COVID "surging"???? Where in the hell does the MSM get this information???

Listening to Fox today they use the word Covid cases are "Surging"! SURGING???
AGAIN look to the facts instead of hyperbole! The following data comes from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 47,194,729 Cases and 1,209,306 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
1) Almost 98% survival!
2) "Surging" cases... with 99.8% MILD not hospitalized!

Please folks... we have to hold these MSM liars accountable!
They are literally costing our country Trillions of dollars.

FView attachment 410065
Yes, Covid is surging. A record number of cases per day. With a 2.5 percent death rate, that's about 1,000 or more people dying each day.

You can huff and puff all day long, but you cannot hide the fact we have the most deaths on the planet by far. Trump is an unmitigated disaster.
The daily mortality rates are sub 1% now. The 2.5% comes from 7% plus early on when the Dem governors were killing everyone. Daily rates have declined and continue to so your math as usual is moronic. And who is doing all the huffing and puffing Chicken Little??
Nope. The death rate is still 2.5%.

WE have the most dead. Way more than anyone else.

25% of the deaths with 4% of the world population.

Trump is a colossally ignorant failure.

You cannot hide from these facts no matter how much bullshit you spew.
Freaking out over what amounts to the fucking cold virus. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!!

The number of deaths as a result of covid needs to also include the people WE FUCKING EXECUTE FOR PERPETUATING THIS FUCKING FRAUD!!!
Wackos have to have a sky is falling theme, especially if they can blame it on someone else.
Now they try to create chaos over increased cases when the high number of testing and available testing is proving how flulike this really is.
Listening to Fox today they use the word Covid cases are "Surging"! SURGING???
AGAIN look to the facts instead of hyperbole! The following data comes from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 47,194,729 Cases and 1,209,306 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
1) Almost 98% survival!
2) "Surging" cases... with 99.8% MILD not hospitalized!

Please folks... we have to hold these MSM liars accountable!
They are literally costing our country Trillions of dollars.

FView attachment 410065
Yes, Covid is surging. A record number of cases per day. With a 2.5 percent death rate, that's about 1,000 or more people dying each day.

You can huff and puff all day long, but you cannot hide the fact we have the most deaths on the planet by far. Trump is an unmitigated disaster.
The daily mortality rates are sub 1% now. The 2.5% comes from 7% plus early on when the Dem governors were killing everyone. Daily rates have declined and continue to so your math as usual is moronic. And who is doing all the huffing and puffing Chicken Little??
Nope. The death rate is still 2.5%.

WE have the most dead. Way more than anyone else.

25% of the deaths with 4% of the world population.

Trump is a colossally ignorant failure.

You cannot hide from these facts no matter how much bullshit you spew.
We also have the most tests, so what? By population we have neither the most deaths nor the most tests so go spout your idiot rants to your own ilk. The virus is not the President's fault or responsibility, it is China's. His job is to try and talk sense to our state leaders and calm our citizens, the exact opposite of what wacko Dem leaders did and they have handled this poorly. Those are the facts snowflake whiner.
They dont get it anywhere
They make it up
1 positive in 10 tests or 10 positives in 100 tests or 100 positives in 1000 is absolutely NOT a surge nor a spike. It’s a proportional increase based on proportionally increasing number of tests
Dems pretend that positives are solely an “effect” with no preceding cause. There is a cause-more tests.

It’s a hoax perpetrated by the willfully ignorant and the just plain math and stats disabled
They dont get it anywhere
They make it up
1 positive in 10 tests or 10 positives in 100 tests or 100 positives in 1000 is absolutely NOT a surge nor a spike. It’s a proportional increase based on proportionally increasing number of tests
Dems pretend that positives are solely an “effect” with no preceding cause. There is a cause-more tests.

It’s a hoax perpetrated by the willfully ignorant and the just plain math and stats disabled
6.5% positive test rate and falling
According to Johns Hopkins cases are increasing worldwide.

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center- New Cases
And especially in this country and even in areas not previously seriously infected. Many states have seen their numbers go up since summer and some state and local healthcare getting close to dangerous numbers. Remember, facilities have to be available for standard medical and emergency medical.
6.5% times the testing total gives you increased cases as the testing numbers continue to go up. That's not a surge, that is simple math.
Tell it to them in Utah. Here in TN, we are pretty well geared up.
View attachment 410195
Tell it to them in Iowa.
View attachment 410194
Utah has 614 deaths in 116,510 cases for a .5% mortality rate what's your point? Iowa has 1738 deaths in 132,052 cases for a 1.3% mortality. Hospitalizing early cases is nothing new but trying to read the propaganda about two states handling the virus well is stupid.
Read the news from those states. I am in Tenn. We have our own problems with it, but appears to be leveling as we started earlier. Those are not liberal states. They are just trying to look out for their citizens. You complaint is with them, not me. I simply pointed out the top two news releases from them, on 12 minutes old and the other 3 days old. They got to do, what they think they got to do and I commend them for voicing their concern to their citizens. Rent you some ad time on their markets and calm their fears. Doubt this message board is going to be effective as the main subject here is politics, not reality or best practices in areas of surge.
According to Johns Hopkins cases are increasing worldwide.

