Covid deaths are less than tobacco deaths in the USA

135953 covid deaths since Feb 6th
158600 dead from tobacco use in exactly the same time period

The question arises, why is tobacco still legal if every person counts?

1315 Americans die from tobacco related diseases every single day says the CDC who does not care

At least it takes years to die from smoking (usually) and they have a choice, and they pay mega taxes to help the state and federal gov.
All dead people are equal

480000 Americans die from tobacco and live on average 10 years less than non smokers.

If all lives are precious tobacco must be banned
There's no equivalency between a war crime chemical weapons attack and a person who contracts cancer from knowingly using a tobacco product, which is a sacred herb to My People. Tobacco should be not banned... you are being not Libertarian and pro Freedom in your devil's advocating... Q-anon. What are you, narcotics anonymous or something? Recovering drug addict, blaming tobacco for your slide into narcotics and barbituates? I smoke tobacco, never used the hard drugs, knowingly never will.

People dying from the terrorist chemical weapons attack in mass graves, while politicians and the media are covering it up... that's something that is far, far worse. Evidence is on video, sent out to the military, the press, and the People themselves.
Lol the doofus does not understand the difference between chemical weapons and biological warfare


Pretend away little tyke
What your trying to do, is an attempt of pinning the blame on the Chinese... but I see right through your ruse, Es(pagne)allah. Chemical weapons attack, a deadly toxic bleach in the water. He's moorish in mind, deceptive to Christians and Buddhists, et al, in a ruse de guerre. But Heaven's Faith wrote the Art of War, and there be Budha's among Us. Carry quickly, Our Jin Allies would like to know the Punic spin being placed on what is clearly a chemical weapons attack. Unkotare Do you wear a Yellow Mask, or are you Jinn?
The little child does not know chemical warfare from biological warfare from pin the tail on the dopey. Babble on and on and on
135953 covid deaths since Feb 6th
158600 dead from tobacco use in exactly the same time period

The question arises, why is tobacco still legal if every person counts?

1315 Americans die from tobacco related diseases every single day says the CDC who does not care

At least it takes years to die from smoking (usually) and they have a choice, and they pay mega taxes to help the state and federal gov.
All dead people are equal

480000 Americans die from tobacco and live on average 10 years less than non smokers.

If all lives are precious tobacco must be banned
There's no equivalency between a war crime chemical weapons attack and a person who contracts cancer from knowingly using a tobacco product, which is a sacred herb to My People. Tobacco should be not banned... you are being not Libertarian and pro Freedom in your devil's advocating... Q-anon. What are you, narcotics anonymous or something? Recovering drug addict, blaming tobacco for your slide into narcotics and barbituates? I smoke tobacco, never used the hard drugs, knowingly never will.

People dying from the terrorist chemical weapons attack in mass graves, while politicians and the media are covering it up... that's something that is far, far worse. Evidence is on video, sent out to the military, the press, and the People themselves.
Lol the doofus does not understand the difference between chemical weapons and biological warfare


Pretend away little tyke
What your trying to do, is an attempt of pinning the blame on the Chinese... but I see right through your ruse, Es(pagne)allah. Chemical weapons attack, a deadly toxic bleach in the water. He's moorish in mind, deceptive to Christians and Buddhists, et al, in a ruse de guerre. But Heaven's Faith wrote the Art of War, and there be Budha's among Us. Carry quickly, Our Jin Allies would like to know the Punic spin being placed on what is clearly a chemical weapons attack. Unkotare Do you wear a Yellow Mask, or are you Jinn?
The little child does not know chemical warfare from biological warfare from pin the tail on the dopey. Babble on and on and on
The man inhabited of a dark ( مُظْلِمٌ) spirit, Es(pain)allah, obviously has now had his whole strategy exposed to the Light. He also seems is having difficulty telling the difference between a child and a man; which I am an adult man, over the age of 18. And his satan Peter black robed senses are telling him; denial, denial, denial. The hands point to where the actual blame ought be pinned; on the satanic axis adherents residing among the global populace. And the original poster of this minimizing post is running his axis propaganda war.
The brainwash is deep with you. And no, unfortunately I was not homeschooled. I wish I was. But the fact that you seem to be anti-homeschool gives me a good hint on what type you are.

