COVID "surging"???? Where in the hell does the MSM get this information???

Following the liberal hoax mentality; 1000 cars on the road causing 1 fatal wreck is so much better than 10,000 cars causing 10 fatalities that cars must be limited to 1,000 max

That’s the idiocy and insanity of their “assertions”
The point is it isn't nearly as dangerous
230,000 dead means it's pretty damn dangerous
Yes you are right...dangerous for people like me over 65 but to close schools when the mortality rate for ages 5 -24 is less than 2.6%???
Why aren't you concerned about the 28,000 deaths from all causes for 5-24...i.e. school age i.e. closing schools!
According to Johns Hopkins cases are increasing worldwide.

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center- New Cases
And especially in this country and even in areas not previously seriously infected. Many states have seen their numbers go up since summer and some state and local healthcare getting close to dangerous numbers. Remember, facilities have to be available for standard medical and emergency medical.
6.5% times the testing total gives you increased cases as the testing numbers continue to go up. That's not a surge, that is simple math.
6.5% times the testing total gives you increased cases as the testing numbers continue to go up. That's not a surge, that is simple math.
A 6.5% increase in testing doesn't account for a 40% increase in new cases, dope.
A 40% increase in testing does however.
A 40% increase in testing does however
That's not what he claimed, dope.
Obviously any increase in testing is due to an increase in the number of people infected as they are testing positive.
That means there is a ton of virus circulating.
Aaaarrrggh! It doesn't necessarily mean that at all. Of course if you feel sick you get tested, that hasn't changed. But now tons more people with no symptoms are able to get tested and ARE GETTING TESTED. Dangit why can't you get that through your empty head?
Aaaarrrggh! It doesn't necessarily mean that at all. Of course if you feel sick you get tested, that hasn't changed. But now tons more people with no symptoms are able to get tested and ARE GETTING TESTED. Dangit why can't you get that through your empty head?
A positive test result is a positive regardless of symptoms, dope. They were all exposed to covid. Logically, the more people who test positive means there is more virus circulating. That allows more people to encounter Covid in more places as they all weren't infected in the same place at the same time. The more virus in a given area, the more those at risk are likely to encounter Covid.
Well where do you think the virus is going to go, under the refrigerator? Of course it circulates. Hiding from it is impossible. The point is it isn't nearly as dangerous as Cuomo made it and the increased testing and cases proves that.
Well where do you think the virus is going to go, under the refrigerator? Of course it circulates. Hiding from it is impossible. The point is it isn't nearly as dangerous as Cuomo made it and the increased testing and cases proves that.
You're a dope.
It's certainly dangerous to those who have or had a severe case. Theres some 60m Americans at an increased risk of severe infection.

It's precisely your type of dopey thinking that is driving the unmitigated spread and death in this country.
According to Johns Hopkins cases are increasing worldwide.

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center- New Cases
And especially in this country and even in areas not previously seriously infected. Many states have seen their numbers go up since summer and some state and local healthcare getting close to dangerous numbers. Remember, facilities have to be available for standard medical and emergency medical.
6.5% times the testing total gives you increased cases as the testing numbers continue to go up. That's not a surge, that is simple math.
6.5% times the testing total gives you increased cases as the testing numbers continue to go up. That's not a surge, that is simple math.
A 6.5% increase in testing doesn't account for a 40% increase in new cases, dope.
A 40% increase in testing does however.
A 40% increase in testing does however
That's not what he claimed, dope.
Obviously any increase in testing is due to an increase in the number of people infected as they are testing positive.
That means there is a ton of virus circulating.
Aaaarrrggh! It doesn't necessarily mean that at all. Of course if you feel sick you get tested, that hasn't changed. But now tons more people with no symptoms are able to get tested and ARE GETTING TESTED. Dangit why can't you get that through your empty head?
Aaaarrrggh! It doesn't necessarily mean that at all. Of course if you feel sick you get tested, that hasn't changed. But now tons more people with no symptoms are able to get tested and ARE GETTING TESTED. Dangit why can't you get that through your empty head?
A positive test result is a positive regardless of symptoms, dope. They were all exposed to covid. Logically, the more people who test positive means there is more virus circulating. That allows more people to encounter Covid in more places as they all weren't infected in the same place at the same time. The more virus in a given area, the more those at risk are likely to encounter Covid.
Well where do you think the virus is going to go, under the refrigerator? Of course it circulates. Hiding from it is impossible. The point is it isn't nearly as dangerous as Cuomo made it and the increased testing and cases proves that.
Well where do you think the virus is going to go, under the refrigerator? Of course it circulates. Hiding from it is impossible. The point is it isn't nearly as dangerous as Cuomo made it and the increased testing and cases proves that.
You're a dope.
It's certainly dangerous to those who have or had a severe case. Theres some 60m Americans at an increased risk of severe infection.

