COVID "surging"???? Where in the hell does the MSM get this information???

As Mark Twain wisely observed, "There are lies, damned lies, and statistics."

The constant hysterical reporting of "NEW CASES!" is a grotesque misrepresentation of the actual status of the pandemic. Same for "deaths." While those numbers are accurate, they give the false impression that "we" are, in effect, losing the battle with this disease.

But the reality is quite different. The percentage of people who actually get sick when exposed, and the steadily improving prognosis of even those who get sick are hidden in the weeds somewhere, only available to those who take the time to uncover them.

The chances of any healthy American under the age of 65 being exposed, getting sick, and dying from this disease are approximately the same as their being eaten by a shark. But we won't have that fact reported unless and until a Democrat is in the White House.

88,000 more infections today

8,000 in Texas

Texas is starting to look like NY in April
Have you seen Italys devastating rise in infections? And not just them, pretty much the whole of Europe. You know, the nations that took the most drastic measures outside of China. Yeah? Did Trump cause that?
Listening to Fox today they use the word Covid cases are "Surging"! SURGING???
AGAIN look to the facts instead of hyperbole! The following data comes from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 47,194,729 Cases and 1,209,306 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
1) Almost 98% survival!
2) "Surging" cases... with 99.8% MILD not hospitalized!

Please folks... we have to hold these MSM liars accountable!
They are literally costing our country Trillions of dollars.

FView attachment 410065
Why would fox hyperbolize to make COVID sound worse than it really is. They hyperbolize to help Trump most of the time so this would go against their agenda.

Covid cases are surging. Hospitalizations are growing, deaths are growing. You have not shown otherwise
Worldmeters......Worldmeters......Worldmeters.......its all there nobody has to show anything just read the numbers. No surge, mortality rates decreasing, severe case rate decreasing, positivity results decreasing, tests increasing, cases increasing....certainly there has to be a liberal out there with common sense.
According to your numbers what is happening with hospitalizations and daily death numbers? Up or down?
Down as a percentage of total cases, which is the only way to look at them. 500 deaths to 20,000 cases paints a much different picture than 500 deaths to 90,000 cases.
I’m not asking about percentages, you’re spinning. I’m just asking about raw numbers. Hospitalizations and deaths.
Listening to Fox today they use the word Covid cases are "Surging"! SURGING???
AGAIN look to the facts instead of hyperbole! The following data comes from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 47,194,729 Cases and 1,209,306 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
1) Almost 98% survival!
2) "Surging" cases... with 99.8% MILD not hospitalized!

Please folks... we have to hold these MSM liars accountable!
They are literally costing our country Trillions of dollars.

FView attachment 410065
Why would fox hyperbolize to make COVID sound worse than it really is. They hyperbolize to help Trump most of the time so this would go against their agenda.

Covid cases are surging. Hospitalizations are growing, deaths are growing. You have not shown otherwise
Paid panic projecting poster
I don’t care if he’s paid or not, facts are facts and they can’t really be hidden from
You have opinions not facts. Increased cases mean nothing alone.
I don’t care about cases... I care about hospitalizations and deaths. Are those up or down?
You have to care about cases its all you talk about out of one side of your mouth. But yesterday we had 399 deaths in 71,321 cases. You tell me if 399 is up or down, but I can tell you it represents a daily mortality rate of .5% which is below the current US average of 2.5%....again why case totals as a result of testing are important.
When have you heard me only talking about cases?! Cases are only an indicator of what’s to come and are variable depending on how much testing is done. If you want to truly judge how the virus is effecting us you look at hospitalizations and deaths. We both know those numbers are up
Listening to Fox today they use the word Covid cases are "Surging"! SURGING???
AGAIN look to the facts instead of hyperbole! The following data comes from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 47,194,729 Cases and 1,209,306 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
1) Almost 98% survival!
2) "Surging" cases... with 99.8% MILD not hospitalized!

Please folks... we have to hold these MSM liars accountable!
They are literally costing our country Trillions of dollars.

FView attachment 410065
Why would fox hyperbolize to make COVID sound worse than it really is. They hyperbolize to help Trump most of the time so this would go against their agenda.