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center- New Cases
And especially in this country and even in areas not previously seriously infected. Many states have seen their numbers go up since summer and some state and local healthcare getting close to dangerous numbers. Remember, facilities have to be available for standard medical and emergency medical.
6.5% times the testing total gives you increased cases as the testing numbers continue to go up. That's not a surge, that is simple math.
Tell it to them in Utah. Here in TN, we are pretty well geared up.
View attachment 410195
Tell it to them in Iowa.
View attachment 410194
Utah has 614 deaths in 116,510 cases for a .5% mortality rate what's your point? Iowa has 1738 deaths in 132,052 cases for a 1.3% mortality. Hospitalizing early cases is nothing new but trying to read the propaganda about two states handling the virus well is stupid.
Read the news from those states. I am in Tenn. We have our own problems with it, but appears to be leveling as we started earlier. Those are not liberal states. They are just trying to look out for their citizens. You complaint is with them, not me. I simply pointed out the top two news releases from them, on 12 minutes old and the other 3 days old. They got to do, what they think they got to do and I commend them for voicing their concern to their citizens. Rent you some ad time on their markets and calm their fears. Doubt this message board is going to be effective as the main subject here is politics, not reality or best practices in areas of surge.
I am not complaining, I am showing you statistical facts. Increased cases means nothing by itself, simple math. Nothing wrong with warning citizens or taking some precautions if you feel it is necessary, i am simply pointing out what is fact and what is misleading propaganda.
The focus on diagnosis data is not relevant to the Trumped-Up crisis. Hospital beds are increasingly unavailable. That is a surge. ICU beds are increasingly unavailable. That is a surge. Field hospitals are being set up. That is a surge. Patients being flown about all over, looking for empty treatment locations. That is a surge. Trumped-Up Super-Spreader events reportedly increasing case counts. That is a classic poetic justice. Sending all the old farts out to freeze and die. That is classic poetic justice.

Where do those created freezing old farts go: In the absence of treatment space available? That is a surge.

The Trumped-Up "Fast-Track" vaccinations have not materialized. This creates the surge.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Noticing the impact of the Matthew 25: 14-30--"No Lives Matter" prayer: Smaller-sized Super-Spreader, Trumped-Up Rally events!)
According to Johns Hopkins cases are increasing worldwide.

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center- New Cases
And especially in this country and even in areas not previously seriously infected. Many states have seen their numbers go up since summer and some state and local healthcare getting close to dangerous numbers. Remember, facilities have to be available for standard medical and emergency medical.
6.5% times the testing total gives you increased cases as the testing numbers continue to go up. That's not a surge, that is simple math.
Tell it to them in Utah. Here in TN, we are pretty well geared up.
View attachment 410195
Tell it to them in Iowa.
View attachment 410194
Utah has 614 deaths in 116,510 cases for a .5% mortality rate what's your point? Iowa has 1738 deaths in 132,052 cases for a 1.3% mortality. Hospitalizing early cases is nothing new but trying to read the propaganda about two states handling the virus well is stupid.
Read the news from those states. I am in Tenn. We have our own problems with it, but appears to be leveling as we started earlier. Those are not liberal states. They are just trying to look out for their citizens. You complaint is with them, not me. I simply pointed out the top two news releases from them, on 12 minutes old and the other 3 days old. They got to do, what they think they got to do and I commend them for voicing their concern to their citizens. Rent you some ad time on their markets and calm their fears. Doubt this message board is going to be effective as the main subject here is politics, not reality or best practices in areas of surge.
I am not complaining, I am showing you statistical facts. Increased cases means nothing by itself, simple math. Nothing wrong with warning citizens or taking some precautions if you feel it is necessary, i am simply pointing out what is fact and what is misleading propaganda.
Not propaganda. Not fake news. In many places it is indeed serious. In many others, worthy of caution, but not serious. Think of it, like when all the right wing people were talking about massive unrest and violence across the country, when it was just, maybe 10 cities and the vast, vast majority of us do not live in those cities, and it wasn't even in the largest part of any of the cities where it occurred. I was still interested to know, but knew to check their local news stations, look out my front door and pay attention to the news outlets actually in my state.
They dont get it anywhere
They make it up
1 positive in 10 tests or 10 positives in 100 tests or 100 positives in 1000 is absolutely NOT a surge nor a spike. It’s a proportional increase based on proportionally increasing number of tests
Dems pretend that positives are solely an “effect” with no preceding cause. There is a cause-more tests.