It's precisely your type of dopey thinking that is driving the unmitigated spread and death in this country.
Well calling me a dope for knowing at least as much about this as you do is, well, dopey. You have no idea about anything other than what your propaganda tells you. I at least look at the pure numbers and do the math to tell me what is really happening. So call me a dope, we all know who the true dope here you have no idea who or how many suffer an increased risk of anything. So go blather to your other brainless libbers.
You have to care about cases its all you talk about out of one side of your mouth. But yesterday we had 399 deaths in 71,321 cases.
"Yesterday" was a Sunday. Weekends ALWAYS have lower numbers because reporting on weekends is sketchy. Look at any chart.

The fact that given that we had 70,000 new cases ought to scare the shit out of any thinking person
Where did we get 70,000 new cases?
OK... Let's start over...
Count from Friday 10/30/20 back to Monday 10/25/20 again how many cases? I counted 9,654... less than 10% of your 70,000!
Where did you get 70,000?
Now If you note the below list, I failed to copy the days of 10/27/20 and 10/29/20. So dividing 9,654/3 days =3,218 or if
you multiply 3,218 times five days = 16,090 still quite a few less than your "70,000"... by the way where did you get that number?
See what I mean? When reality versus the MSM bloating/hyperbolic bleating of false numbers it is embarrassing!

View attachment 410226
First an apology. New infections last week were over 70,000 twice. Over 80K once. Over 90K once and hit 100K on Friday.

Those are "alarming" on their own and DO show a huge surge

Your chart is abbreviated and shows hourly (half hourly?) reporting. It does not total the daily new cases.
We already have this......2.5% mortality rate and dropping deaths to cases. What is 6.5% of 145 million tests?

Deaths per million population. We're 10th highest.

Screen Shot 2020-11-02 at 4.11.26 PM.png

Outstanding, President Trump.

Listening to Fox today they use the word Covid cases are "Surging"! SURGING???
AGAIN look to the facts instead of hyperbole! The following data comes from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 47,194,729 Cases and 1,209,306 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
1) Almost 98% survival!
2) "Surging" cases... with 99.8% MILD not hospitalized!

Please folks... we have to hold these MSM liars accountable!
They are literally costing our country Trillions of dollars.

FView attachment 410065
[/QUOT]Yeah, how is life going over there in Entertained States? Is COVID respecting your right to be entertained yet?
Well calling me a dope for knowing at least as much about this as you do is, well, dopey.
Fair enough. Another apology. Name calling seems to be de riguer in this shitpit. I shouldn't get caught up in it.
We already have this......2.5% mortality rate and dropping deaths to cases. What is 6.5% of 145 million tests?

Deaths per million population. We're 10th highest.

View attachment 410234

Outstanding, President Trump.

So what? 10th isn't first, we lead the globe in testing, and the Dem deaths in a handful of states caused half our Outstanding yourself, Killer Cuomo. You libbers are brainless.
You have to care about cases its all you talk about out of one side of your mouth. But yesterday we had 399 deaths in 71,321 cases.
"Yesterday" was a Sunday. Weekends ALWAYS have lower numbers because reporting on weekends is sketchy. Look at any chart.

