Covington Catholic Closes For Day Due To Threats, Concern For Safety Of Students, Staff

Meanwhile their whole county is actually closed due to weather. Perfect opportunity for desperate damage control and playing the sympathy card.
Here you go liar.

View attachment 241463
Oh look all closed: Home - The Kenton County School District

Egg on your face, snowflake :itsok:
Wow, you really are a scumbag. Your link says nothing about the whole county being closed. What a liar.
You’re either blind or retarded, as it’s at the top of the page highlighted in red. Poor snowflake :itsok:
Why do you keep lying? An alert that says no school today says nothing about the whole county being closed like you claim. There is no school today because of threats of violence from scum like you.
Yes, the county schools are all closed for weather. Settle down,troll.
Wow, you really are a scumbag. Your link says nothing about the whole county being closed. What a liar.
You’re either blind or retarded, as it’s at the top of the page highlighted in red. Poor snowflake :itsok:
Why do you keep lying? An alert that says no school today says nothing about the whole county being closed like you claim. There is no school today because of threats of violence from scum like you.
^ stupid ass motherfucker doesn’t know how school cancellations work
They were cancelled over threats of violence from criminals like you.
While the non-snowflake schools in the area just happened to also be cancelled for weather.
Right, on a clear day. lol
Wow, you really are a scumbag. Your link says nothing about the whole county being closed. What a liar.
You’re either blind or retarded, as it’s at the top of the page highlighted in red. Poor snowflake :itsok:
Why do you keep lying? An alert that says no school today says nothing about the whole county being closed like you claim. There is no school today because of threats of violence from scum like you.
Yes, the county schools are all closed for weather. Settle down,troll.
Right on a clear day that will be up in the forties. lol
Oh look all closed: Home - The Kenton County School District

Egg on your face, snowflake :itsok:
Wow, you really are a scumbag. Your link says nothing about the whole county being closed. What a liar.
You’re either blind or retarded, as it’s at the top of the page highlighted in red. Poor snowflake :itsok:
Why do you keep lying? An alert that says no school today says nothing about the whole county being closed like you claim. There is no school today because of threats of violence from scum like you.
Yes, the county schools are all closed for weather. Settle down,troll.
Right on a clear day that will be up in the forties. lol
After a weekend snowstorm. You really are just too stupid.
The kids should be expelled and that is that.
They'll hopefully learn and grow from the experience.

Why should they?
The boys ganged up to, and did engage in, intimidation tactics. No different than a street gang.

They should be expelled for that.

BTW, you rightwing folk are aware that the Native American gentleman put himself in the middle the boys and their target, the Black Hebrews, right?

What happened was these boys saw and heard the Black Hebrews and didn't like their rhetoric, and started ganging up to confront them, as their numbers grew in side, the good Samaritan Native Indian saw the impending danger, and put himself between the two groups, and commenced to singing his religious songs.

That's the picture you see there and have posted. With the leader of the MAGA hat wearing boys looking at the good Samaritan Native Indian was scorn and disdain as he puts his body between them and the 4 Black Hebrews.

What version of the events that took place were you told, if not this one? Cause something tells me your overlords gave you a 6 for a 9.
They were waiting for a bus.
The story about these kids and the MAGA hats much like the BuzzFeed story was not as advertised.
The kids should be expelled and that is that.
They'll hopefully learn and grow from the experience.

Why should they?
The boys ganged up to, and did engage in, intimidation tactics. No different than a street gang.

They should be expelled for that.

Are you deaf & blind? Individuals on "the other side" were clearly trying to provoke a confrontation and those TEENAGERS displayed a remarkable degree of restraint and self-control by not falling for it, especially the kid that just smiled at Big Chief Moron when he walked up and got in his face hoping to provoke a reaction.

Those kids should be held up as role models not punished, regardless of whether or not you agree with the causes they were out exercising their 1st Amendment right to support.
From what I have seen on the videos the only bad thing done by the catholic school children was invading the native americans space. The face I am seeing here is not threatening. I do not think this child was trying to cause trouble, he just kinda froze where he was due to all the shit that was around him. It was the black jews causing the real issues and they do not represent the left. They represent themselves.

