Covid-19 Has Killed As Many Americans As The 1918 Pandemic

The ridiculousness of saying Nazis loosened vaccine requirements......which may be technically true

It is true and the rest of your post is nonsense and off topic from my point so I clipped it. If you want to debate me at least stay in the same room.
I do not need to know anything about you, I know about the laws in this country....and you are full of shit.

There is not one single state in the union that does not require vaccines for students.

That is not true.
All states have a number of exemptions, such as for medical or religious reasons.
The whole point of herd immunity is you never need 100%.
About 90% is just as good.

All states have to have the medical exemption.
But here are the states with religious or personal belief exemptions.
but let me guess, you don't like the establishment, but you really hate the guy who tried to fight I correct?

There was no guy that tried to fight it.....that is why he ended up having nothing but establishment wonks on his staff and his cabinet.

You fall too easy for pretty words and miss the actions
I love it,, it pisses off the right people and it was invented by an 18 year old tik tok girl....that's the hilarious part......some people are getting through school without the's a problem for the commies.....

What am I pissed off about?

So are you saying the anti vaxers are anti semites? how does that correlate to's just another sad attempt to call someone a fascist that is not a fascist........fascist's dont go for more freedom for the general public.......and neither do commies........

No, I'm saying to call those who are pro-vaccination Nazis or whatever is based on zero fact.
Hey look a lefty that used Google....I think this is a first......congratz maybe you can research and see how communism/fascism is really bad shit......

Communism and Fascism are exact polar opposites.
Communism is supposed to be egalitarian with universal ownership of the means of production.
Fascism is where the aristocracy, military, and wealthy elite take control.
Hey is the Texas law you lied about...

2021-2022 Immunization Requirements for Schools​

A student shall show acceptable evidence of vaccination prior to entry, attendance, or transfer to a child-care facility or public or private elementary or secondary school in Texas.
Discounting the fact that this is may be a requirement NOW, I direct your attention to the graph in YOUR link. You will notice that there is ABSOLUTELY NO COVID OR FLU VACCINE REQUIREMENT.

2021-2022 Immunization Requirements for Child-Care Facilities​

  • DTaP: Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis (whooping cough); record may show DT or DTP
  • Polio: IPV - inactivated polio vaccine; OPV – oral polio vaccine
  • HepB: Hepatitis B vaccine
  • Hib: Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine
  • PCV: Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
  • MMR: Measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines combined
  • Varicella: Chickenpox vaccine. May be written VAR on record
  • HepA: Hepatitis A vaccine

2021-2022 Immunization Requirements for Child-Care Facilities​

Age at which child must have vaccines to be in compliance:Minimum Number of Doses Required of Each Vaccine
0 through 2 monthsNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
By 3 months1 Dose1 Dose1 Dose1 Dose1 DoseNoneNoneNone
By 5 months2 Doses2 Doses2 Doses2 Doses2 DosesNoneNoneNone
By 7 months3 Doses2 Doses2 Doses2 Doses1 3 Doses2 NoneNoneNone
By 16 months3 Doses2 Doses2 Doses3 Doses1 4 Doses2 1 Dose3 1 Dose3 None
By 19 months4 Doses3 Doses3 Doses3 Doses1 4 Doses2 1 Dose3 1 Dose3 None
By 25 months4 Doses3 Doses3 Doses3 Doses1 4 Doses2 1 Dose3 1 Dose3 1 Dose3
By 43 months4 Doses3 Doses3 Doses3 Doses1 4 Doses2 1 Dose3 1 Dose3 2 Doses3
Counties. I'm sure it's totally possible that these counties that overwhelmingly voted for Trump (+70%) also have humongous "brown and black" populations.

So, you're obviously missing the point. I'm referring to a poster scapegoating "brown and black" people for not getting vaccinated. Something many, many, many Trump supporters are also not doing. See my charts, look at this board for further proof.

So, which white people are getting vaccinated? Not the Trump wingnuts, not according to how they vote at the county level. So, why are you misfits taking credit for getting vaccinated from liberals and moderates? The ones who are actually doing it. So, when you see all those white people getting vaxxed, it's mostly not you guys.