It’s a hoax perpetrated by the willfully ignorant and the just plain math and stats disabled
6.5% positive test rate and falling
It’s been 6-7.5% for four months with daily hospitalization very steady between 15-17000. So 1 out of every 18 tested people get it and then after 18 positives are achieved (324 tested people necessary to arrive at this) then one is going to the hospital
The ender of mankind this is very far from
Last edited:
The focus on diagnosis data is not relevant to the Trumped-Up crisis. Hospital beds are increasingly unavailable. That is a surge. ICU beds are increasingly unavailable. That is a surge. Field hospitals are being set up. That is a surge. Patients being flown about all over, looking for empty treatment locations. That is a surge. Trumped-Up Super-Spreader events reportedly increasing case counts. That is a classic poetic justice. Sending all the old farts out to freeze and die. That is classic poetic justice.

Where to those created freezing old farts go: In the absence of treatment space available? That is a surge.

The Trumped-Up "Fast-Track" vaccinations have not materialized. This creates the surge.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Noticing the impact of the Matthew 25: 14-30--"No Lives Matter" prayer: Smaller-sized Super-Spreader, Trumped-Up Rally events!)
Baloney and more baloney. You can look at bed availability by state and see there are plenty of beds available throughout the country, better than before. Stop reading your bs articles and do the research. .5% of active cases in the US are one point that was much higher. The positive test rate is declining every day as is the mortality rate. An increase in cases means just increase in cases because more people are getting tested.
The focus on diagnosis data is not relevant to the Trumped-Up crisis. Hospital beds are increasingly unavailable. That is a surge. ICU beds are increasingly unavailable. That is a surge. Field hospitals are being set up. That is a surge. Patients being flown about all over, looking for empty treatment locations. That is a surge. Trumped-Up Super-Spreader events reportedly increasing case counts. That is a classic poetic justice. Sending all the old farts out to freeze and die. That is classic poetic justice.

Where to those created freezing old farts go: In the absence of treatment space available? That is a surge.

The Trumped-Up "Fast-Track" vaccinations have not materialized. This creates the surge.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Noticing the impact of the Matthew 25: 14-30--"No Lives Matter" prayer: Smaller-sized Super-Spreader, Trumped-Up Rally events!)
Love your personal creation of what defines a surge
Feelings fakery
According to Johns Hopkins cases are increasing worldwide.

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center- New Cases
And especially in this country and even in areas not previously seriously infected. Many states have seen their numbers go up since summer and some state and local healthcare getting close to dangerous numbers. Remember, facilities have to be available for standard medical and emergency medical.
6.5% times the testing total gives you increased cases as the testing numbers continue to go up. That's not a surge, that is simple math.
Tell it to them in Utah. Here in TN, we are pretty well geared up.
View attachment 410195
Tell it to them in Iowa.
View attachment 410194
Utah has 614 deaths in 116,510 cases for a .5% mortality rate what's your point? Iowa has 1738 deaths in 132,052 cases for a 1.3% mortality. Hospitalizing early cases is nothing new but trying to read the propaganda about two states handling the virus well is stupid.
Read the news from those states. I am in Tenn. We have our own problems with it, but appears to be leveling as we started earlier. Those are not liberal states. They are just trying to look out for their citizens. You complaint is with them, not me. I simply pointed out the top two news releases from them, on 12 minutes old and the other 3 days old. They got to do, what they think they got to do and I commend them for voicing their concern to their citizens. Rent you some ad time on their markets and calm their fears. Doubt this message board is going to be effective as the main subject here is politics, not reality or best practices in areas of surge.
I am not complaining, I am showing you statistical facts. Increased cases means nothing by itself, simple math. Nothing wrong with warning citizens or taking some precautions if you feel it is necessary, i am simply pointing out what is fact and what is misleading propaganda.
Not propaganda. Not fake news. In many places it is indeed serious. In many others, worthy of caution, but not serious. Think of it, like when all the right wing people were talking about massive unrest and violence across the country, when it was just, maybe 10 cities and the vast, vast majority of us do not live in those cities, and it wasn't even in the largest part of any of the cities where it occurred. I was still interested to know, but knew to check their local news stations, look out my front door and pay attention to the news outlets actually in my state.
Your problem is you are checking unreliable media sources. They distort the facts to their agenda and you libbers buy it all the way. It is propaganda because it differs from facts.
Listening to Fox today they use the word Covid cases are "Surging"! SURGING???
AGAIN look to the facts instead of hyperbole! The following data comes from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 47,194,729 Cases and 1,209,306 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
1) Almost 98% survival!
2) "Surging" cases... with 99.8% MILD not hospitalized!