The only type I am is the type that employs common sense. I'm also not anti-homeschool as long as that homeschool encourages and develops critical thinking and encompasses the sciences and an appreciation of fact-based evidence.

If you wish you were homeschooled, then so do I. At least then your hostile attitude would be understandable.

Common sense would allow you to see the tons of red flags, absurdities, doublespeak and inconsistencies with this whole scam. But you don't. So it's not common sense that you have. You just trust the wrong people and you're living in a bubble, apparently.

However you are a beacon of insight and reason.

I knew that by your name calling, hostility, dismissive attitude and judicious use of emoticons.

If I appear hostile, it's because I'm sick and tired of useful dupes who are unwittingly helping the NWO criminals behind this scam to destroy this world. You might think that's crazy, but you also trust the msm and live in a bubble, so that's to be expected. Yes, I have been a bit angry recently. If you're not angry, you haven't been paying attention.
When I check deaths I don't follow the MSM I check the John's Hopkins site. When I link things to this disease I check the CDC. Nothing on either site suggests any of this is a scam. So my question is what are your sources to come to this conclusion?

Where to begin? For starters, they have openly admitted that they are counting NON-COVID deaths as COVID deaths. In other words, if they claim someone tests positive, then even if they died from a clear alternate cause, it is still being counted as a COVID death. And last I checked, on the CDC's own website, they plainly stated that they are counting "presumed" or "probable" deaths as COVID deaths as well.

On top of that, numerous doctors and people in the medical field have said that the testing is completely unreliable. A high percentage of false positives. In addition to that, hospitals have a financial incentive to diagnose people with COVID19, and an even bigger financial incentive when people are put on a respirator.

In addition to that, there are numerous draconian agendas attached to this whole thing. I rarely hear anyone here talk about that. Probably because the MSM doesn't tell you much about those things, it requires doing your own research. But this thing is being used as a pretext for multiple agendas, none of them good.

So when you have faulty testing, the leeway to add in NON-COVID deaths in the death count, as well as "probable" or "presumed" to the count, and everything else I mentioned, you have to be completely blind to not see what is happening here.

You are trusting organizations that are funded by the very people behind this whole scam. People who stand to make a fortune from the vaccine, which they want to make the whole world take. If you want me to get in to all the conflicts of interest, I can do that too. But that is probably better for a thread of its own, because there are a lot of blatant conflicts of interest. Which is another thing the media doesn't tell you.

I could go on, but there are a few things for starters.
I'm hearing a lot of things you seem to have a problem with, what I'm not hearing is an answer to my question. What are your sources?

As for your problems specifically. Until recently testing capability simply wasn't there to check every death. The CDC an organization that is funded by congress. They are OBLIGATED to have a clear idea about this disease. If testing isn't available this means that they have to go by the best information available. IF testing isn't available an educated guess is their only option. They have no financial interests here. Secondly, John's Hopkins is a much more reputable source than some dude on the internet. If you want to claim their data faulty be prepared to back that up. Can you?

You say that no being able to see what's going on makes you blind? As we speak governors across the US are reversing their decision to open up. Something that comes at great cost to them personally politically speaking, yet you are still claiming this is all a hoax. I'd assert it takes a blind man to think that politicians would commit political suicide over a "hoax".

I already told you, in regard to the first thing I said, their OWN WORDS. Do I have to do your homework for you? Do I really have to get out all the links or clips of them saying these things openly?

As for the other things I said, numerous sources. It irks me when people like you expect others to do their homework for them and be spoonfed everything.

I don't go by "some dude on the internet." I am a truth seeker, which means I don't automatically believe whatever I'm told, I will listen to various sources but look into it myself to verify if what they're saying is true, or at least try. But I sure as hell don't trust the controlled mockingbird media that is owned by the same crowd who is pulling off this whole psyop.

We're not going to get anywhere here because I can see you trust the government and MSM, and I'm sorry but I can't catch you up in a paragraph or two on something some of us have been researching for decades.
Their own words give them credence, for the simple reason that science doesn't deal in absolute truths but rather the best model available.

