Cracks Forming GOP Distancing Trump

Here is another I saw last night along the same lines.

I suppose if the Republicans "saved the Senate" it would at least block Sleepy Joe from making Extremist, anti-life judicial picks for the Supreme and underlying courts.

It could prevent legislation, but Biden would just do what he wants anyhow and sign executive orders
Harris will be president in the first year....or acting president. Biden will just be a bumbling old coot talking smack and yelling at people who dared to ask him a real question.

Funny how journalists claim that Trump is a dictator....yet they call Trump a liar to his face every day.
If Trump was a dictator he would have them taken out back and shot for their insolence.
What Obama did while he was president was use the IRS to attack all of his critics.
He had armies of lawyers show up at their jobs threatening lawsuits if the offending person wasn't fired on the spot.
This is what will happen if Biden/Harris are elected.
They will take our guns, raise our taxes, and foment violence nationwide to get what they want.
Any political party that is willing to destroy cities and states with their lockdowns and their riots cannot be trusted with anything. I wouldn't trust them to be garbage collectors.

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