COVID19 Deaths Down about 20% from a Few Days Ago


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Are we finally seeing a 'flattening of the curve? This is from April 4, the second is from April 3rd, a 13% drop in a couple of days.


Are we finally seeing a 'flattening of the curve?
I think we may. Rates have been holding steady and not rising higher the past week.

Screen Shot 2020-04-04 at 1.22.10 PM.png

Damn. This could be a real problem. If things flatten out and we don't see the apocalyptic rates the Democrats hoped for, they will have to scramble fast looking for a new excuse for keeping Senile Joe off the front pages away from the TV cameras.

President Donald Trump and his coronavirus task force on Sunday noted that the number of infections and deaths from the virus is stabilizing in many areas, offering Americans some hope.
“As you can see from the hopeful signs in Italy and Spain, where we see, finally, new cases and deaths declining, it is giving us hope of what our future could be,” Dr. Deborah Birx said during the White House coronavirus press briefing on Sunday.
She said that both countries had completed four weeks of social distancing, which had a positive effect on driving down the numbers.
“We can look like that,” she said, urging Americans to continue following the presidential guidelines.
Italy reported its lowest daily death toll in two weeks, and deaths have fallen for three straight days in Spain.
In a series of slides, Birx noted at the White House that there is even some stabilization in large metro areas such as Detroit and Louisiana.
New York also reported its first decline in deaths from coronavirus.
Why are favorable results in other counties who have responsible and sane leadership being compared to the USA where we have Donald Trump for a leader?
What we are likely seeing is a failure of the models.....causing an over reaction to the virus......pushed by the democrats to get the economy into a shutdown to effect Trump's chances in the next election....

According to these numbers, we appear to be dealing with a viral infection that, as far as its deadliness is concerned, lies within the range of previous years' flu epidemics, apparently with a more aggressive respiratory profile than we are used to, but not with exceptionally high mortality. Yet neither in Sweden nor anywhere else did the seasonal flu epidemics of past years, with mortality ratios comparable to the current pandemic, lead to lockdowns or other drastic measures.


Government policy influenced by models whose predictions can change by a factor of 25 from one day to the next is a reality that is most uncomfortable to contemplate. The fact that predictions from such fickle models find their way into government policy affecting the lives and livelihoods of millions is ominous. While the coronavirus is the current focus of expert advice regarding massive government intervention in the lives of citizens, it was but a few months ago that hardly a day went by without calls being issued for drastic governmental measures to avert a climate catastrophe claimed to threaten us on the basis of models that climatologists such as MIT's Richard Lindzen regard as woefully incomplete.
And another sign the models were wrong.........?

Actual hospitalizations....

The forecast predicted, for example, that the United States would need around 164,750 hospital beds for COVID-19 patients on Saturday. Yet the COVID Tracking Project, a team of journalists and data analysts who collect and tabulate coronavirus data from state tallies around the country, reported only around 22,158 currently hospitalized coronavirus patients nationwide on Saturday.

The discrepancies are also stark when looked at on a state-by-state basis. The model estimated that 65,434 patients would need hospital beds in New York State on Friday. In reality, there were 15,905 hospitalizations in that state by Sunday morning, according to the COVID Tracking Project.

Notably, the model touts its predictions as occurring under "full social distancing" through May of this year, meaning the projected hospitalizations are meant to occur even with significant quarantine measures.
Why are favorable results in other counties who have responsible and sane leadership being compared to the USA where we have Donald Trump for a leader?

5 years of TDS, huh? Maybe you need a vaccine.

Trump is the Boogeyman! Nothing bad ever happened until he stole the election from HIllary with $100k in Facebook ads.
Why are favorable results in other counties who have responsible and sane leadership being compared to the USA where we have Donald Trump for a leader?

5 years of TDS, huh? Maybe you need a vaccine.

