COVID "surging"???? Where in the hell does the MSM get this information???

If democrat run states and cities were seriously concerned about public health, they would have hospitals and urgent care facilities continually update their websites to show occupancy in the facilities and if a patient is checked in specifically because of acute flu symptoms. Playing with stats like the democrat governors do of "positive" cases in citizens with no symptoms means this ridiculous Kung Flu will never end. That one of the many reasons to re-elect President Trump. My guess he will sign an Executive Order to protect citizens and businesses from unconstitutional decrees from democrat governors.
You can find state by state hospital occupancy rates but you have to dig them up yourself. The media isn't going to mention anything about the vast number of open beds or the closed hospitals

The number of tests per thousand has actually declined per 1,000 people since Oct 11 while infections have exploded
View attachment 410222

Yes you are right...dangerous for people like me over 65 but to close schools when the mortality rate for ages 5 -24 is less than 2.6%???
You think those little germ factories won't infect their parents and THEY won't infect you?

And then there's the teachers...
Again, not sure where anyone thinks the virus is going without a vaccine. And eternal hiding from it? That won't work either.
NY was able to keep it under control for a long time...but the rest of the country just let it run wild and now it's back. We had cases down in the mid hundreds and were able to test,trace, and isolate.

When cases are low...that works. When the virus is everywhere it is now...we're fucked
go crawl under cuomo the homos bed. that should save you, unless that asshole decides to ship you to a nursing home.'d almost think no one died in a nursing home in a Red state.

But that would be fucking stupidly wrong so...
upstate barely registers. if you are in the nyc area, you should have went on the floating hospital. but hey, cuomo the homo sent that away after all ..its... whining. anyhow, this scum demonrat mandated the elderlies early demise. you got a problem, take it up with homo-boy
Yes you are right...dangerous for people like me over 65 but to close schools when the mortality rate for ages 5 -24 is less than 2.6%???
You think those little germ factories won't infect their parents and THEY won't infect you?

And then there's the teachers...
Again, not sure where anyone thinks the virus is going without a vaccine. And eternal hiding from it? That won't work either.
NY was able to keep it under control for a long time...but the rest of the country just let it run wild and now it's back. We had cases down in the mid hundreds and were able to test,trace, and isolate.

When cases are low...that works. When the virus is everywhere it is now...we're fucked
NY killed 34,000 of its citizens it has never been "under control" there.

Daily infections were in the mid hundreds and deaths haven't hit more than 25 per day in months.

We were able to safely open up in almost every way. We never HAD the July wave that most of the country ...inform be polite
Uh, I think you better go back and check the NY stats......your mortality rate is still super high compared to those states with more cases ahead of you in total case count and many below you.
I think you ought to learn how to read a chart.

NY hasn't had a single day of over 25 deaths since early summer.

Texas, Florida, and California have topped 200 and typically run at or near 100
View attachment 410222

Yes you are right...dangerous for people like me over 65 but to close schools when the mortality rate for ages 5 -24 is less than 2.6%???
You think those little germ factories won't infect their parents and THEY won't infect you?

And then there's the teachers...
Again, not sure where anyone thinks the virus is going without a vaccine. And eternal hiding from it? That won't work either.
NY was able to keep it under control for a long time...but the rest of the country just let it run wild and now it's back. We had cases down in the mid hundreds and were able to test,trace, and isolate.

When cases are low...that works. When the virus is everywhere it is now...we're fucked
go crawl under cuomo the homos bed. that should save you, unless that asshole decides to ship you to a nursing home.'d almost think no one died in a nursing home in a Red state.

But that would be fucking stupidly wrong so...
upstate barely registers. if you are in the nyc area, you should have went on the floating hospital. but hey, cuomo the homo sent that away after all ..its... whining. anyhow, this scum demonrat mandated the elderlies early demise. you got a problem, take it up with homo-boy
The floating hospital didn't come on line until the surge began to subside
Pretty sure that wasn't the only one. It may have been one of the few that have been caught. was probably three

Sure, only three. Kind of like only like a few cases of voter fraud. You guys are a hoot.
And you say shit you can't document.

What a SHOCK!

You and most liberals have been brainwashed to such an extent that you have lost all common sense.

The Hunter Biden information for example is well documented but you looney's won't accept it. Mind boggling amount of denial.
And so a source THAT I've depended on maybe grossly biased and WRONG!!!
Date-of-death versus date-of-report
At issue is the way in which the websites record deaths. They do so largely by pulling from state death totals that are presented
by "date-of-report" rather than "date-of-death."