Problem is the KIDS did NOT INVADE them, they invaded the kids........

New Video Surfaces of Covington Students Being Bullied By Liberal Protesters, Warning: It’s Awful

The kids should be expelled and that is that.
They'll hopefully learn and grow from the experience.

Why should they?
The boys ganged up to, and did engage in, intimidation tactics. No different than a street gang.

They should be expelled for that.

Are you deaf & blind? Individuals on "the other side" were clearly trying to provoke a confrontation and those TEENAGERS displayed a remarkable degree of restraint and self-control by not falling for it, especially the kid that just smiled at Big Chief Moron when he walked up and got in his face hoping to provoke a reaction.

Those kids should be held up as role models not punished, regardless of whether or not you agree with the causes they were out exercising their 1st Amendment right to support.

Marcalt has made it clear in his mind the kids should be expelled for being there, wearing MAGA hats, having a look on their face he disapproves of and being white.

He had no issue with the Homophobic slurs or words of hate by the Black Hebrews and believe they were the victims along with the Native American.

Let face the reality those like Marcalt will condone hate and violence and will blame the kids because of a hat and look...
Are you deaf & blind? Individuals on "the other side" were clearly trying to provoke a confrontation and those TEENAGERS displayed a remarkable degree of restraint and self-control by not falling for it, especially the kid that just smiled at Big Chief Moron when he walked up and got in his face hoping to provoke a reaction.

Those kids should be held up as role models not punished, regardless of whether or not you agree with the causes they were out exercising their 1st Amendment right to support.
Like I said, your overlords gave you a 6 for a 9.

Go get the truth and then get back to me hack.
Marcalt has made it clear in his mind the kids should be expelled for being there, wearing MAGA hats, having a look on their face he disapproves of and being white.

He had no issue with the Homophobic slurs or words of hate by the Black Hebrews and believe they were the victims along with the Native American.

Let face the reality those like Marcalt will condone hate and violence and will blame the kids because of a hat and look...
I take back one thing, the boys shouldn't be expelled, just suspended. It's their teachers/chaperones that should all be fired. They sat there and allowed this, therefore condoning the thug and mob mentality these boys engaged in.

I can't blame them, as once being a boy, I'm well aware of boys being boys. But the ADULTS....OFF w/their heads!!!

Are you deaf & blind? Individuals on "the other side" were clearly trying to provoke a confrontation and those TEENAGERS displayed a remarkable degree of restraint and self-control by not falling for it, especially the kid that just smiled at Big Chief Moron when he walked up and got in his face hoping to provoke a reaction.

Those kids should be held up as role models not punished, regardless of whether or not you agree with the causes they were out exercising their 1st Amendment right to support.
Like I said, your overlords gave you a 6 for a 9.

Go get the truth and then get back to me hack.

LOL, that's the spirit! when the facts don't fit your narrative GO FULL AD HOMINEM.


Thanks for the laughs and don't take that spanking personally, K?

"When debate is lost slander becomes the tool of the loser" -- Socrates
I feel sorta sorry for the kid. But wtf was a school or his parents thinking in sending him to DC for a "right to life" march/protest? Which was held to counter the women's march. What could possibly have gone wrong with that.
Trump's America has emboldened these far rightwing guttersnipe to crawl from their deep, dank, and dingy caves into the light of day.
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I feel sorta sorry for the kid. But wtf was a school or his parents thinking in sending him to DC for a "right to life" march/protest? Which was held to counter the women's march. What could possibly have gone wrong with that.
Trump's America has emboldened these guttersnipe far rightwingers to crawl from their deep, dank, and dingy caves into the light of day.
I dunno that Trump had anything to do with it.

A catholic HS decided to send some kids to counter demonstrate the womens' march. It's like the Childrens' Crusade. The catholics go "OMG the Muslims were so mean to the kids we sent to get in their faces ..... thank God we didn't go this time and God's will there are fewer mouths to feed." LOL

Charlottesville should give every sentient person pause too.

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