Coronavirus exerts heavy toll on blacks in places like Chicago

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
The coronavirus is exerting a disproportionate toll on black people in places like Chicago, according to new statistics.

Blacks make up 52 percent of Chicago’s coronavirus cases and 72 percent of deaths, but make up only 30 percent of the population, Mayor Lori Lightfoot reported Monday.

"This is a call to action moment for all of us," she told a news conference. "When we talk about equity and inclusion, they are not just nice notions. They are an imperative that we must embrace as a city."

The virus' disproportionate impact on blacks also is reflected in new data released Monday by Illinois and Michigan officials.

I knew it, but surprised it took this long. I knew that somebody on the way left was going to associate Covid-19 with race. They have made statements that it related to not having socialized healthcare, the environment, you know the rest. I guess according to this Mayor, we now have a racist virus. Who knew when China created it?
This confirms that it's mostly low income poor people who are responsible for the spread of this DemocratVirus. It's safe to assume they are doing this on purpose in order to get more free handouts from the democrats. The longer this goes on the more free money they get. Oh another $1,200 check for doing nothing! That's what's going through their minds. The greed and selfishness of the poor and lower middle-class is what's driving this virus. This is why I was against all handouts from the git-go. We're encouraging this with every extension of unemployment, expansion of welfare, and distribution of stimulus checks. It's not too late to stop this. None of those checks went out yet.

Stop the checks. Cut all welfare programs (foodstamps, medicaid,CHiP, housing etc..). Limit unemployment to only one week at half-salary. And most of all, open the economy back up so everyone can go back to work. This is the only way to stop this democrat manufactured crisis.
Just got back from Walmart. What I'm seeing is two groups that don't seen to care about the whole "wearing masks" thing. Those would be blacks and red necks. Natural Selection in action, Kiddies!

Oh look, a new little boi who thinks it's cute to cast aspersions.
Just got back from Walmart. What I'm seeing is two groups that don't seen to care about the whole "wearing masks" thing. Those would be blacks and red necks. Natural Selection in action, Kiddies!

You seen a black with out a mask on?

I've never seen a white person (real white people, not poor white people who barely qualify as white) out without gloves or a mask on. It never happens and never will happen.
Just got back from Walmart. What I'm seeing is two groups that don't seen to care about the whole "wearing masks" thing. Those would be blacks and red necks. Natural Selection in action, Kiddies!
It's the same but worse in New Orleans, but some healthcare folks worry about this hitting rural counties too. And some rural counties are predominantly black and others white
The coronavirus is exerting a disproportionate toll on black people in places like Chicago, according to new statistics.

Blacks make up 52 percent of Chicago’s coronavirus cases and 72 percent of deaths, but make up only 30 percent of the population, Mayor Lori Lightfoot reported Monday.

"This is a call to action moment for all of us," she told a news conference. "When we talk about equity and inclusion, they are not just nice notions. They are an imperative that we must embrace as a city."

The virus' disproportionate impact on blacks also is reflected in new data released Monday by Illinois and Michigan officials.

I knew it, but surprised it took this long. I knew that somebody on the way left was going to associate Covid-19 with race. They have made statements that it related to not having socialized healthcare, the environment, you know the rest. I guess according to this Mayor, we now have a racist virus. Who knew when China created it?
It didn't take long, did it?

I understand they've found coronaviruses wearing tiny little MAGA hats.
Just got back from Walmart. What I'm seeing is two groups that don't seen to care about the whole "wearing masks" thing. Those would be blacks and red necks. Natural Selection in action, Kiddies!

I live near a daycare center. Today I looked out my window, and there were about 8 black kids playing by the dumpster. They weren't less than two feet apart, pushing and shoving each other. While catching the virus may not kill them because of their age, they could pass it on to their parents, grandparents, or elderly neighbor. I don't blame the kids; they don't understand. But I do blame the people in the daycare center who's parents trust them with their children's safety.
The coronavirus is exerting a disproportionate toll on black people in places like Chicago, according to new statistics.

Blacks make up 52 percent of Chicago’s coronavirus cases and 72 percent of deaths, but make up only 30 percent of the population, Mayor Lori Lightfoot reported Monday.

"This is a call to action moment for all of us," she told a news conference. "When we talk about equity and inclusion, they are not just nice notions. They are an imperative that we must embrace as a city."

The virus' disproportionate impact on blacks also is reflected in new data released Monday by Illinois and Michigan officials.

I knew it, but surprised it took this long. I knew that somebody on the way left was going to associate Covid-19 with race. They have made statements that it related to not having socialized healthcare, the environment, you know the rest. I guess according to this Mayor, we now have a racist virus. Who knew when China created it?
It didn't take long, did it?

I understand they've found coronaviruses wearing tiny little MAGA hats.

As I said, I knew it would happen, but I was trying to figure out a way they could possibly associate this with race. Alas, one of them found a way.
Just got back from Walmart. What I'm seeing is two groups that don't seen to care about the whole "wearing masks" thing. Those would be blacks and red necks. Natural Selection in action, Kiddies!

