COVID "surging"???? Where in the hell does the MSM get this information???

Yes you are right...dangerous for people like me over 65 but to close schools when the mortality rate for ages 5 -24 is less than 2.6%???
You think those little germ factories won't infect their parents and THEY won't infect you?

And then there's the teachers...
Again, not sure where anyone thinks the virus is going without a vaccine. And eternal hiding from it? That won't work either.
NY was able to keep it under control for a long time...but the rest of the country just let it run wild and now it's back. We had cases down in the mid hundreds and were able to test,trace, and isolate.

When cases are low...that works. When the virus is everywhere it is now...we're fucked
NY killed 34,000 of its citizens it has never been "under control" there.

Daily infections were in the mid hundreds and deaths haven't hit more than 25 per day in months.

We were able to safely open up in almost every way. We never HAD the July wave that most of the country ...inform be polite
Listening to Fox today they use the word Covid cases are "Surging"! SURGING???
AGAIN look to the facts instead of hyperbole! The following data comes from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 47,194,729 Cases and 1,209,306 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
1) Almost 98% survival!
2) "Surging" cases... with 99.8% MILD not hospitalized!

Please folks... we have to hold these MSM liars accountable!
They are literally costing our country Trillions of dollars.

FView attachment 410065
Yes, Covid is surging. A record number of cases per day. With a 2.5 percent death rate, that's about 1,000 or more people dying each day.

You can huff and puff all day long, but you cannot hide the fact we have the most deaths on the planet by far. Trump is an unmitigated disaster.

It's Trump's fault.

Now that is funny.
Yes you are right...dangerous for people like me over 65 but to close schools when the mortality rate for ages 5 -24 is less than 2.6%???
You think those little germ factories won't infect their parents and THEY won't infect you?

And then there's the teachers...
Again, not sure where anyone thinks the virus is going without a vaccine. And eternal hiding from it? That won't work either.
NY was able to keep it under control for a long time...but the rest of the country just let it run wild and now it's back. We had cases down in the mid hundreds and were able to test,trace, and isolate.

When cases are low...that works. When the virus is everywhere it is now...we're fucked
NY killed 34,000 of its citizens it has never been "under control" there.

Daily infections were in the mid hundreds and deaths haven't hit more than 25 per day in months.

We were able to safely open up in almost every way. We never HAD the July wave that most of the country ...inform be polite
Uh, I think you better go back and check the NY stats......your mortality rate is still super high compared to those states with more cases ahead of you in total case count and many below you.
Listening to Fox today they use the word Covid cases are "Surging"! SURGING???
AGAIN look to the facts instead of hyperbole! The following data comes from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 47,194,729 Cases and 1,209,306 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
1) Almost 98% survival!
2) "Surging" cases... with 99.8% MILD not hospitalized!

Please folks... we have to hold these MSM liars accountable!
They are literally costing our country Trillions of dollars.

FView attachment 410065
Why would fox hyperbolize to make COVID sound worse than it really is. They hyperbolize to help Trump most of the time so this would go against their agenda.

Covid cases are surging. Hospitalizations are growing, deaths are growing. You have not shown otherwise
Worldmeters......Worldmeters......Worldmeters.......its all there nobody has to show anything just read the numbers. No surge, mortality rates decreasing, severe case rate decreasing, positivity results decreasing, tests increasing, cases increasing....certainly there has to be a liberal out there with common sense.
According to your numbers what is happening with hospitalizations and daily death numbers? Up or down?
Down as a percentage of total cases, which is the only way to look at them. 500 deaths to 20,000 cases paints a much different picture than 500 deaths to 90,000 cases.
Infections are up...hospitalizations are up, and deaths are up

Those are facts
msm guy in florida had a motorcycle mishap and died. that was listed as covid. just saying
Listening to Fox today they use the word Covid cases are "Surging"! SURGING???
AGAIN look to the facts instead of hyperbole! The following data comes from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 47,194,729 Cases and 1,209,306 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
1) Almost 98% survival!
2) "Surging" cases... with 99.8% MILD not hospitalized!

Please folks... we have to hold these MSM liars accountable!
They are literally costing our country Trillions of dollars.

FView attachment 410065
Why would fox hyperbolize to make COVID sound worse than it really is. They hyperbolize to help Trump most of the time so this would go against their agenda.

