Cracks Forming GOP Distancing Trump


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
The Republican road the vulnerables take?
How can you blame them. GOP donors are dumping Trump and are giving their support to down ticketers.
Trump is not polling well and his actions toward Covid tell the tale. He is losing support. Donors smell a loser.

"Vulnerable Republicans are beginning to distance themselves from President Trump’s dismissive response to the coronavirus pandemic and his dramatic termination of negotiations with congressional Democrats over federal economic relief, with the latest cracks carrying enormous implications for Trump and the party with just four weeks until Election Day."

"Facing a political reckoning as Trump’s support plummets and a possible blue tsunami looms, it is now conservatives and Trump allies who are showing flashes of discomfort with the president, straining to stay in the good graces of his core voters without being wholly defined by an erratic incumbent."

“It’s a Republican Party unraveling,” historian Douglas Brinkley told the Post. “They’re seeking to rid themselves of Trump at this juncture but realize they can’t quite yet. But they know his name is no longer kinetic on the campaign trail.” One senior Republican official even compared the fallout to that of the “Access Hollywood” tape in 2016, the only other time Republicans appeared on the verge of abandoning Trump to his fate."

Its amazing the same exact stories from October 2016.....utterly amazing....
Did GOP donors start the walkaway since the campaign spent all of that $1 Billion war chest with months to go? Exactly what has/had been happening. Can you imagine spending that much $$$ and then saying... No More?
Its amazing the same exact stories from October 2016.....utterly amazing....
Did GOP donors start the walkaway since the campaign spent all of that $1 Billion war chest with months to go? Exactly what has/had been happening. Can you imagine spending that much $$$ and then saying... No More?
#Walkaway is a grassroots organization.....sprang up on its own out of passion and patriotism.....
Yea Hillary outspent the Donald 2 to 1, it didn’t help.

Honestly he doesn’t need that much fundraising, the press give him coverage 24/7. He plays them like a fiddle and they keep dancing to his tune.
"Honestly he doesn’t need that much fundraising, the press give him coverage 24/7. He plays them like a fiddle and they keep dancing to his tune."
Honestly, DJT did need a lot of fund raising. His twitter 24/7 coverage has turned out to be Super Saturation.
Yea Hillary outspent the Donald 2 to 1, it didn’t help.

Honestly he doesn’t need that much fundraising, the press give him coverage 24/7. He plays them like a fiddle and they keep dancing to his tune.
Well Putin helped him be a president.
I'm so thankful in the thousands of people I come across only 4 are trump supporters. That's a huge indication the elections were rigged as trump said in 2016.

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