Covering up massive election fraud


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
It started with forced eviction of GOP Poll observers and/or creative methods like "closing" the polling station only to have four dykes pull out suitcases of fraud ballots hidden under a table after the GOP observers and the media were gone.

It required having the FBI stand down on election night. The democrats wouldn't have attempted what they did without knowing the FBI would NOT show up. And the FBI did not show up....

It required knowing the judiciary in the state was rigged with Dems and Zionist republican "judges" aka traitors who would not allow any evidence to be presented, and none was ever allowed to be.

It required knowing that the given state Secretary of State was also "in" on it, as was homo Raffensberger, dominion resources #1 customer. Raffensberger told the American people that when Fulton county Dems "close" a polling station only to not really close it, but rather pull suitcases of fraud ballots for traitor Joe and count them with no media or GOP present, that is "normal." That is just as pathetic as the Zionist Minneapolis coroner claiming Chauvin did not kill Floyd.

It required the machines to flip votes, and the machines did flip votes as they were programmed to....

It required knowing Mike pence was a total fraud of a Zionist 911 traitor masquerading as a Christian.

Now that they got away with all of the above, now comes the audits.

They are 100% guilty

They know it

All they can do is attack the audits...
The AZ audit is needed to prove once and for all that there was massive voter fraud last election. It doesn't matter if the evidence is ballots on bamboo papers or ballots on paper lacking the official watermark seal.

The coverup has been successful for too long.
It takes a lot of immoral and crooked people to fix an election like this. It also takes a totally corrupt media. Unfortunately, our Democrat party has an abundant supply of immoral, corrupt and crooked people. Never again.
Trump was an unpopular President who badly botched his leadership during COVID

He was badly beaten in the election of 2020
How did he botch it up? Exactly what?

Let me count the ways

At the crucial early days of the virus he denied the threat as no worse than the common flu
He told America, Don’t worry, I have this under control
He pitted one state against another in the battle for critical resources
He refused to wear a mask and mocked those who did
He refused to socially distance and mocked those who did
He told America COVID would magically disappear by summer
He undermined the efforts of Governors taking tough actions and told people to rebel against them
He endorsed wild cures for COVID
He withdrew funding from WHO
He tried to cancel Obamacare coverage in the midst of the worst pandemic in a hundred years

Cost him his Presdency
HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ... Bubba didn't finish Middle School ...

"Suitcases full of ballots" is a trivial number of votes ... to have thrown this last election, you'll need to fit 20 or 30 truckloads of ballots under these tables ...

Every Post Office employee ...
Every election worker ...
All the sitting judges ...
All the college math professors ...
All health care workers via their lap-dog media slaves ...

All these people conspired for FREE ... every one risked serious prison time for absolutely no cash payment ...

Better start adding the auditors and software engineers to your list of co-conspirators ... the logs in these counting machines would be evidence prima facie of tampering ... the GOOD NEWS is you've turned to bite those of your own ... conservative voters who aren't so hateful and racist as you are ... best thing for you to do is skip the Covid vaccine, it's no worst than the common cold and you sure as hell don't want that microchip implant ... now do you? ...

Sorry, no way to stop the Islamic takeover started by Hussein al'Obama ...

Not only did tens of thousands conspire to steal an election, but they left no evidence and not a one said a word
There's evidence and Rudy has it. This explains why the Deep State is going after Rudy.
That Rudy is a crafty old cuss.
He has the goods on the stolen election and is waiting for the right time.

It is all in Hunter Biden’s laptop
Trump was a bad President who botched the response to COVID

Not surprising that he was soundly defeated in the 2020 election
Trump held a lead until the evening several swing state centers like Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit etc.
inexplicably closed down and stopped the counting.
Magically just after that Trump lost his lead and never got it back.

Nothing shady and unprecedented about that. :rolleyes:
Trump held a lead until the evening several swing state centers like Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit etc.
inexplicably closed down and stopped the counting.
Magically just after that Trump lost his lead and never got it back.

Nothing shady and unprecedented about that. :rolleyes:
Trump had a lead until the cities and mail in ballots were counted

Why are you surprised
Coved was a big part of the steal, and trump did fuck up, but not as Michael robinson's mistress claims. Covid was a "weaponized" flu, and it was shockingly contagious. But it was a dud. It did not kill more than a normal flu. That is what the early data told us.

One cruise ship
3500 people
27 develop typical flu symptoms
1 age 70 dies

There was never any evidence that Covid should have been treated any differently than a normal flu season, because that is what it was. It left the US last May. In the fall, flu was diagnosed at 3% of normal. Why? Because 97% were lied to and told they had Covid.

Thousands of pro athletes, including "college" football, were told they had Covid. None of them, NONE, ever required any special treatment and all recovered.

We need an mass trial of everyone who lied about Covid, as Covid has cost us 10 trillion and counting, and it should not have cost us any more than a normal flu season, which is all it really was....
Coved was a big part of the steal, and trump did fuck up, but not as Michael robinson's mistress claims. Covid was a "weaponized" flu, and it was shockingly contagious. But it was a dud. It did not kill more than a normal flu. That is what the early data told us.

One cruise ship
3500 people
27 develop typical flu symptoms
1 age 70 dies

There was never any evidence that Covid should have been treated any differently than a normal flu season, because that is what it was. It left the US last May. In the fall, flu was diagnosed at 3% of normal. Why? Because 97% were lied to and told they had Covid.

Thousands of pro athletes, including "college" football, were told they had Covid. None of them, NONE, ever required any special treatment and all recovered.

We need an mass trial of everyone who lied about Covid, as Covid has cost us 10 trillion and counting, and it should not have cost us any more than a normal flu season, which is all it really was....

The nut jobs who vote for Trump

Hard to believe this shit

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