COVID19 Makes Beer and Soda Go Flat?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011

The coronavirus pandemic and the ensuing lockdowns have affected many industries and have sparked temporary shortages in many products, such as toilet paper and hand sanitizer.
Now, an unexpected impact from the outbreak may cause a shortage of carbonated beverages.
Due to a lack of demand for ethanol, CO2 suppliers are having trouble keeping up with the demand, Reuters reports. According to the report, CO2 gas is captured during the production of ethanol and then sold in large quantities to the food and beverage industry.
CO2, carbon dioxide, is used for the carbonation process in soda and beer.
The coronavirus pandemic and the ensuing lockdowns have affected many industries and have sparked temporary shortages in many products, such as toilet paper and hand sanitizer.
Just curious: The consumption of TP is a constant. Everyone needs a little a couple times a day. So, if so many people bought up mega-beaucoup vast quantities of the stuff (and apparently are still stuffing it into their cars) now, then at some point when this is over, the shelves are going to be stocked to the brim and no one will be buying it for years! I bought a pack in December or January, got another one I think in early April when I had the chance and I'm probably good for the next year!

BTW, just how hard is it to churn out TP? I mean, aren't they LOOKING for uses for waste paper?

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