However, how are minorities dong? Is it really that bad? Short answer, no.

The chart below is directly from the CDC. For Americans who have received at least one shot Blacks are down only 2 points and Whites are down 1. Hispanics are on par. If you look at the second graph you can see a lot of movement with Blacks and Hispanics. How about Whites? Nope, they're falling behind and who know which Whites those are. It's people who think like you.

View attachment 542336

Really? Biden and Harris created doubt in the vaccines among wingnuts because they said bad things about Trump? Nobody is buying that.

Yes, the election is over, why did you bring it up?
you brought up the election via the Big Lie.....I didn't

And yes Harris and Biden created doubt among all populations...........just because they wanted to politicize the other reason....

As for you're saying that they are doing well with vaccines......

So I'm not sure of the point here..........even BLM in NY is fighting mandates.........
A. I never suggested we WOULD get "everyone vaxxed". Go back and read my post stupid

B. Post links to those bolded claims. Not something LIKE that...those claims
You are never going to get 70-80% vaxxed hun. NEVEr EVER-----the vaccines, these faux ones, don't last long enough and they don't work on top of it. They at best slow the spread which prevents the virus from burning itself out. Instead of eating up all of its food sources at once, the virus has to pace itself more allowing it to live longer and mutate more and now into forms that attack and kill more children opening up all sorts of new feeding grounds for it, who btw don't get faux vaccinated thankfully so far..
You are never going to get 70-80% vaxxed hun. NEVEr EVER-----the vaccines, these faux ones, don't last long enough and they don't work on top of it. They at best slow the spread which prevents the virus from burning itself out. Instead of eating up all of its food sources at once, the virus has to pace itself more allowing it to live longer and mutate more and now into forms that attack and kill more children opening up all sorts of new feeding grounds for it, who btw don't get faux vaccinated thankfully so far..

Many "vaccinated" in Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar, April, May have already had their faux vaccine expired.
Oh look, Az requires them also...

Oh look, try posting a working link. Also, you conveniently did not read the religious and philosophical exemptions that are included in both. Requirements put in since your fascist leader has been in power are hardly historical.
Oh look...Illinois requires them...

Are you upset? You seem to have a problem posting links.
Oh yeah?

So, have you gone and looked up what epidemiologists say are the reasons for that? Or would you rather just make stuff up?
Sure, I mentioned that in my post. Masks and social distancing.

Explain how those measures could have almost eliminated flu deaths, but we still have 675,000 covid deaths. Apparent those methods are not very effective at stopping the spread of viruses.

Most experts think that flu viruses spread mainly by droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze or talk

So, according to the cdc, the normal flu spreads exactly the same way that covid does. So, how do we have people getting covid, but not the flu?
Hey look a lefty that used Google....I think this is a first......congratz maybe you can research and see how communism/fascism is really bad shit......
Anarchy--the opposition of ANY government is just as bad or worse than Capitalism, Communism, Marxism, or fascism.
you brought up the election via the Big Lie.....I didn't

And yes Harris and Biden created doubt among all populations...........just because they wanted to politicize the other reason...
As for you're saying that they are doing well with vaccines......

So I'm not sure of the point here..........even BLM in NY is fighting mandates.........

All populations? Your very outdated link does not come to the conclusion that blacks were hesitant about getting the vaccine because of Biden. My source is more recent and blacks are catching up as white populations are not getting vaxxed at the same rates as they were. However since we've already established that it's Trump voting counties that are less likely to get vaccinated, more likely to get COVID and die we know who the white people are who are not getting vaccinated.

So, again, Trumpers scapegoating "black and brown" people for something they themselves are very much taking part in.
All populations? Your very outdated link does not come to the conclusion that blacks were hesitant about getting the vaccine because of Biden. My source is more recent and blacks are catching up as white populations are not getting vaxxed at the same rates as they were. However since we've already established that it's Trump voting counties that are less likely to get vaccinated, more likely to get COVID and die we know who the white people are who are not getting vaccinated.

So, again, Trumpers scapegoating "black and brown" people for something they themselves are very much taking part in.
Personal choice is not a matter of color. Aren't there enough reasons to justify your hate?

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