CPAC welcomes white nationalists

From Reagan's "welfare queen" to Willie Horton to immigrants to muslims to Chinese to the poor to gays to whomever, Republicans always try to find someone who is different than they are to demonize.

It's what they do.


What does your post have to do with this thread?
I find it completely odd that anyone on the left wouldn't be thrilled that the John Birch Society wasn't invited to be a sponsor this year considering that Fred Koch was a founding member.

Yuppers, Fred was dad to you guessed it. The Koch brothers.

I see libs all over the place having fits over the Koch brothers. But when the Birch society is not asked to be a sponsor this year the Salon writer has a kiniption.

What it boils down to is the Salon writer lied in his op ed. Individual members were invited. Just the organizations were not invited to be sponsors.

And then to top it off the Salon writer was throwing a truly faux hissy fit over the John Birch Society not being invited.

In other words, the Salon writer is seriously disingenuous also known as full of shit.
CPAC welcomes white nationalists -

Three noted white supremacy enthusiasts to host anti-diversity panel at conservative conference

CPAC is here, so it’s time for everyone’s annual look at the psychos invited to the premier conservative event of the year, and those unfortunate enough to have been excluded.

GOProud, the gay Republican group that was founded because the Log Cabin Republicans were considered too concerned about gay civil rights and not sufficiently focused on “fiscal issues,” is not invited this year, because they are too “aggressive” about being gay, which made Jim DeMint uncomfortable.

CPAC also uninvited the John Birch Society, which had made a triumphant return to mainstream conservative acceptance in 2010, when they co-sponsored the conference.

But! While the Birchers and the open homosexualists are no longer welcome, there is still room for multiple outspoken white nationalists!

How else would Ron Paul feel welcomed?
From Reagan's "welfare queen" to Willie Horton to immigrants to muslims to Chinese to the poor to gays to whomever, Republicans always try to find someone who is different than they are to demonize.

It's what they do.

oh yawn,
and you and your saintly Democrat party never do any such things..

Tea Party ring a bell..

The Tea Party is white.
From Reagan's "welfare queen" to Willie Horton to immigrants to muslims to Chinese to the poor to gays to whomever, Republicans always try to find someone who is different than they are to demonize.

It's what they do.

Did you say "Republicans" do that? You fucking hypocrite.
From Reagan's "welfare queen" to Willie Horton to immigrants to muslims to Chinese to the poor to gays to whomever, Republicans always try to find someone who is different than they are to demonize.

It's what they do.

Did you say "Republicans" do that? You fucking hypocrite.

I thanked you, what troubles me is that Chris will never, ever get it.
From Reagan's "welfare queen" to Willie Horton to immigrants to muslims to Chinese to the poor to gays to whomever, Republicans always try to find someone who is different than they are to demonize.

It's what they do.

Did you say "Republicans" do that? You fucking hypocrite.

I thanked you, what troubles me is that Chris will never, ever get it.

Hypocrites try really, really hard to convince themselves not to get it.
Since anyone that doesn't want this nation turning into central America that is white=white nationalist. We don't want our nation becoming a third world nation and we wish for our children to live within a nation that is safe...

Of course that means nothing to you people...Globalist bastards.

so we steal this land from Native Americans,steal the southwest from Mexico, bring Africans here as slaves killing millions and now we want to make our nation safe for our children?

How fucking ignorant can you be, Truthbasher? You want to play that guilt shit on people who weren't even breathing at that time, and try to tell them that they somehow are supposed to feel guilty for something they didn't even do??

Why do the left hate white people so much. Isn't that racist?

The left doesn't make campaign commercials demonizing white people.

Oh bite me:lol: Who cares about just campaign commercials?

The left lives to demonize white or Christian or conservative or heaven forbid all three.

It's a triple play then for a liberal to insult away.

The bonus round is to add in "southern".

When a lib can throw shit at a southern white Christian conservative, the left wing hits the demonizing jackpot!
And let none of us forget how the left loves to demonize black conservatives.


Since anyone that doesn't want this nation turning into central America that is white=white nationalist. We don't want our nation becoming a third world nation and we wish for our children to live within a nation that is safe...

Of course that means nothing to you people...Globalist bastards.

so we steal this land from Native Americans,steal the southwest from Mexico, bring Africans here as slaves killing millions and now we want to make our nation safe for our children?

How fucking ignorant can you be, Truthbasher? You want to play that guilt shit on people who weren't even breathing at that time, and try to tell them that they somehow are supposed to feel guilty for something they didn't even do??


Did I say you should feel fucking guilty? If you feel guilty that's your fucking problem. I was just pointing out the ironic hypocrisy.
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so we steal this land from Native Americans,steal the southwest from Mexico, bring Africans here as slaves killing millions and now we want to make our nation safe for our children?

How fucking ignorant can you be, Truthbasher? You want to play that guilt shit on people who weren't even breathing at that time, and try to tell them that they somehow are supposed to feel guilty for something they didn't even do??


Did I say you should feel fucking guilty? If you feel guilty that's your fucking problem. I was just pointing out the ironic hypocrisy.

The hypocrisy comes from sanctimonious cumbuckets that dribble that bullshit all over their chins. How does it feel to be a degenerate sperm depository, Mr. Mouth-wide-open?

You're a guilt whore, and what gets you off is the self-flagellation of someone who knows they're not WORTHY to have a seat at the table, and are GRATEFUL TO BE LICKING CRUMBS OFF OF THE FLOORS OF THEIR MASTERS.
How fucking ignorant can you be, Truthbasher? You want to play that guilt shit on people who weren't even breathing at that time, and try to tell them that they somehow are supposed to feel guilty for something they didn't even do??


Did I say you should feel fucking guilty? If you feel guilty that's your fucking problem. I was just pointing out the ironic hypocrisy.

The hypocrisy comes from sanctimonious cumbuckets that dribble that bullshit all over their chins. How does it feel to be a degenerate sperm depository, Mr. Mouth-wide-open?

You're a guilt whore, and what gets you off is the self-flagellation of someone who knows they're not WORTHY to have a seat at the table, and are GRATEFUL TO BE LICKING CRUMBS OFF OF THE FLOORS OF THEIR MASTERS.

:lol: Wow you are really feeling guilty.

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