Trump is the Boogeyman! Nothing bad ever happened until he stole the election from HIllary with $100k in Facebook ads.
You people are pathetic babies. Unable to articulate intelligent responses, you merely blabber out nonsense
That is great!

Fuck, I'm going to have to go back to work...
I feel that way about my winter time job. The job I am curretly not able to go to because of this shit is not one I want to miss. I love charter fishing it does not feel like work to me. I hope you and all the others on this site at some point in your life will obtain employment in which you would actually enjoy showing up for.
That is great!

Fuck, I'm going to have to go back to work...
I feel that way about my winter time job. The job I am curretly not able to go to because of this shit is not one I want to miss. I love charter fishing it does not feel like work to me. I hope you and all the others on this site at some point in your life will obtain employment in which you would actually enjoy showing up for.

Man! That’s so cool! You fish for a living! That’s awesome.
That is great!

Fuck, I'm going to have to go back to work...
I feel that way about my winter time job. The job I am curretly not able to go to because of this shit is not one I want to miss. I love charter fishing it does not feel like work to me. I hope you and all the others on this site at some point in your life will obtain employment in which you would actually enjoy showing up for.

Man! That’s so cool! You fish for a living! That’s awesome.
yep, and when I get skilled enough at deep sea fishing to run charters during the winter, then i will wnat to go to work year round. I am already applying for deep sea head boats this winter then all I will do is fish for a living year round. I can not wait.
That is great!

Fuck, I'm going to have to go back to work...
I feel that way about my winter time job. The job I am curretly not able to go to because of this shit is not one I want to miss. I love charter fishing it does not feel like work to me. I hope you and all the others on this site at some point in your life will obtain employment in which you would actually enjoy showing up for.

I did have such a job, once. It was nice while it lasted.
That is great!

Fuck, I'm going to have to go back to work...
I feel that way about my winter time job. The job I am curretly not able to go to because of this shit is not one I want to miss. I love charter fishing it does not feel like work to me. I hope you and all the others on this site at some point in your life will obtain employment in which you would actually enjoy showing up for.

I did have such a job, once. It was nice while it lasted.
I hope you able to obtain that sort of satisfaction again my friend. I made a concious choice for it to be this way. I listened to all the reasons why I should not career change and told them all to take a long walk off a short pier. I got likely 25 years left and I plan to do with it what I please. You can blink and 25 years have gone by and then realize there was nothing iin the last 25 years for me. Well there sure as hell is going to be some thing in it for me for the last 25 years.
And another sign the models were wrong.........?

Actual hospitalizations....

The forecast predicted, for example, that the United States would need around 164,750 hospital beds for COVID-19 patients on Saturday. Yet the COVID Tracking Project, a team of journalists and data analysts who collect and tabulate coronavirus data from state tallies around the country, reported only around 22,158 currently hospitalized coronavirus patients nationwide on Saturday.

The discrepancies are also stark when looked at on a state-by-state basis. The model estimated that 65,434 patients would need hospital beds in New York State on Friday. In reality, there were 15,905 hospitalizations in that state by Sunday morning, according to the COVID Tracking Project.

Notably, the model touts its predictions as occurring under "full social distancing" through May of this year, meaning the projected hospitalizations are meant to occur even with significant quarantine measures.
If the low end of over-shoot, a factor of a little over 4, is maintained, then we might be hitting the high point by end of April and then the POTUS can put his kick start team on line to get the economy back to full speed by end of September.

DOW 40,000!
China with 1.4 Billion people has approx. 81,000 infected and 3400 deaths (virus under control).
US with only a quarter of the population has approx 340,000 infected and over 10,000 deaths (virus running rampant).
This is how incompetent Trump is and how much Trump is devastating America.

When comparing numbers to China, all the Trumpers cry fake numbers. This is what we know: China has the virus under control in their country or else they wouldn't be sending out fleets of doctors and supplies to help hundreds of countries. And we know in the U.S. the virus is running rampant

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