You seen a black with out a mask on?

I've never seen a white person (real white people, not poor white people who barely qualify as white) out without gloves or a mask on. It never happens and never will happen.

Only about half of the people here wear masks. The people at the CDC earlier stated it would do no good unless you had an N-95 mask, which of course is not available to the general public right now. Some medical professionals stated it could make things worse.

Now the story has changed, but I haven't left the house in a couple of weeks, so I don't know if more people will be wearing them.
Just got back from Walmart. What I'm seeing is two groups that don't seen to care about the whole "wearing masks" thing. Those would be blacks and red necks. Natural Selection in action, Kiddies!
There are not any masks available to purchase. At Wal Mart and other stores. Besides, there are people who have purposely been coughed on by others in the past who have had bad colds and flu's and the such who will most likely return the favor to others. There are so many groups of people and individuals that want to see our nation in turmoil that they have to take a number.
Just got back from Walmart. What I'm seeing is two groups that don't seen to care about the whole "wearing masks" thing. Those would be blacks and red necks. Natural Selection in action, Kiddies!
There are not any masks available to purchase. At Wal Mart and other stores. Besides, there are people who have purposely been coughed on by others in the past who have had bad colds and flu's and the such who will most likely return the favor to others. There are so many groups of people and individuals that want to see our nation in turmoil that they have to take a number.

Masks are available, just not the N-95 that's needed for self protection. They are advertising non-medical masks on Facebook all the time.
Just got back from Walmart. What I'm seeing is two groups that don't seen to care about the whole "wearing masks" thing. Those would be blacks and red necks. Natural Selection in action, Kiddies!
There are not any masks available to purchase. At Wal Mart and other stores. Besides, there are people who have purposely been coughed on by others in the past who have had bad colds and flu's and the such who will most likely return the favor to others. There are so many groups of people and individuals that want to see our nation in turmoil that they have to take a number.

Masks are available, just not the N-95 that's needed for self protection. They are advertising non-medical masks on Facebook all the time.

The masks don't protect you from others, Ray...they protect others from you! So if you see someone walking around without one...they're sending a clear message that they don't give a damn if they kill someone else.

You can make a perfectly fine mask from a handkerchief or a dish towel. It's not rocket science.
When this pandemic started, I remember seeing some white liberal reporter trying her best to hold back a smile as she predicted massive deaths of Trump-supporters, because "They don't believe in science". I also remember thinking this won't turn out like she thinks.

Apparently, Chicago's black and brown communities are being hit hard from the Coronavirus. Exacerbating the virus is the fact that those neighborhoods have an above-normal amount of morbid obesity, uncontrolled hypertension, accelerated coronary artery disease, uncontrolled diabetes, non-compliance in their dialysis, as well as being among the 40% of the people with AIDS/HIV in America. When you throw in their above-average use of tobacco, heavy alcohol use, and drug use rates above the US average, you're looking at a recipe for disaster. You would be hard pressed to find a group which is more vulnerable to COVID19.

Rate of Deaths, Illness Among Black Residents Alarms Cities

"Chicago's mayor pledged an aggressive public health campaign aimed at the city's black and brown communities Monday amid alarm that an overwhelming number of African American residents were among the people to die of COVID-19 in early data.

Black residents accounted for 72% of deaths from COVID-19 complications in the city and 52% of positive tests for the coronavirus, despite making up only 30% of the city's population, according to the city's public health agency...

...Similar conditions mark other large cities with large black populations that are considered hot spots for the coronavirus, including New York, Detroit, Milwaukee and New Orleans. Figures released Monday by Michigan’s Department of Health and Human Services showed African Americans, who make up 14% of the state population, make up about 33% of cases statewide and 41% of deaths. "

Rate of Deaths, Illness Among Black Residents Alarms Cities
but ray you
The coronavirus is exerting a disproportionate toll on black people in places like Chicago, according to new statistics.

Blacks make up 52 percent of Chicago’s coronavirus cases and 72 percent of deaths, but make up only 30 percent of the population, Mayor Lori Lightfoot reported Monday.

"This is a call to action moment for all of us," she told a news conference. "When we talk about equity and inclusion, they are not just nice notions. They are an imperative that we must embrace as a city."

The virus' disproportionate impact on blacks also is reflected in new data released Monday by Illinois and Michigan officials.

I knew it, but surprised it took this long. I knew that somebody on the way left was going to associate Covid-19 with race. They have made statements that it related to not having socialized healthcare, the environment, you know the rest. I guess according to this Mayor, we now have a racist virus. Who knew when China created it?
It didn't take long, did it?

I understand they've found coronaviruses wearing tiny little MAGA hats.

As I said, I knew it would happen, but I was trying to figure out a way they could possibly associate this with race. Alas, one of them found a way.
but Ray you just did exactly that in your previous post 13

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