As of April 14, 2020, CDC case counts and death counts include both confirmed and probable cases and deaths. This change was made to reflect an interim COVID-19 position statement pdf iconexternal iconissued by the Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologists on April 5, 2020. The position statement included a case definition and made COVID-19 a nationally notifiable disease. Nationally notifiable disease cases are voluntarily reported to CDC by jurisdictions.

Then they go on to define probable cases like this.

-Meeting clinical criteria AND epidemiologic evidence with no confirmatory laboratory testing performed for COVID-19
-Meeting presumptive laboratory evidence AND either clinical criteria OR epidemiologic evidence
-Meeting vital records criteria with no confirmatory laboratory testing performed for COVID19

It irks you that I ask you to cite sources? That's not asking you to do my homework. That's asking you to be able to back up what you claim. Giving me the capability of checking those sources. Both for substance and trustworthiness.

As far as I can tell your beef with the CDC's measuring methods is based on you not feeling that any death could be attributed to COVID if it's not tested and even if it is, not to be trusted because the tests are faulty. There is another one that doesn't rely on testing at all. It relies on measuring the deaths above average on any given month. Guess what? It corroborates that way more people are dying on average. Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19

And then we have what I said in the previous post. States across the US are being hit by COVID 19 to the extent that the hospitals and ICU's are filling up. That's simply undeniable. Claiming that's a scam doesn't change that fact. You don't have to take my word for it. DeSantis Sends More Hospital Staff To South Florida; HHS Refutes Claim Governor Submitted Formal Request Florida
With record 10,000 in hospital, Abbott warns: 'Things will get worse' Texas.
Georgia governor reopens coronavirus field hospital at Atlanta convention center Georgia.

Hell of a scam I would say.

The CDC is tied to big pharma, and as I said earlier, there are conflicts of interest out the wazoo with this whole thing. I'm truly amazed at how sacrosanct you appear to believe "science" is, you seem to not realize that like politics, science can be corrupted.

As for your links, most of those look like mainstream sources so forgive me if I don't take them at face value, but I will look into those claims.

If it's anything like some other reports I've seen, then it's just more of the same fearmongering hype. There was a report by "Sky News" on COVID deaths in Mexico City, and they were caught lying through their teeth, in an almost comical way. Jeff Berwick (who lives Mexico) actually went to the places they claimed were overflowing with body bags, and he showed that it was a big fat lie.

As I said, I highly doubt we're going to get anywhere here, because you are too trusting of the wrong people, and that's not something that's going to change in a few paragraphs.
Here's Desantis speaking about filling hospitals


Couldn't find a clip with Kemp just statements but I have no reason to doubt it.
So now I have provided PRIMARY sources. You have shown none yourself. Why is that? Until you do you are just what I claimed you are just "someone on the internet".

Wow what a surprise, your sources are the government and the mainstream media, lol. Good job! Again, I will look into those claims. I actually wouldn't be surprised if people are getting sick, since everyone's immune systems have been suppressed over the last few months by the criminal lockdown, muzzling, and the nonstop stress and fear that people have been manipulated into.

As for my post, I said a number of things. What in particular do you dispute that you want me to back up? Be specific.

Wow what a surprise no sources listed to back up your claim.

What do I dispute? Let's start with this last assertion. Back up the assertion that hospitals aren't filling up at this moment.
Wow what a surprise no sources listed to back up your claim.

What do I dispute? Let's start with this last assertion. Back up the assertion that hospitals aren't filling up at this moment.

Where did I even say that? That wasn't one of the things I claimed in my previous posts. I stated twice that I will look into that. And I even alluded the opposite of what you just claimed I said, I said, "I actually wouldn't be surprised if people are getting sick...."

But getting back to your first sentence, that's dishonest, because I asked you what you disputed in particular so that I can know what to back up. You are increasingly coming across like a slippery lawyer.
Wow what a surprise no sources listed to back up your claim.

What do I dispute? Let's start with this last assertion. Back up the assertion that hospitals aren't filling up at this moment.

Where did I even say that? That wasn't one of the things I claimed in my previous posts. I stated twice that I will look into that. And I even alluded the opposite of what you just claimed I said, I said, "I actually wouldn't be surprised if people are getting sick...."