The fact that given that we had 70,000 new cases ought to scare the shit out of any thinking person
Where did we get 70,000 new cases?
OK... Let's start over...
Count from Friday 10/30/20 back to Monday 10/25/20 again how many cases? I counted 9,654... less than 10% of your 70,000!
Where did you get 70,000?
Now If you note the below list, I failed to copy the days of 10/27/20 and 10/29/20. So dividing 9,654/3 days =3,218 or if
you multiply 3,218 times five days = 16,090 still quite a few less than your "70,000"... by the way where did you get that number?
See what I mean? When reality versus the MSM bloating/hyperbolic bleating of false numbers it is embarrassing!

View attachment 410226
Where did we get 70,000 new cases?
We've averaged over 80k new cases a day in the last week, dope.

"At least 427 new coronavirus deaths and 74,236 new cases were reported in the United States on Nov. 1. Over the past week, there have been an average of 82,829 cases per day, an increase of 45 percent from the average two weeks earlier."
Yes you are right...dangerous for people like me over 65 but to close schools when the mortality rate for ages 5 -24 is less than 2.6%???
You think those little germ factories won't infect their parents and THEY won't infect you?

And then there's the teachers...
According to Johns Hopkins cases are increasing worldwide.

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center- New Cases
And especially in this country and even in areas not previously seriously infected. Many states have seen their numbers go up since summer and some state and local healthcare getting close to dangerous numbers. Remember, facilities have to be available for standard medical and emergency medical.
6.5% times the testing total gives you increased cases as the testing numbers continue to go up. That's not a surge, that is simple math.
6.5% times the testing total gives you increased cases as the testing numbers continue to go up. That's not a surge, that is simple math.
A 6.5% increase in testing doesn't account for a 40% increase in new cases, dope.
A 40% increase in testing does however.
What is your point? Would it be better if those that tested positive did not know they were infected and possibly spreading. Just stick you head in the sand and ignore? That is your solution? Good luck buddy.
No, no , no......we all agree testing is a good thing the point is that the increased availability of testing means more and more asymptomatic and light symptomatic people are testing and either have it or had it....remember daily totals include those who already had the virus and are not currently infected. So the case count is going to keep going up and up as testing goes up and up....there is no vaccine yet so how is it that doesn't make sense to you?
Vast majority of testing is the up the nose, swaab testing, not l like what I had. If test is accurate, you got it and probably are or will be subject to spreading the infection and should quarantine, as you never know who will get a bad case vs a light case. I have had both the up the nose and the antigen blood tests. Yes, I have had it, but not now, though LabCorp says I have the antibodies. The antigen test put me back in quarrantine, until I came back in for the swab test, showing I did not have an active case at that time. Look if you are a Coronavirus non believer, it is now a matter of faith with you, as the lines of science, and politics (almost like a religion) have become blurred by perception and the times we live in. I will stay with the best recommendations and assessment of science and the people that work in public health, as it is the truly CONSERVATIVE thing to do, always erring on the side of safety. Your side has no up side, no benefit. My method will not harm if I am wrong, and might help. Yours will not help and very well may harm. Do what you like. As long as not trying to visit me, you will not effect me, and I would never hang around with coronavirus deniers as I could catch it again, and assure you, I don't want any more. I can appreciate luck, but have seen it run out.
Yes you are right...dangerous for people like me over 65 but to close schools when the mortality rate for ages 5 -24 is less than 2.6%???
You think those little germ factories won't infect their parents and THEY won't infect you?

And then there's the teachers...
Again, not sure where anyone thinks the virus is going without a vaccine. And eternal hiding from it? That won't work either.
We already have this......2.5% mortality rate and dropping deaths to cases. What is 6.5% of 145 million tests?

Deaths per million population. We're 10th highest.

View attachment 410234

Outstanding, President Trump.

So what? 10th isn't first, we lead the globe in testing, and the Dem deaths in a handful of states caused half our Outstanding yourself, Killer Cuomo. You libbers are brainless.
What? "Dem deaths don't count"?

I SHOULD have called you a few names.


And you're wrong

Red states are doing most of the dying now. NY flattened the curve in late June, So did NJ and Conn and Mass and RI.. Texas and Florida and yes California...never did
According to Johns Hopkins cases are increasing worldwide.