The distinction, at least during a pandemic, is a critical one. Many local health authorities have been overwhelmed at times with high numbers of coronavirus deaths over short time periods, which — coupled with standard administrative delays — can mean that COVID-19 deaths take days,
weeks or even longer to reach official state logs and from there data tracking sites.
Yet the three major COVID tracking sites all tabulate deaths by date of report, without any option to see COVID-19 fatalities listed by when they actually occurred.
This has led to all three sites graphing recent weeks of fatalities as if they were increasing — but more timely data from the CDC suggests
that week-over-week numbers of provisional deaths have actually been falling.

At the COVID Tracking Project, for instance, the data show the three-week period
with weeks ending on Oct. 10, Oct. 17 and Oct. 24 had deaths increasing 4,420, 4,396, and 5,262, respectively.
Worldometers listed those weeks as 4,755, 4,603, and 5,282.
Johns Hopkins, meanwhile, pegged the deaths at 4,600, 4,700 and 5,300.
Yet provisional CDC data paints a starkly different picture:
COVID-19 fatalities actually appear to be continuing a steady downward trend they've been on for months.
That data show that weekly COVID deaths in the U.S. appear to have peaked in early August and have been declining by hundreds
of deaths per week every week since. Of the most recent three-week period that appears to show a rise in deaths per the popular websites, the CDC posts numbers that are both starkly lower and trending in the opposite direction from those listed by the other sites:
from 3,635 at Oct. 10 to 2,841 the following week and finishing at 1,119 at Oct. 24.
And so a source THAT I've depended on maybe grossly biased and WRONG!!!
Date-of-death versus date-of-report
At issue is the way in which the websites record deaths. They do so largely by pulling from state death totals that are presented
by "date-of-report" rather than "date-of-death."

The distinction, at least during a pandemic, is a critical one. Many local health authorities have been overwhelmed at times with high numbers of coronavirus deaths over short time periods, which — coupled with standard administrative delays — can mean that COVID-19 deaths take days,
weeks or even longer to reach official state logs and from there data tracking sites.
Yet the three major COVID tracking sites all tabulate deaths by date of report, without any option to see COVID-19 fatalities listed by when they actually occurred.
This has led to all three sites graphing recent weeks of fatalities as if they were increasing — but more timely data from the CDC suggests
that week-over-week numbers of provisional deaths have actually been falling.

At the COVID Tracking Project, for instance, the data show the three-week period
with weeks ending on Oct. 10, Oct. 17 and Oct. 24 had deaths increasing 4,420, 4,396, and 5,262, respectively.
Worldometers listed those weeks as 4,755, 4,603, and 5,282.
Johns Hopkins, meanwhile, pegged the deaths at 4,600, 4,700 and 5,300.
Yet provisional CDC data paints a starkly different picture:
COVID-19 fatalities actually appear to be continuing a steady downward trend they've been on for months.
That data show that weekly COVID deaths in the U.S. appear to have peaked in early August and have been declining by hundreds
of deaths per week every week since. Of the most recent three-week period that appears to show a rise in deaths per the popular websites, the CDC posts numbers that are both starkly lower and trending in the opposite direction from those listed by the other sites:
from 3,635 at Oct. 10 to 2,841 the following week and finishing at 1,119 at Oct. 24.
Testing is up so cases are up, positive test rate is down, severe case rates are down, mortality rates are down.
Actually I posted a link showing that testing since Oct 11 is DOWN...while cases surged dramatically
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Testing - Statistics and Research
No country knows the total number of people infected with COVID-19. All we know is the infection status of those who have been tested. All those who have a lab-confirmed infection are counted as confirmed cases.

The number of tests per thousand has actually declined since Oct 11 while infections have exploded
Folks it is going to be the same as it was for the Iraq/Afghanistan war when Obama won.
When GW was President, it was a daily onslaught of daily death counts, panelists discussing it.... over and over.... Obama wins - you would absolutely have thought the war ended. Gone was the daily death counts and panel discussions. Simply stopped.
It will be the same of Biden wins. The media will drop it.
You wait and see.
And BTW - so will lefties here
Totally AGREE!!! 100% and here is a contributing reason the BIASED MSM is doing this!
Even El Paso, TX, is probably calling it, "A Surge!" That's just local media.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"

(Noticing the impact of the Matthew 25: 14-30--"No Lives Matter" prayer: Smaller-sized Super-Spreader, Trumped-Up Rally events!)
If it's not surging it's climbing here. There's no lockdowns in effect but people are choosing not to frequent businesses here. We don't want to get it so businesses should be fine with people voluntarily staying home.
It's a surge...and lockdowns are coming.

Get used to the idea and it has nothing to do with what Trump wants. Governors are going to have to lock down at least parts of states.

North Dakota already has done so
Even El Paso, TX, is probably calling it, "A Surge!" That's just local media.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"

(Noticing the impact of the Matthew 25: 14-30--"No Lives Matter" prayer: Smaller-sized Super-Spreader, Trumped-Up Rally events!)
Considering the fact that Texas has been having infection rates north of 4,000 per day...a surge is what it is.

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