you can't prove it is.

If the vendor on the voting tabulation machines wants to update 1000 machines in a city, are you suggesting that someone has to go to each and every machine, one at a time, turn on the network by some human action, and then allow the vendor to update the machines one at a time? That's ridiculous when there's a perfectly good network that can be used to push the updates.

The network connection on those devices is live when it's powered up and connected to the network and, as I said, if you can't show in the device manual or sworn testimony from the vendor something that says otherwise then you don't know what you're talking about.

By the way, I am suggesting that it should take a certified person from the vendor and a witness from the city, following a documented and checklisted process, visiting a thousand machines one at a time to update the software in the machines. If that's too much, get a bunch of 3x3 inch scraps of paper and a cardboard box with a slot in the top and a thousand pencils and get the vote that way.
Maybe you aren't familiar with post office boxes. They are completely unmonitored, and allow mules to stuff them 24/7 with ballots. And that's perfectly legal.
Post office boxes are not voting lock boxes - even if they're identical physical hardware made by the same people.

In every state that allows them, I don't remember who posted the list but it was very informative, the requirement is that they be secured and protected. In almost every state, the requirements also include one or more of requiring them to be manned while available to the public, covered by CCTV cameras for monitoring, or only placed in the office of the government agencies responsible for running the elections. Some require all three of those.

At least if someone is going to try to sneak in a bunch of illegal dropboxes, if they had any hope to make it appear legitimate (which it would not have been anyway) then wouldn't it make sense for them to follow the rules that every other state that uses them follow?
Which is strange, since they also allow post office boxes with absolutely no monitoring or manning.
States don't run the post office. And there's not a single thing that you or anyone else has ever put into a post office box that's more important, more valuable, than a single voters ballot.

If you want the same rules for post office letter boxes, talk to your congressman. More is already required by law for voter lockboxes.
Actually Golfing Gator has an argument at the very heart of the 2020 election. You can't say the election was fraudulent, thus the results thrown out, and still accept the results for every other candidate. You have to invalidate them all. Which means everybody elected in 2020 in that state, have to be removed from office until they can hold a valid election for those positions.
What happens downballot is up to the States but the federal election was not held. You can't do a thing that is not the thing required and then call it done.

Mailing a letter requires a postage stamp. If I put a sticker from my grandkids sticker book on a letter, it has a stamp but it's not a postal stamp.

If I pay someone to mow my lawn and they don't but they chop down the trees in my yard, they don't get to say they mowed the lawn.

If I pay someone to build me a home but they build a doghouse, they built a house but they didn't build my home.

If someone takes a vote but doesn't follow the rules established by the Constitution, Federal law, and the State legislatures, then they took a vote but they didn't hold the congressional election outlined in the Constitution and the Electoral College electors weren't appointed according to the Constitution and the State Legislatures. They may as well have run into McDonald's and taken a vote from the employees and customers who happened to be there at the time and called it good.

So, Golfing Gator and you are right. There was no legal congressional and presidential election and both need to be thrown out. The downballot candidates are up to the states to decide.

The problem is, as brilliant as the authors of the Constitution were, as much as they thought of everything that might go wrong, even they never considered the fact that an election could be so blatantly and completely stolen. They left us no process or guidelines about how to deal with an election not certified. This was just unfathomable to them.

So we don't know how to fix it. There's no constitutional fix to it. There's no legitimate Congress that can submit to the States an amendment that might fix it.

There are only two paths forward. Either the Constitution is dead and over, completely undone by a stolen election, literally a coup d'état, or we turn a blind eye to the 2020 election, pretending it was legitimate and hoping to do better in 2022 and 2024, and move on with legitimate elections in the future.

Both are terrible choices. Having to accept a lie as truth in order to have any semblance of a nation left, to avoid total anarchy, tyranny, and chaos in the future, is a hard thing but, if we can do it and move back to the Constitution and lawful elections, it is a far better choice than the alternative.

Most patriots who love what America was and love the Constitution, will swallow the bitter pill of a stolen election if order is restored in the next couple but, hopefully, we never forget 2020 and we keep a sharp eye on elections going forward.

If we get past this, hopefully we'll get a constitutional amendment soon to protect elections and how to deal with election challenges and how to undo an election that is successfully challenged.

We need to restore some trust, though, before an amendment. Right now, 70 million Americans, likely far more than that, do not trust the process, not because you say Trump lost, but because the process permitted so many documented and proven violations of election laws.
When they say legislature, they clearly are talking about the entire state government to include the legislature, governor and state courts. The founding fathers believed in checks and balances.

How the fuck do you get to a dumb-assed conclusion like that? And when they said Congress did they mean the Congress and the President and the Courts?

Find any statement from anyone alive in 1789 that backs up your stupid ass claim.
Legislature means the entire elected government to include governor, legislature and state courts. There is absolutely no evidence that legislature refers only to the state
legislatures. If we accept your interpretation, then the US Supreme Court has violated the Constitution by throwing out parts of the Voting Rights Act. This was passed by a national legislature called Congress.

You have got to be the dumbest human being in the history of dumb human beings.

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