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center- New Cases
And especially in this country and even in areas not previously seriously infected. Many states have seen their numbers go up since summer and some state and local healthcare getting close to dangerous numbers. Remember, facilities have to be available for standard medical and emergency medical.
6.5% times the testing total gives you increased cases as the testing numbers continue to go up. That's not a surge, that is simple math.
6.5% times the testing total gives you increased cases as the testing numbers continue to go up. That's not a surge, that is simple math.
A 6.5% increase in testing doesn't account for a 40% increase in new cases, dope.
A 40% increase in testing does however.
What is your point? Would it be better if those that tested positive did not know they were infected and possibly spreading. Just stick you head in the sand and ignore? That is your solution? Good luck buddy.
No, no , no......we all agree testing is a good thing the point is that the increased availability of testing means more and more asymptomatic and light symptomatic people are testing and either have it or had it....remember daily totals include those who already had the virus and are not currently infected. So the case count is going to keep going up and up as testing goes up and up....there is no vaccine yet so how is it that doesn't make sense to you?
Vast majority of testing is the up the nose, swaab testing, not l like what I had. If test is accurate, you got it and probably are or will be subject to spreading the infection and should quarantine, as you never know who will get a bad case vs a light case. I have had both the up the nose and the antigen blood tests. Yes, I have had it, but not now, though LabCorp says I have the antibodies. The antigen test put me back in quarrantine, until I came back in for the swab test, showing I did not have an active case at that time. Look if you are a Coronavirus non believer, it is now a matter of faith with you, as the lines of science, and politics (almost like a religion) have become blurred by perception and the times we live in. I will stay with the best recommendations and assessment of science and the people that work in public health, as it is the truly CONSERVATIVE thing to do, always erring on the side of safety. Your side has no up side, no benefit. My method will not harm if I am wrong, and might help. Yours will not help and very well may harm. Do what you like. As long as not trying to visit me, you will not effect me, and I would never hang around with coronavirus deniers as I could catch it again, and assure you, I don't want any more. I can appreciate luck, but have seen it run out.
Not sure who or how many have the luxury of giving up their jobs to stay at home in fear of catching a virus, though. Most of us, i think, have to keep working and in manufacturing you can't make products at home. So you distance, wash hands, wear masks in some areas, and go on. Like I said earlier, if you get it you stay home until you can come back, and then you do. Pretty much the same process as any other illness. So whatever you want to call me, call me it. I am just a realist.
Yes you are right...dangerous for people like me over 65 but to close schools when the mortality rate for ages 5 -24 is less than 2.6%???
You think those little germ factories won't infect their parents and THEY won't infect you?

And then there's the teachers...
Again, not sure where anyone thinks the virus is going without a vaccine. And eternal hiding from it? That won't work either.
NY was able to keep it under control for a long time...but the rest of the country just let it run wild and now it's back. We had cases down in the mid hundreds and were able to test,trace, and isolate.

When cases are low...that works. When the virus is everywhere it is now...we're fucked
We already have this......2.5% mortality rate and dropping deaths to cases. What is 6.5% of 145 million tests?

Deaths per million population. We're 10th highest.

View attachment 410234

Outstanding, President Trump.

So what? 10th isn't first, we lead the globe in testing, and the Dem deaths in a handful of states caused half our Outstanding yourself, Killer Cuomo. You libbers are brainless.
Wrong. We do not lead in per capita testing.

We already have this......2.5% mortality rate and dropping deaths to cases. What is 6.5% of 145 million tests?

Deaths per million population. We're 10th highest.

View attachment 410234

Outstanding, President Trump.

So what? 10th isn't first, we lead the globe in testing, and the Dem deaths in a handful of states caused half our Outstanding yourself, Killer Cuomo. You libbers are brainless.
What? "Dem deaths don't count"?

I SHOULD have called you a few names.


And you're wrong

Red states are doing most of the dying now. NY flattened the curve in late June, So did NJ and Conn and Mass and RI.. Texas and Florida and yes California...never did
Point being they didn't all have to happen. And the red states maintain their low mortality rates as they have throughout....they didn't have to "flatten" anything as they listened to the President. Again, cases alone mean nothing without looking at the other metrics around increased cases. Florida and Texas have 1.8 and 2.0% mortality rates compared to the 6 and 7% of your "flattened" states.

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