Please folks... we have to hold these MSM liars accountable!
They are literally costing our country Trillions of dollars.

FView attachment 410065
Why would fox hyperbolize to make COVID sound worse than it really is. They hyperbolize to help Trump most of the time so this would go against their agenda.

Covid cases are surging. Hospitalizations are growing, deaths are growing. You have not shown otherwise
According to Johns Hopkins cases are increasing worldwide.

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center- New Cases
And especially in this country and even in areas not previously seriously infected. Many states have seen their numbers go up since summer and some state and local healthcare getting close to dangerous numbers. Remember, facilities have to be available for standard medical and emergency medical.
6.5% times the testing total gives you increased cases as the testing numbers continue to go up. That's not a surge, that is simple math.
Tell it to them in Utah. Here in TN, we are pretty well geared up.
View attachment 410195
Tell it to them in Iowa.
View attachment 410194
Utah has 614 deaths in 116,510 cases for a .5% mortality rate what's your point? Iowa has 1738 deaths in 132,052 cases for a 1.3% mortality. Hospitalizing early cases is nothing new but trying to read the propaganda about two states handling the virus well is stupid.
Read the news from those states. I am in Tenn. We have our own problems with it, but appears to be leveling as we started earlier. Those are not liberal states. They are just trying to look out for their citizens. You complaint is with them, not me. I simply pointed out the top two news releases from them, on 12 minutes old and the other 3 days old. They got to do, what they think they got to do and I commend them for voicing their concern to their citizens. Rent you some ad time on their markets and calm their fears. Doubt this message board is going to be effective as the main subject here is politics, not reality or best practices in areas of surge.
I am not complaining, I am showing you statistical facts. Increased cases means nothing by itself, simple math. Nothing wrong with warning citizens or taking some precautions if you feel it is necessary, i am simply pointing out what is fact and what is misleading propaganda.
Not propaganda. Not fake news. In many places it is indeed serious. In many others, worthy of caution, but not serious. Think of it, like when all the right wing people were talking about massive unrest and violence across the country, when it was just, maybe 10 cities and the vast, vast majority of us do not live in those cities, and it wasn't even in the largest part of any of the cities where it occurred. I was still interested to know, but knew to check their local news stations, look out my front door and pay attention to the news outlets actually in my state.
Your problem is you are checking unreliable media sources. They distort the facts to their agenda and you libbers buy it all the way. It is propaganda because it differs from facts.
No, I am not. I just don't panic fast or jump to conclusion. I check lots of sources to satisfy myself. You probably will not be able to muzzle state and local governments so your sources will carry your argument, but you are welcome to try. Knock yourself out.
Listening to Fox today they use the word Covid cases are "Surging"! SURGING???
AGAIN look to the facts instead of hyperbole! The following data comes from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 47,194,729 Cases and 1,209,306 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
1) Almost 98% survival!
2) "Surging" cases... with 99.8% MILD not hospitalized!

Please folks... we have to hold these MSM liars accountable!
They are literally costing our country Trillions of dollars.

FView attachment 410065
Why would fox hyperbolize to make COVID sound worse than it really is. They hyperbolize to help Trump most of the time so this would go against their agenda.

Covid cases are surging. Hospitalizations are growing, deaths are growing. You have not shown otherwise
Paid panic projecting poster
Listening to Fox today they use the word Covid cases are "Surging"! SURGING???
AGAIN look to the facts instead of hyperbole! The following data comes from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 47,194,729 Cases and 1,209,306 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
1) Almost 98% survival!
2) "Surging" cases... with 99.8% MILD not hospitalized!

Please folks... we have to hold these MSM liars accountable!
They are literally costing our country Trillions of dollars.

FView attachment 410065
Why would fox hyperbolize to make COVID sound worse than it really is. They hyperbolize to help Trump most of the time so this would go against their agenda.

Covid cases are surging. Hospitalizations are growing, deaths are growing. You have not shown otherwise
Worldmeters......Worldmeters......Worldmeters.......its all there nobody has to show anything just read the numbers. No surge, mortality rates decreasing, severe case rate decreasing, positivity results decreasing, tests increasing, cases increasing....certainly there has to be a liberal out there with common sense.
According to Johns Hopkins cases are increasing worldwide.