But getting back to your first sentence, that's dishonest, because I asked you what you disputed in particular so that I can know what to back up. You are increasingly coming across like a slippery lawyer.
You are right you did allude to you accepting people are getting sick. I apologize. Now, this brings me to the next claim. Do you suspect they are getting sick more because of suppressed immunity? That's fine. Only one problem with that hypothesis. It's not happening in all the states that have locked down. Something that should be the case if that's the reason. Nor should they all test positive for the same damn disease.

It's actually interesting what you are willing to ignore to perpetuate something that I can only describe as a comical denial of facts. But in the interest of giving you a chance. One question just so this can move along.

Are you willing to accept that people are getting sick to the extent that hospitals and ICUs are filling up?
If so substantiate your claim it's not COVID but suppressed immune systems from sitting inside.
Wow what a surprise no sources listed to back up your claim.

What do I dispute? Let's start with this last assertion. Back up the assertion that hospitals aren't filling up at this moment.

Where did I even say that? That wasn't one of the things I claimed in my previous posts. I stated twice that I will look into that. And I even alluded the opposite of what you just claimed I said, I said, "I actually wouldn't be surprised if people are getting sick...."

But getting back to your first sentence, that's dishonest, because I asked you what you disputed in particular so that I can know what to back up. You are increasingly coming across like a slippery lawyer.
You are right you did allude to you accepting people are getting sick. I apologize. Now, this brings me to the next claim. Do you suspect they are getting sick more because of suppressed immunity? That's fine. Only one problem with that hypothesis. It's not happening in all the states that have locked down. Something that should be the case if that's the reason. Nor should they all test positive for the same damn disease.

It's actually interesting what you are willing to ignore to perpetuate something that I can only describe as a comical denial of facts. But in the interest of giving you a chance. One question just so this can move along.

Are you willing to accept that people are getting sick to the extent that hospitals and ICUs are filling up?
If so substantiate your claim it's not COVID but suppressed immune systems from sitting inside.
Are you ignoring that I tested the water, live, on camera? Can't be ignored in Good Conscience. People are being poisoned en masse. There are mass graves. It's a purge of some sort, seemingly aimed that those who are Protesting a certain regime.

I'll shove this video in your face as many times as I have to, and share this video with the Allied Community with due responsibility in terms of media, military, and government response. What happens when you, or they receive the information? I don't know, exactly; but I do urge vocal and legal Allied reaction to such a massive chemical weapon attack.

The Truth is here, in many more ways that 1.
135953 covid deaths since Feb 6th
158600 dead from tobacco use in exactly the same time period

The question arises, why is tobacco still legal if every person counts?

1315 Americans die from tobacco related diseases every single day says the CDC who does not care

At least it takes years to die from smoking (usually) and they have a choice, and they pay mega taxes to help the state and federal gov.
All dead people are equal

480000 Americans die from tobacco and live on average 10 years less than non smokers.

If all lives are precious tobacco must be banned
There's no equivalency between a war crime chemical weapons attack and a person who contracts cancer from knowingly using a tobacco product, which is a sacred herb to My People. Tobacco should be not banned... you are being not Libertarian and pro Freedom in your devil's advocating... Q-anon. What are you, narcotics anonymous or something? Recovering drug addict, blaming tobacco for your slide into narcotics and barbituates? I smoke tobacco, never used the hard drugs, knowingly never will.

People dying from the terrorist chemical weapons attack in mass graves, while politicians and the media are covering it up... that's something that is far, far worse. Evidence is on video, sent out to the military, the press, and the People themselves.
Lol the doofus does not understand the difference between chemical weapons and biological warfare