Covid cases are surging. Hospitalizations are growing, deaths are growing. You have not shown otherwise
Paid panic projecting poster
I don’t care if he’s paid or not, facts are facts and they can’t really be hidden from
You have opinions not facts. Increased cases mean nothing alone.
I don’t care about cases... I care about hospitalizations and deaths. Are those up or down?
Thank you for admitting you cherry pick the data in order to foster your fake fears and try to impose them.
It’s an act of deliberate idiocy and it’s very surprising you admitted to it
I didn’t admit that, sorry to burst your bubble
Listening to Fox today they use the word Covid cases are "Surging"! SURGING???
AGAIN look to the facts instead of hyperbole! The following data comes from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 47,194,729 Cases and 1,209,306 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
1) Almost 98% survival!
2) "Surging" cases... with 99.8% MILD not hospitalized!

Please folks... we have to hold these MSM liars accountable!
They are literally costing our country Trillions of dollars.

FView attachment 410065
Why would fox hyperbolize to make COVID sound worse than it really is. They hyperbolize to help Trump most of the time so this would go against their agenda.

Covid cases are surging. Hospitalizations are growing, deaths are growing. You have not shown otherwise
Worldmeters......Worldmeters......Worldmeters.......its all there nobody has to show anything just read the numbers. No surge, mortality rates decreasing, severe case rate decreasing, positivity results decreasing, tests increasing, cases increasing....certainly there has to be a liberal out there with common sense.
According to your numbers what is happening with hospitalizations and daily death numbers? Up or down?
Down as a percentage of total cases, which is the only way to look at them. 500 deaths to 20,000 cases paints a much different picture than 500 deaths to 90,000 cases.
Listening to Fox today they use the word Covid cases are "Surging"! SURGING???
AGAIN look to the facts instead of hyperbole! The following data comes from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 47,194,729 Cases and 1,209,306 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
1) Almost 98% survival!
2) "Surging" cases... with 99.8% MILD not hospitalized!

Please folks... we have to hold these MSM liars accountable!
They are literally costing our country Trillions of dollars.

FView attachment 410065
Why would fox hyperbolize to make COVID sound worse than it really is. They hyperbolize to help Trump most of the time so this would go against their agenda.

Covid cases are surging. Hospitalizations are growing, deaths are growing. You have not shown otherwise
Paid panic projecting poster
I don’t care if he’s paid or not, facts are facts and they can’t really be hidden from
You have opinions not facts. Increased cases mean nothing alone.
I don’t care about cases... I care about hospitalizations and deaths. Are those up or down?
You have to care about cases its all you talk about out of one side of your mouth. But yesterday we had 399 deaths in 71,321 cases. You tell me if 399 is up or down, but I can tell you it represents a daily mortality rate of .5% which is below the current US average of 2.5%....again why case totals as a result of testing are important.
You keep focusing on rates. That’s spin. Look at the numbers
Listening to Fox today they use the word Covid cases are "Surging"! SURGING???
AGAIN look to the facts instead of hyperbole! The following data comes from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 47,194,729 Cases and 1,209,306 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
1) Almost 98% survival!
2) "Surging" cases... with 99.8% MILD not hospitalized!

Please folks... we have to hold these MSM liars accountable!
They are literally costing our country Trillions of dollars.

FView attachment 410065
Why would fox hyperbolize to make COVID sound worse than it really is. They hyperbolize to help Trump most of the time so this would go against their agenda.

Covid cases are surging. Hospitalizations are growing, deaths are growing. You have not shown otherwise
Paid panic projecting poster
I don’t care if he’s paid or not, facts are facts and they can’t really be hidden from
You have opinions not facts. Increased cases mean nothing alone.
I don’t care about cases... I care about hospitalizations and deaths. Are those up or down?
You have to care about cases its all you talk about out of one side of your mouth. But yesterday we had 399 deaths in 71,321 cases. You tell me if 399 is up or down, but I can tell you it represents a daily mortality rate of .5% which is below the current US average of 2.5%....again why case totals as a result of testing are important.
All that is important to Harm Trump Hate productive Americans Dems is cherry picking the effects and ignoring the cause
These children think Covid exists in a vacuum.
Isn’t it interesting that pointing out facts about a pandemic hurts Trump. Just shows he has taken the wrong side of this thing and completely mishandled it

88,000 more infections today

8,000 in Texas

Texas is starting to look like NY in April
Have you seen Italys devastating rise in infections? And not just them, pretty much the whole of Europe. You know, the nations that took the most drastic measures outside of China. Yeah? Did Trump cause that?
Italy fucked up just like Trump did.