Covid cases are surging. Hospitalizations are growing, deaths are growing. You have not shown otherwise
Worldmeters......Worldmeters......Worldmeters.......its all there nobody has to show anything just read the numbers. No surge, mortality rates decreasing, severe case rate decreasing, positivity results decreasing, tests increasing, cases increasing....certainly there has to be a liberal out there with common sense.
According to your numbers what is happening with hospitalizations and daily death numbers? Up or down?
Down as a percentage of total cases, which is the only way to look at them. 500 deaths to 20,000 cases paints a much different picture than 500 deaths to 90,000 cases.
Infections are up...hospitalizations are up, and deaths are up

Those are facts
msm guy in florida had a motorcycle mishap and died. that was listed as covid. just saying
Well he should have been wearing a face diaper then he would have been fine.
msm guy in florida had a motorcycle mishap and died. that was listed as covid. just saying
That ONE case was caught and corrected the next day

just saying
Yes you are right...dangerous for people like me over 65 but to close schools when the mortality rate for ages 5 -24 is less than 2.6%???
You think those little germ factories won't infect their parents and THEY won't infect you?

And then there's the teachers...
Again, not sure where anyone thinks the virus is going without a vaccine. And eternal hiding from it? That won't work either.
NY was able to keep it under control for a long time...but the rest of the country just let it run wild and now it's back. We had cases down in the mid hundreds and were able to test,trace, and isolate.

When cases are low...that works. When the virus is everywhere it is now...we're fucked
go crawl under cuomo the homos bed. that should save you, unless that asshole decides to ship you to a nursing home.
Yes you are right...dangerous for people like me over 65 but to close schools when the mortality rate for ages 5 -24 is less than 2.6%???
You think those little germ factories won't infect their parents and THEY won't infect you?

And then there's the teachers...
Again, not sure where anyone thinks the virus is going without a vaccine. And eternal hiding from it? That won't work either.
NY was able to keep it under control for a long time...but the rest of the country just let it run wild and now it's back. We had cases down in the mid hundreds and were able to test,trace, and isolate.

When cases are low...that works. When the virus is everywhere it is now...we're fucked
go crawl under cuomo the homos bed. that should save you, unless that asshole decides to ship you to a nursing home.'d almost think no one died in a nursing home in a Red state.

But that would be fucking stupidly wrong so...
Yes you are right...dangerous for people like me over 65 but to close schools when the mortality rate for ages 5 -24 is less than 2.6%???
You think those little germ factories won't infect their parents and THEY won't infect you?

And then there's the teachers...
Again, not sure where anyone thinks the virus is going without a vaccine. And eternal hiding from it? That won't work either.
NY was able to keep it under control for a long time...but the rest of the country just let it run wild and now it's back. We had cases down in the mid hundreds and were able to test,trace, and isolate.

When cases are low...that works. When the virus is everywhere it is now...we're fucked
go crawl under cuomo the homos bed. that should save you, unless that asshole decides to ship you to a nursing home.
Oh its you again.....I know you libbers hate facts.
Yes you are right...dangerous for people like me over 65 but to close schools when the mortality rate for ages 5 -24 is less than 2.6%???
You think those little germ factories won't infect their parents and THEY won't infect you?

And then there's the teachers...
Again, not sure where anyone thinks the virus is going without a vaccine. And eternal hiding from it? That won't work either.
NY was able to keep it under control for a long time...but the rest of the country just let it run wild and now it's back. We had cases down in the mid hundreds and were able to test,trace, and isolate.

When cases are low...that works. When the virus is everywhere it is now...we're fucked
go crawl under cuomo the homos bed. that should save you, unless that asshole decides to ship you to a nursing home.'d almost think no one died in a nursing home in a Red state.

But that would be fucking stupidly wrong so...
Well can't think of any state that topped 10-11,000 though....
If democrat run states and cities were seriously concerned about public health, they would have hospitals and urgent care facilities continually update their websites to show occupancy in the facilities and if a patient is checked in specifically because of acute flu symptoms. That way the general public would getting actual facts assuming an independent agency does the updating. Playing with stats like the democrat governors do of "positive" cases in citizens with no symptoms means this ridiculous Kung Flu will never end. That one of the many reasons to re-elect President Trump. My guess he will sign an Executive Order to protect citizens and businesses from unconstitutional decrees from democrat governors.

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