Pretend away little tyke
What your trying to do, is an attempt of pinning the blame on the Chinese... but I see right through your ruse, Es(pagne)allah. Chemical weapons attack, a deadly toxic bleach in the water. He's moorish in mind, deceptive to Christians and Buddhists, et al, in a ruse de guerre. But Heaven's Faith wrote the Art of War, and there be Budha's among Us. Carry quickly, Our Jin Allies would like to know the Punic spin being placed on what is clearly a chemical weapons attack. Unkotare Do you wear a Yellow Mask, or are you Jinn?
The little child does not know chemical warfare from biological warfare from pin the tail on the dopey. Babble on and on and on
The man inhabited of a dark ( مُظْلِمٌ) spirit, Es(pain)allah, obviously has now had his whole strategy exposed to the Light. He also seems is having difficulty telling the difference between a child and a man; which I am an adult man, over the age of 18. And his satan Peter black robed senses are telling him; denial, denial, denial. The hands point to where the actual blame ought be pinned; on the satanic axis adherents residing among the global populace. And the original poster of this minimizing post is running his axis propaganda war.
“Judge not, that ye be not judged.”
Of course the CDC cares, however their hands are tied. Historically the tobacco lobby has been and still is extremely powerful and don't forget the drug tobacco was legal when unknowingly lethal. The unknowing part is important.

People dying as a result of consuming tobacco does not make people unnecessarily dying of Covid 19 acceptable. Unless you're wilfully and obtusely promoting a fallacious dilemma.
More people are dying unnecessarily from tobacco, and tobacco is 100 percent preventable, ban tobacco
And fast food...and Diet Pepsi.....and ban motorcycles.....and snowmobiles, and bathtubs.Anyone with a BMI over 28.27 should be jailed until cured and do a weigh in monthly or return to jail for fail.
These 535 gots lots of unfinished work defending FreeDumb !
Of course the CDC cares, however their hands are tied. Historically the tobacco lobby has been and still is extremely powerful and don't forget the drug tobacco was legal when unknowingly lethal. The unknowing part is important.

People dying as a result of consuming tobacco does not make people unnecessarily dying of Covid 19 acceptable. Unless you're wilfully and obtusely promoting a fallacious dilemma.
More people are dying unnecessarily from tobacco, and tobacco is 100 percent preventable, ban tobacco
And fast food...and Diet Pepsi.....and ban motorcycles.....and snowmobiles, and bathtubs.Anyone with a BMI over 28.27 should be jailed until cured and do a weigh in monthly or return to jail for fail.
These 535 gots lots of unfinished work defending FreeDumb !
I pass 500lb people in the grocery store with carts full of sugar, fat and empty carbs that know that they are doing the healthy thing by wearing a mask. On one hand it's hysterically funny and on the other it's no different then walking next to ignorance and death itself
Of course the CDC cares, however their hands are tied. Historically the tobacco lobby has been and still is extremely powerful and don't forget the drug tobacco was legal when unknowingly lethal. The unknowing part is important.

People dying as a result of consuming tobacco does not make people unnecessarily dying of Covid 19 acceptable. Unless you're wilfully and obtusely promoting a fallacious dilemma.
More people are dying unnecessarily from tobacco, and tobacco is 100 percent preventable, ban tobacco
And fast food...and Diet Pepsi.....and ban motorcycles.....and snowmobiles, and bathtubs.Anyone with a BMI over 28.27 should be jailed until cured and do a weigh in monthly or return to jail for fail.
These 535 gots lots of unfinished work defending FreeDumb !
I pass 500lb people in the grocery store with carts full of sugar, fat and empty carbs that know that they are doing the healthy thing by wearing a mask. On one hand it's hysterically funny and on the other it's no different then walking next to ignorance and death itself
Footprints in the sand ? Call the FBI ! That beach is closed and off limits in the land of FreeDumb ! If you saw anyone please call 1800-6662
Of course the CDC cares, however their hands are tied. Historically the tobacco lobby has been and still is extremely powerful and don't forget the drug tobacco was legal when unknowingly lethal. The unknowing part is important.