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center- New Cases
And especially in this country and even in areas not previously seriously infected. Many states have seen their numbers go up since summer and some state and local healthcare getting close to dangerous numbers. Remember, facilities have to be available for standard medical and emergency medical.
6.5% times the testing total gives you increased cases as the testing numbers continue to go up. That's not a surge, that is simple math.
Tell it to them in Utah. Here in TN, we are pretty well geared up.
View attachment 410195
Tell it to them in Iowa.
View attachment 410194
Utah has 614 deaths in 116,510 cases for a .5% mortality rate what's your point? Iowa has 1738 deaths in 132,052 cases for a 1.3% mortality. Hospitalizing early cases is nothing new but trying to read the propaganda about two states handling the virus well is stupid.
Read the news from those states. I am in Tenn. We have our own problems with it, but appears to be leveling as we started earlier. Those are not liberal states. They are just trying to look out for their citizens. You complaint is with them, not me. I simply pointed out the top two news releases from them, on 12 minutes old and the other 3 days old. They got to do, what they think they got to do and I commend them for voicing their concern to their citizens. Rent you some ad time on their markets and calm their fears. Doubt this message board is going to be effective as the main subject here is politics, not reality or best practices in areas of surge.
I am not complaining, I am showing you statistical facts. Increased cases means nothing by itself, simple math. Nothing wrong with warning citizens or taking some precautions if you feel it is necessary, i am simply pointing out what is fact and what is misleading propaganda.
Not propaganda. Not fake news. In many places it is indeed serious. In many others, worthy of caution, but not serious. Think of it, like when all the right wing people were talking about massive unrest and violence across the country, when it was just, maybe 10 cities and the vast, vast majority of us do not live in those cities, and it wasn't even in the largest part of any of the cities where it occurred. I was still interested to know, but knew to check their local news stations, look out my front door and pay attention to the news outlets actually in my state.
Your problem is you are checking unreliable media sources. They distort the facts to their agenda and you libbers buy it all the way. It is propaganda because it differs from facts.
No, I am not. I just don't panic fast or jump to conclusion. I check lots of sources to satisfy myself. You probably will not be able to muzzle state and local governments so your sources will carry your argument, but you are welcome to try. Knock yourself out.
I have no argument only statistics...actual statistics.
According to Johns Hopkins cases are increasing worldwide.

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center- New Cases
And especially in this country and even in areas not previously seriously infected. Many states have seen their numbers go up since summer and some state and local healthcare getting close to dangerous numbers. Remember, facilities have to be available for standard medical and emergency medical.
6.5% times the testing total gives you increased cases as the testing numbers continue to go up. That's not a surge, that is simple math.
Tell it to them in Utah. Here in TN, we are pretty well geared up.
View attachment 410195
Tell it to them in Iowa.
View attachment 410194
Utah has 614 deaths in 116,510 cases for a .5% mortality rate what's your point? Iowa has 1738 deaths in 132,052 cases for a 1.3% mortality. Hospitalizing early cases is nothing new but trying to read the propaganda about two states handling the virus well is stupid.
Read the news from those states. I am in Tenn. We have our own problems with it, but appears to be leveling as we started earlier. Those are not liberal states. They are just trying to look out for their citizens. You complaint is with them, not me. I simply pointed out the top two news releases from them, on 12 minutes old and the other 3 days old. They got to do, what they think they got to do and I commend them for voicing their concern to their citizens. Rent you some ad time on their markets and calm their fears. Doubt this message board is going to be effective as the main subject here is politics, not reality or best practices in areas of surge.
I am not complaining, I am showing you statistical facts. Increased cases means nothing by itself, simple math. Nothing wrong with warning citizens or taking some precautions if you feel it is necessary, i am simply pointing out what is fact and what is misleading propaganda.
Not propaganda. Not fake news. In many places it is indeed serious. In many others, worthy of caution, but not serious. Think of it, like when all the right wing people were talking about massive unrest and violence across the country, when it was just, maybe 10 cities and the vast, vast majority of us do not live in those cities, and it wasn't even in the largest part of any of the cities where it occurred. I was still interested to know, but knew to check their local news stations, look out my front door and pay attention to the news outlets actually in my state.
Your problem is you are checking unreliable media sources. They distort the facts to their agenda and you libbers buy it all the way. It is propaganda because it differs from facts.
No, I am not. I just don't panic fast or jump to conclusion. I check lots of sources to satisfy myself. You probably will not be able to muzzle state and local governments so your sources will carry your argument, but you are welcome to try. Knock yourself out.
You only need to check one source. The one with no opinion

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