CPUSA Endorsed (for the first time ever) an Incumbent


Nov 13, 2012
First time ever.... the CPUSA has endorsed a sitting President.

The Kommies love their own...

...and they love to enslave muslims.

Every true GOP American denounces the hate in the post by clipper100. No one loves the commies but the commies, but true Americans love the truth more, which is the CPUSA means nothing in the scheme of American affairs. They are merely the far left counterpart to the far right Tea Party.
First time ever.... the CPUSA has endorsed a sitting President.

The Kommies love their own...

...and they love to enslave muslims.

moron alert.

perhaps actual knowledge of terms and some basic concept of political theory might be of assistance to you.
That's like saying the John Birch Society or Tea Party racists endorsed the GOP. Wish they hadn't.
Every true GOP American denounces the hate in the post by clipper100. No one loves the commies but the commies, but true Americans love the truth more, which is the CPUSA means nothing in the scheme of American affairs. They are merely the far left counterpart to the far right Tea Party.

If Americans love the truth then why would you try to dispute the FACT that the communist party is the only political party that is COMPLETELY HAPPY with the performance of your dear leader. That sir is the TRUTH. If you had looked at the CPUSA web site during the elections their talking points mirrored those of your dear leader.
The CPUSA is the ding a ling counterpart to the Tea Party.

Both are despised by the overwhelming majority of Americans, OKTexas.

We are not going back to pre-1960. Ever, son. Ever.
the commies are very happy with Obama being reelected....

....it's a Russian Red Dawn for America....:mad:

In short, while communist propaganda is by definition a pack of lies, the CPUSA is refreshingly up-front about one thing: their primary and defining purpose is to achieve communism in the United States of America. In pursuit of that defining purpose, they have for years thrown their lot in with the Democratic Party, and they are now very strongly advocating for Barack Obama in particular.
The answer is as unavoidable as it is straightforward: the Communist Party regards Barack Obama's signature achievements and defining principles as consistent with, and conducive to, its own defining goal -- namely, the establishment of a socialist workers' state in America. And of course, as America's official defenders of the Marxist flame, they certainly know whereof they speak. Their belief is quite correct, and conservatives ought to be happy to help them make their case.

ObamaCare is an important step on the path to the full denial of the individual's right to self-preservation.

Equal pay legislation grants the government the power to determine the value of "commodities," including labor, and thereby directly undermines the foundations of the free market, voluntarism, and private property.

"Investing billions" in "jobs," "saving the auto industry," and the "new food safety agency" advance the goal of "workers'" (aka government's) control of the means of production.

"Unemployment benefits for millions of workers" [insert own joke here].

The "rights of workers" advanced by Obama's two female Supreme Court appointments are perfectly in line with the slogan the CPUSA loaned to the Democrats on day one of the latter's convention: "Progress for People," where "people," like "workers," is a time-honored "code word" for the proletariat.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, resulting from the Dodd-Frank legislation, and constructed by Elizabeth "Cherokee" Warren, is a practical step toward Marxism's key goal of eliminating private banking.

In sum, the Communist Party loves the same Obama policies and accomplishments that the Democratic Party establishment loves, that the mainstream media loves, that the unions love, and that Charles Schumer, Jennifer Granholm, Harry Reid, and Dick Durbin love. They want more of the same. The CPUSA sees what most of us see, and what the Democratic Party would somehow like to keep its permanent underclass -- um, that is, its voter base -- from seeing: the Obama agenda is driving America "forward" on "the Road to Socialism." The only difference is that the communists are honest enough to spell it out.

Read more: Articles: Obama's Communist Party Endorsement
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The fact that Obama wants to get rid of merit based hiring and force non-whites ahead of whites=huge marxist victory.

The fact that he wants to fuck with the free market=the same.

While I see it kinda kookie.... it still speaks volumes that the Communist Party backs Obama.

Nah, he's not a Marxist or anything like that....
What's the difference between China controling the market place and America choosing winners and losers? One is more advanced than the other.
Yup, by the postings here we see that Tea Party far right is ding a ling as the commies on the left.
Of course there is a difference in the two economic systems.

But "commies" and "teapots" are both crazy.

Responsible GOP are going to call out crazy.
Of course there is a difference in the two economic systems.

But "commies" and "teapots" are both crazy.

Responsible GOP are going to call out crazy.

Teapots are crazy? How can an ordinary kitchen vessel be crazy? What does a teapot have to do with Communists being all in for Obama?

Soggy, put it in perspective. The commies did not elect Obama.

The GOP lost the election because

women voted for Obama 55 to 45

single women voted for Obama 66 to 34

Hispanics voted for Obama 70 to 30

blacks voted for Obama 95 to 5

Asians voted even higher for Obama

The GOP can no longer compete as a party representing primarily white male middle and working class far right values.

Let's worry about ourselves, not commies.

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