People dying as a result of consuming tobacco does not make people unnecessarily dying of Covid 19 acceptable. Unless you're wilfully and obtusely promoting a fallacious dilemma.
More people are dying unnecessarily from tobacco, and tobacco is 100 percent preventable, ban tobacco
And fast food...and Diet Pepsi.....and ban motorcycles.....and snowmobiles, and bathtubs.Anyone with a BMI over 28.27 should be jailed until cured and do a weigh in monthly or return to jail for fail.
These 535 gots lots of unfinished work defending FreeDumb !
I pass 500lb people in the grocery store with carts full of sugar, fat and empty carbs that know that they are doing the healthy thing by wearing a mask. On one hand it's hysterically funny and on the other it's no different then walking next to ignorance and death itself
Footprints in the sand ? Call the FBI ! That beach is closed and off limits in the land of FreeDumb ! If you saw anyone please call 1800-6662
Nothing is closed to the glory of the risen Christ. For every church you close the Lord with build another thousand in the hearts of his followers
135953 covid deaths since Feb 6th
158600 dead from tobacco use in exactly the same time period

The question arises, why is tobacco still legal if every person counts?

1315 Americans die from tobacco related diseases every single day says the CDC who does not care

At least it takes years to die from smoking (usually) and they have a choice, and they pay mega taxes to help the state and federal gov.
All dead people are equal

480000 Americans die from tobacco and live on average 10 years less than non smokers.

If all lives are precious tobacco must be banned
There's no equivalency between a war crime chemical weapons attack and a person who contracts cancer from knowingly using a tobacco product, which is a sacred herb to My People. Tobacco should be not banned... you are being not Libertarian and pro Freedom in your devil's advocating... Q-anon. What are you, narcotics anonymous or something? Recovering drug addict, blaming tobacco for your slide into narcotics and barbituates? I smoke tobacco, never used the hard drugs, knowingly never will.

People dying from the terrorist chemical weapons attack in mass graves, while politicians and the media are covering it up... that's something that is far, far worse. Evidence is on video, sent out to the military, the press, and the People themselves.
Lol the doofus does not understand the difference between chemical weapons and biological warfare


Pretend away little tyke
What your trying to do, is an attempt of pinning the blame on the Chinese... but I see right through your ruse, Es(pagne)allah. Chemical weapons attack, a deadly toxic bleach in the water. He's moorish in mind, deceptive to Christians and Buddhists, et al, in a ruse de guerre. But Heaven's Faith wrote the Art of War, and there be Budha's among Us. Carry quickly, Our Jin Allies would like to know the Punic spin being placed on what is clearly a chemical weapons attack. Unkotare Do you wear a Yellow Mask, or are you Jinn?
The little child does not know chemical warfare from biological warfare from pin the tail on the dopey. Babble on and on and on
The man inhabited of a dark ( مُظْلِمٌ) spirit, Es(pain)allah, obviously has now had his whole strategy exposed to the Light. He also seems is having difficulty telling the difference between a child and a man; which I am an adult man, over the age of 18. And his satan Peter black robed senses are telling him; denial, denial, denial. The hands point to where the actual blame ought be pinned; on the satanic axis adherents residing among the global populace. And the original poster of this minimizing post is running his axis propaganda war.
“Judge not, that ye be not judged.”
We are all subjected to judgement, and some hearts are spiritually lighter than others bearing less guilt of mortal crimes of the heart and mind. The Nuremberg trials, for instance is an example of weighing the guilt of men's actions during a government sanctioned mass murder.
135953 covid deaths since Feb 6th
158600 dead from tobacco use in exactly the same time period

The question arises, why is tobacco still legal if every person counts?

1315 Americans die from tobacco related diseases every single day says the CDC who does not care

At least it takes years to die from smoking (usually) and they have a choice, and they pay mega taxes to help the state and federal gov.
All dead people are equal

480000 Americans die from tobacco and live on average 10 years less than non smokers.

If all lives are precious tobacco must be banned
There's no equivalency between a war crime chemical weapons attack and a person who contracts cancer from knowingly using a tobacco product, which is a sacred herb to My People. Tobacco should be not banned... you are being not Libertarian and pro Freedom in your devil's advocating... Q-anon. What are you, narcotics anonymous or something? Recovering drug addict, blaming tobacco for your slide into narcotics and barbituates? I smoke tobacco, never used the hard drugs, knowingly never will.

