COVID "surging"???? Where in the hell does the MSM get this information???

Yea...there's nothing like spending the last years of your life imprisoned in your house so people like the above can go bar hopping
Yeah that's all people do is go bar hopping in life eh ???... Rotflmbo. Have you seen these prison's you pitty people for staying in ? Most love their bought and paid for prison's they live in, unless you are a government dependent lifer, then your pitty might apply, but most in America don't see their homes as prison's.

Look for the vaccines that will finish this thing up quickly. Of course the Democrats have got to keep fear mongering going to the last second, and if Trump wins, they'll keep it going for long after that to no avail. Give it up... Trump 2020. MAGA.
Daily infection rates in the first wave were in the 35,000 range. In July it was 70,000. Now it's 100,000

40 states with dailiy infections increasing. NONE decreasing
6.5% US positive test rate and FALLING goofus. Infection rates are directly tied to the testing they do and so what? The severe case rates and mortality rates are FALLING.
I'm old, and I had the thing.... Yep and I got over it. I think as the virus travels through the human immune systems, it is getting weaker and weaker as it breaks down further and further. It only makes sense that it works this way or how else would the human race survive for thousands of years with all the microbes, plague's and etc we've encountered throughout time ??
Daily infection rates in the first wave were in the 35,000 range. In July it was 70,000. Now it's 100,000

40 states with dailiy infections increasing. NONE decreasing
6.5% US positive test rate and FALLING goofus. Infection rates are directly tied to the testing they do and so what? The severe case rates and mortality rates are FALLING.
I'm old, and I had the thing.... Yep and I got over it. I think as the virus travels through the human immune systems, it is getting weaker and weaker as it breaks down further and further. It only makes sense that it works this way or how else would the human race survive for thousands of years with all the microbes, plague's and etc we've encountered throughout time ??
Then you got lucky

There is no indication that the virus is any less lethal than when it started
Listening to Fox today they use the word Covid cases are "Surging"! SURGING???
AGAIN look to the facts instead of hyperbole! The following data comes from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 47,194,729 Cases and 1,209,306 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
1) Almost 98% survival!
2) "Surging" cases... with 99.8% MILD not hospitalized!

Please folks... we have to hold these MSM liars accountable!
They are literally costing our country Trillions of dollars.

FView attachment 410065
I canceled my television subscription starting today.
No more Fox News.
Listening to Fox today they use the word Covid cases are "Surging"! SURGING???
AGAIN look to the facts instead of hyperbole! The following data comes from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 47,194,729 Cases and 1,209,306 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
1) Almost 98% survival!
2) "Surging" cases... with 99.8% MILD not hospitalized!

Please folks... we have to hold these MSM liars accountable!
They are literally costing our country Trillions of dollars.

FView attachment 410065
Extreme Trumpoholic stupidity. This person believes there is a relationship and correlation between the numbers of people who are stricken with COVID-19 or test positive and health outcomes of acquiring the desease.
Listening to Fox today they use the word Covid cases are "Surging"! SURGING???
AGAIN look to the facts instead of hyperbole! The following data comes from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 47,194,729 Cases and 1,209,306 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
1) Almost 98% survival!
2) "Surging" cases... with 99.8% MILD not hospitalized!

Please folks... we have to hold these MSM liars accountable!
They are literally costing our country Trillions of dollars.

FView attachment 410065
Extreme Trumpoholic stupidity. This person believes there is a relationship and correlation between the numbers of people who are stricken with COVID-19 or test positive and health outcomes of acquiring the desease.
"Stricken" with Covid? You mean someone who catches the leftyflu?
Daily infection rates in the first wave were in the 35,000 range. In July it was 70,000. Now it's 100,000

40 states with dailiy infections increasing. NONE decreasing
6.5% US positive test rate and FALLING goofus. Infection rates are directly tied to the testing they do and so what? The severe case rates and mortality rates are FALLING.
I'm old, and I had the thing.... Yep and I got over it. I think as the virus travels through the human immune systems, it is getting weaker and weaker as it breaks down further and further. It only makes sense that it works this way or how else would the human race survive for thousands of years with all the microbes, plague's and etc we've encountered throughout time ??
Doctor show last night on NBC shows docs and nurses in spacesuits working with Covid patients....makes it look like you die if you get it to keep the hoax alive.
Daily infection rates in the first wave were in the 35,000 range. In July it was 70,000. Now it's 100,000

40 states with dailiy infections increasing. NONE decreasing
6.5% US positive test rate and FALLING goofus. Infection rates are directly tied to the testing they do and so what? The severe case rates and mortality rates are FALLING.
I'm old, and I had the thing.... Yep and I got over it. I think as the virus travels through the human immune systems, it is getting weaker and weaker as it breaks down further and further. It only makes sense that it works this way or how else would the human race survive for thousands of years with all the microbes, plague's and etc we've encountered throughout time ??
Then you got lucky

There is no indication that the virus is any less lethal than when it started
Good grief, you just make it up as you go don't you ???? I'm tired of wasting time on you, and other's should be also. Your hyper partisan bullcrap is off the chain here, but you know this.
Daily infection rates in the first wave were in the 35,000 range. In July it was 70,000. Now it's 100,000

40 states with dailiy infections increasing. NONE decreasing
6.5% US positive test rate and FALLING goofus. Infection rates are directly tied to the testing they do and so what? The severe case rates and mortality rates are FALLING.
I'm old, and I had the thing.... Yep and I got over it. I think as the virus travels through the human immune systems, it is getting weaker and weaker as it breaks down further and further. It only makes sense that it works this way or how else would the human race survive for thousands of years with all the microbes, plague's and etc we've encountered throughout time ??
Then you got lucky

There is no indication that the virus is any less lethal than when it started
Good grief, you just make it up as you go don't you ???? I'm tired of wasting time on you, and other's should be also. Your hyper partisan bullcrap is off the chain here, but you know this.
Libber propaganda parrot is all
Daily infection rates in the first wave were in the 35,000 range. In July it was 70,000. Now it's 100,000

40 states with dailiy infections increasing. NONE decreasing
6.5% US positive test rate and FALLING goofus. Infection rates are directly tied to the testing they do and so what? The severe case rates and mortality rates are FALLING.
I'm old, and I had the thing.... Yep and I got over it. I think as the virus travels through the human immune systems, it is getting weaker and weaker as it breaks down further and further. It only makes sense that it works this way or how else would the human race survive for thousands of years with all the microbes, plague's and etc we've encountered throughout time ??
Doctor show last night on NBC shows docs and nurses in spacesuits working with Covid patients....makes it look like you die if you get it to keep the hoax alive.
I know right.... They sent me home with a prescription of doxycycline, and told me to come back through the line if I needed them. I immediately quarantined, and started my journey to rid myself of this China virus. It took about 4 days before I started getting better. Ran a one time fever of 101.3. I stopped eating for two of the days, and my kidneys slowed to a crawl, but not sure if that was related to it. Could have been, but not sure. Lost my taste and smell. Got a cough that lasted two weeks.

I'm still curious by the timing involved, and how this thing has been used by the left in the way that it has been, along with their rehtoric included, if China didn't release this thing based upon the future outlook concerning world affairs, and the Democrats are somehow involved in it ? I hope not, good Lord I hope not, but it's mighty suspicious when you add it all up.

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