Covid Vaccine Kills

The death rate from the vaccine is much lower than the virus
I would hope so, but we never got accurate numbers. Why would they start giving out accurate numbers now?
Fair point. Many people got caught fudging the numbers. Even had govt officials tell the public you could die from a heart attack, but if you test positive, its a covid death..
What about my tenant who caught covid-19 that damaged his heart about 7 months ago, but he just died of heart failure 2 weeks ago? He was a very healthy very hard working 30 year old tree climber, trimmer & logger, who was unable to work after heart damaged by Covid! He is not listed as a covid death because he was no infected at the time he died, yet covid cut his life 50 years short!
These War time Biological weapons have some weird affects on different people.
Does it matter where the truth comes from? It does not change the fact it is the truth.

It matters you're a fucking imbecile who believes what ever crank out there regurgitates your bias.
What bias? And how does it differ from yours?

How does your delusion differentiate from reality? I think you'll need to consult Dr. Freud for that one.
Your reality is not subject to same things mine is? You better quit while your ahead.
Not the right scientist? A very accomplished one. He should be listened to.
In this exclusive interview with The New American magazine’s Senior Editor Alex Newman, world-renown German-Thai-American microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi warns that the COVID hysteria is based on lies and that the COVID “vaccines” are set to cause a global catastrophe and a decimation of the human population.
Got my first poke yesterday. Feeling fine! :2up:
Not the right scientist? A very accomplished one. He should be listened to.
In this exclusive interview with The New American magazine’s Senior Editor Alex Newman, world-renown German-Thai-American microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi warns that the COVID hysteria is based on lies and that the COVID “vaccines” are set to cause a global catastrophe and a decimation of the human population.
Got my first poke yesterday. Feeling fine! :2up:
Your decision.
The death rate from the vaccine is much lower than the virus
I would hope so, but we never got accurate numbers. Why would they start giving out accurate numbers now?
Fair point. Many people got caught fudging the numbers. Even had govt officials tell the public you could die from a heart attack, but if you test positive, its a covid death..
What about my tenant who caught covid-19 that damaged his heart about 7 months ago, but he just died of heart failure 2 weeks ago? He was a very healthy very hard working 30 year old tree climber, trimmer & logger, who was unable to work after heart damaged by Covid! He is not listed as a covid death because he was no infected at the time he died, yet covid cut his life 50 years short!
This troll is a CIA disinfo agent,his nose stretches miles long,he can never admit to being proven wrong,even for a little tiny thing like this.he said the Rams would never be able to come back to LA by the year 2016 and he has NEVER once owned up to admitting he was wrong on that.a little tiny thing like that and the troll all these years later STILL won’t even own up to being wrong.:cuckoo:
indeed. it kills

7,766 DEAD 330,218 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”

In the swine flu scamdemic of the 1970s thousands of Americans died and had permanent neurological disease and sued for 4 billion dollars. Now with perhaps tens or a hundred million people who will soon discover that they will die or have serious neurological disease from the Jewish produced vaccines, the US government and the Jewish bankers they work for don't have enough paper and ink to print enough Jewish toilet paper called Federal Reserve fiat junk to pay them all off. Folks this scamdemic is population decimation and the collapse of the dollar. They will default on the treasury bonds and thats the end

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