People dying from the terrorist chemical weapons attack in mass graves, while politicians and the media are covering it up... that's something that is far, far worse. Evidence is on video, sent out to the military, the press, and the People themselves.
Lol the doofus does not understand the difference between chemical weapons and biological warfare


Pretend away little tyke
What your trying to do, is an attempt of pinning the blame on the Chinese... but I see right through your ruse, Es(pagne)allah. Chemical weapons attack, a deadly toxic bleach in the water. He's moorish in mind, deceptive to Christians and Buddhists, et al, in a ruse de guerre. But Heaven's Faith wrote the Art of War, and there be Budha's among Us. Carry quickly, Our Jin Allies would like to know the Punic spin being placed on what is clearly a chemical weapons attack. Unkotare Do you wear a Yellow Mask, or are you Jinn?
The little child does not know chemical warfare from biological warfare from pin the tail on the dopey. Babble on and on and on
The man inhabited of a dark ( مُظْلِمٌ) spirit, Es(pain)allah, obviously has now had his whole strategy exposed to the Light. He also seems is having difficulty telling the difference between a child and a man; which I am an adult man, over the age of 18. And his satan Peter black robed senses are telling him; denial, denial, denial. The hands point to where the actual blame ought be pinned; on the satanic axis adherents residing among the global populace. And the original poster of this minimizing post is running his axis propaganda war.
“Judge not, that ye be not judged.”
We are all subjected to judgement, and some hearts are spiritually lighter than others bearing less guilt of mortal crimes of the heart and mind. The Nuremberg trials, for instance is an example of weighing the guilt of men's actions during a government sanctioned mass murder.
Then there is the fake pandemic so that the birth control vaccine can be administered to the masses
Why is it mostly the religionists trying to spread a disease that causes the deformity and death of fetuses?

Tobacco causes fetal abnormalities too kid

So ban tobacco, or you do not give a shit

135953 covid deaths since Feb 6th
158600 dead from tobacco use in exactly the same time period

The question arises, why is tobacco still legal if every person counts?

1315 Americans die from tobacco related diseases every single day says the CDC who does not care

At least it takes years to die from smoking (usually) and they have a choice, and they pay mega taxes to help the state and federal gov.
All dead people are equal

480000 Americans die from tobacco and live on average 10 years less than non smokers.

If all lives are precious tobacco must be banned
There's no equivalency between a war crime chemical weapons attack and a person who contracts cancer from knowingly using a tobacco product, which is a sacred herb to My People. Tobacco should be not banned... you are being not Libertarian and pro Freedom in your devil's advocating... Q-anon. What are you, narcotics anonymous or something? Recovering drug addict, blaming tobacco for your slide into narcotics and barbituates? I smoke tobacco, never used the hard drugs, knowingly never will.

People dying from the terrorist chemical weapons attack in mass graves, while politicians and the media are covering it up... that's something that is far, far worse. Evidence is on video, sent out to the military, the press, and the People themselves.
Lol the doofus does not understand the difference between chemical weapons and biological warfare


Pretend away little tyke
What your trying to do, is an attempt of pinning the blame on the Chinese... but I see right through your ruse, Es(pagne)allah. Chemical weapons attack, a deadly toxic bleach in the water. He's moorish in mind, deceptive to Christians and Buddhists, et al, in a ruse de guerre. But Heaven's Faith wrote the Art of War, and there be Budha's among Us. Carry quickly, Our Jin Allies would like to know the Punic spin being placed on what is clearly a chemical weapons attack. Unkotare Do you wear a Yellow Mask, or are you Jinn?
The little child does not know chemical warfare from biological warfare from pin the tail on the dopey. Babble on and on and on
The man inhabited of a dark ( مُظْلِمٌ) spirit, Es(pain)allah, obviously has now had his whole strategy exposed to the Light. He also seems is having difficulty telling the difference between a child and a man; which I am an adult man, over the age of 18. And his satan Peter black robed senses are telling him; denial, denial, denial. The hands point to where the actual blame ought be pinned; on the satanic axis adherents residing among the global populace. And the original poster of this minimizing post is running his axis propaganda war.
“Judge not, that ye be not judged.”
We are all subjected to judgement, and some hearts are spiritually lighter than others bearing less guilt of mortal crimes of the heart and mind. The Nuremberg trials, for instance is an example of weighing the guilt of men's actions during a government sanctioned mass murder.
Then there is the fake pandemic so that the birth control vaccine can be administered to the masses
I'm concerned that what Mr. Fauci is preparing is a eu-then-asia shot of that hydrochloroquine stuff he was promoting earlier.
135953 covid deaths since Feb 6th
158600 dead from tobacco use in exactly the same time period

The question arises, why is tobacco still legal if every person counts?

