Covington catholic story a total disaster for liberal media's credibility

The weaponize tactic is releasing selective cuts of the video and a false narrative, which caught not only Democrats but Republicans as well criticizing the teens, knowing full well the the full video , when released, will cause further tensions.

Wise up folks, it's an online version of he said, she said. Or Dem said Repub said......

There is another BS story being dreamed up on this all over again, only this time it's white KIDS with one black person .. You gotta see it, it's so photo shopped. Let me go see if I can find it lol.
I love how conservative republicans are trying to gas light everyone.......with the extra added bonuses of "bashing a vet" and "blaming the blacks."

This is for you bode, skip to 4:00 for the good stuff:

lol k he
The weaponize tactic is releasing selective cuts of the video and a false narrative, which caught not only Democrats but Republicans as well criticizing the teens, knowing full well the the full video , when released, will cause further tensions.

Wise up folks, it's an online version of he said, she said. Or Dem said Repub said......

k here it is


Fake News Media Doubles Down with Another Covington Catholic MAGA Teen Smear
Thanks to the media, the argument has turned on a dime to the left's response to the alleged aggressive nature of wearing a hat that depicts support for the agenda of the President of the United States. The left has gone freaking bat shit crazy and they would be laughed out of town if it wasn't for their propaganda arm in the media.
You really suggest that would have stopped antagonists looking for confrontation?
Yeah cause the teens would never do any unauthorized chanting or taunting of their own. </sarcasm>

Sounds like the Black dudes were complete assholes. Kids will be kids. The Native guy sounded like he had an agenda as well.

The kids got permission to do their school chant from the adult chaperone with them.

Like good Catholic kids should!

Why didn't the adults take charge and do something about the insults being hurled at their students, instead of having the kids engage in a verbal confrontation?

What were they supposed to do, attack the black protesters? They were there waiting for their bus. And why should they retreat when people harass them for no reason, other than their (the left wingers) own bigotry?

Attack? Wow. How about putting all the adults between the kids and the vocal protesters and calmly explaining the these were school kids they were hurling their insults at.

My suggestion would have been a starting point for me. Their next action would determine my next actions. But that is how I would have tried to defuse the situation.
Under the totality of the situation I believe overall the kids handled themselves well. The one kid maybe should have just moved, but I suspect even if he had, the antagonists would have found something else to scream about.
They were waiting on a bus to pick them up. What would you have suggested they do that the antagonists would have backed down from?
“When released”? There were as many phones and cameras as left wing protesters there. It’s all out there now.

We’ve seen the video already showing the “black Hebrews” calling the kids crackers, and they called the one black kid that was with them an “Uncle Tom” and of course “nigga”.

The “MAGA” kids never taunted the Natives nor did they chant “build the wall”. Nathan the lying native claimed he could get past the kid, when it is clear he could had walked around.

Yeah cause the teens would never do any unauthorized chanting or taunting of their own. </sarcasm>

Sounds like the Black dudes were complete assholes. Kids will be kids. The Native guy sounded like he had an agenda as well.

The kids got permission to do their school chant from the adult chaperone with them.

Like good Catholic kids should!

Why didn't the adults take charge and do something about the insults being hurled at their students, instead of having the kids engage in a verbal confrontation?

I will say this. Those kids and their group handled the situation well.
If I had been there I would had been yelled some offensive shit right back at those idiots, and really would had to hold back from punching them.

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