South Korea...still doing well though...same for New Zealand and Aussieland
Daily infection rates in the first wave were in the 35,000 range. In July it was 70,000. Now it's 100,000

40 states with dailiy infections increasing. NONE decreasing
So.... Ok, testing is always going to show more cases, but are people dying in an alledged out of control proportion, otherwise in which is to be found in relation to those positive cases ?? Yes a few might pass away due to the virus, but the stats if saying the mortality rate is super low, then we must understand that to be the case without being political about it, and get back to normal life. This whole thing stinks badly in the ways that it has been used politically.
Daily infection rates in the first wave were in the 35,000 range. In July it was 70,000. Now it's 100,000

40 states with dailiy infections increasing. NONE decreasing
So.... Ok, testing is always going to show more cases, but are people dying in an alledged out of control proportion, otherwise in which is to be found in relation to those positive cases ?? Yes a few might pass away due to the virus, but the stats if saying the mortality rate is super low, then we must understand that to be the case without being political about it, and get back to normal life. This whole thing stinks badly in the ways that it has been used politically.
Nonsense. As we have seen , the number of infections far outpaces the increase in testing and deaths are not a good measure since they lag by weeks

But...infections are up, hospitalizations are up, and yes, deaths are up
According to Johns Hopkins cases are increasing worldwide.

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center- New Cases

Cases are MEANINGLESS as the more testing shows more cases, yet most people are ASYMPTOMATIC. Mortality rate for healthy people is extremely low and does not warrant these lock downs. If you are older and or sick stay home and take the necessary precautions.
So older folks face indefinite imprisonment so you can go bar hopping?
Trump is surging.

Covid is dying.
And the demon-cratzi's hate it.

Now on youtube there's a video saying that the Covid may cause many to stay home on election day. LOL if it does then it's the idiot Biden and company that caused it with their fear mongering, and their bullcrap propaganda "we're all going to die bullcrap", in which their own base purchased hook line and sinker. Talk about cutting your hand off to spite your face, wow.... LOL.
Here's Dr. Birx
The warning — sent in a private memo to White House officials as the nation’s daily coronavirus caseload has broken records and approached 100,000 — amounted to a direct contradiction of President Trump’s repeated false assertions that the pandemic is “rounding the corner.” In it, Dr. Birx suggested Mr. Trump and his advisers were spending too much time focusing on lockdowns, and not enough on controlling the virus.

“We are entering the most concerning and most deadly phase of this pandemic,” Dr. Birx wrote, adding, “This is not about lockdowns — It hasn’t been about lockdowns since March or April. It’s about an aggressive balanced approach that is not being implemented.”
According to Johns Hopkins cases are increasing worldwide.

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center- New Cases

Cases are MEANINGLESS as the more testing shows more cases, yet most people are ASYMPTOMATIC. Mortality rate for healthy people is extremely low and does not warrant these lock downs. If you are older and or sick stay home and take the necessary precautions.
So older folks face indefinite imprisonment so you can go bar hopping?
Wow, you went there didn't you ?? Rotflmbo.

Noooooo, grandma and grandpa can stay home if unhealthy or frail, and this while I go to work, and go to the grocery store for them, and do anything else they need for me to do for them. Meanwhile me and my family live normal lives in which is what grandma and grandpa want until the vaccine releases all prisoner's from the Covid nightmare that China put on the world. Thank God my state isn't a lock down state with an idiot Democrat at the helm running politically scared of their own shadow. Democrats are the real Natzi's.
Even El Paso, TX, is probably calling it, "A Surge!" That's just local media.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"

(Noticing the impact of the Matthew 25: 14-30--"No Lives Matter" prayer: Smaller-sized Super-Spreader, Trumped-Up Rally events!)
Considering the fact that Texas has been having infection rates north of 4,000 per day...a surge is what it is.
Don't believe you. Where is your proof? Do you understand JUST because you say so doesn't make it so!
Yea...there's nothing like spending the last years of your life imprisoned in your house so people like the above can go bar hopping
Even El Paso, TX, is probably calling it, "A Surge!" That's just local media.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"

(Noticing the impact of the Matthew 25: 14-30--"No Lives Matter" prayer: Smaller-sized Super-Spreader, Trumped-Up Rally events!)
Considering the fact that Texas has been having infection rates north of 4,000 per day...a surge is what it is.
Don't believe you. Where is your proof? Do you understand JUST because you say so doesn't make it so!
It's a timing game they play, but it doesn't play in their favor most times that they attempt it. You'd think that they would learn, but they don't.

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