1315 Americans die from tobacco related diseases every single day says the CDC who does not care

At least it takes years to die from smoking (usually) and they have a choice, and they pay mega taxes to help the state and federal gov.
All dead people are equal

480000 Americans die from tobacco and live on average 10 years less than non smokers.

If all lives are precious tobacco must be banned
There's no equivalency between a war crime chemical weapons attack and a person who contracts cancer from knowingly using a tobacco product, which is a sacred herb to My People. Tobacco should be not banned... you are being not Libertarian and pro Freedom in your devil's advocating... Q-anon. What are you, narcotics anonymous or something? Recovering drug addict, blaming tobacco for your slide into narcotics and barbituates? I smoke tobacco, never used the hard drugs, knowingly never will.

People dying from the terrorist chemical weapons attack in mass graves, while politicians and the media are covering it up... that's something that is far, far worse. Evidence is on video, sent out to the military, the press, and the People themselves.
Lol the doofus does not understand the difference between chemical weapons and biological warfare


Pretend away little tyke
What your trying to do, is an attempt of pinning the blame on the Chinese... but I see right through your ruse, Es(pagne)allah. Chemical weapons attack, a deadly toxic bleach in the water. He's moorish in mind, deceptive to Christians and Buddhists, et al, in a ruse de guerre. But Heaven's Faith wrote the Art of War, and there be Budha's among Us. Carry quickly, Our Jin Allies would like to know the Punic spin being placed on what is clearly a chemical weapons attack. Unkotare Do you wear a Yellow Mask, or are you Jinn?
The little child does not know chemical warfare from biological warfare from pin the tail on the dopey. Babble on and on and on
The man inhabited of a dark ( مُظْلِمٌ) spirit, Es(pain)allah, obviously has now had his whole strategy exposed to the Light. He also seems is having difficulty telling the difference between a child and a man; which I am an adult man, over the age of 18. And his satan Peter black robed senses are telling him; denial, denial, denial. The hands point to where the actual blame ought be pinned; on the satanic axis adherents residing among the global populace. And the original poster of this minimizing post is running his axis propaganda war.
“Judge not, that ye be not judged.”
We are all subjected to judgement, and some hearts are spiritually lighter than others bearing less guilt of mortal crimes of the heart and mind. The Nuremberg trials, for instance is an example of weighing the guilt of men's actions during a government sanctioned mass murder.
Then there is the fake pandemic so that the birth control vaccine can be administered to the masses
I'm concerned that what Mr. Fauci is preparing is a eu-then-asia shot of that hydrochloroquine stuff he was promoting earlier.
Fauci is not preparing anything, he is nothing but a government lying stooge
Why is it mostly the religionists trying to spread a disease that causes the deformity and death of fetuses?

Tobacco causes fetal abnormalities too kid

So ban tobacco, or you do not give a shit

I think you feel as though people lack will power to act responsibly, and so you are taking away the temptation. Yet most people I know who got pregnant were responsible. What does drinking bleach do to the reproductive system? Catastrophic failure in the case of death. Cancer inducing, from what I read. Which reminds Me, I'd like to go get some ground beans and spring water... which I have to buy now in order to avoid the tap water and use in, well, all instances of water consumption. Much more expensive... and quite an inconvenience... if only there was some sanitary way to get a fresh and healthy water supply right here, in the building where I live from some sort of water dispensation system.
Why is it mostly the religionists trying to spread a disease that causes the deformity and death of fetuses?

Tobacco causes fetal abnormalities too kid

So ban tobacco, or you do not give a shit

I'd be fine with tobacco being banned, personally. I'm not even keen on people who vape nicotine. Go for it.
Why is it mostly the religionists trying to spread a disease that causes the deformity and death of fetuses?

They're already well versed in the art of suspension of disbelief.

I have no trouble reconciling the link between religiosity and general credulity (at best) or motivated ignorance (at worst).

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