Crazy Bernie Sanders Was Investigated By FBI For Marxist Ties

Bernie Sanders is a clone of the most self-hating-Jewish, self-hating-American pseudo-intellectual scumbag Noam Chomsky; neither one of these pieces of filth have ever met a Communist dictatorship they wouldn't fellate. BOTH of them are such similar, malicious, arrogantly psychopathic America-trashing filth, I wish cancer on Bernie Sanders just as much as I do self-loathing American traitors like Chomsky (or should I say Chump-sky), Obamasshole, and Hilarious Hillary. Utter walking diseases of American society.

Remember, Sanders is the sick son of a bitch who blamed "global warming" for the muslim Paris massacre in 2015. He's a pure, 100% abomination.

Oh, did I mention Bernie's bald head looks like the front of a polished dildo? It's fitting because that pig is a dildo for every American-hating scumbag on this planet.
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is there anyone not under investigation?

REPORT: Bernie Sanders Was Investigated By FBI For Marxist Ties

Dun dun dunnnnnnn
Who ever heard of liberals supporting government control over our entire lives. Putting blindfolds on us, and forcing us to eat what ever corporation America put on our tables and make it mandatory to inject us with toxins. That it isn't called Liberty when being forced by the government to live according to the way that they want us to live. That is what this country has ran away from. The Declaration of Independence was made to guaranteed to all citizens that they can live freely as they choose, without harming others,, without any government intervention. That anyone that tries to rob anyone from their freedom, that there will be fireworks. That is why the 2nd amendment was added. Because back then, everyone had carried guns. That is what they used to hunt for food. But they added it, just to prevent any government from taking their only means of defense against a rogue government.


Ugo Okere, a Democratic candidate for Chicago city council, said Thursday he believes democratic socialism should have total control over how people live.

In a Thursday interview with the left-wing Jacobin, Okere was asked to define democratic socialism, and he gave a remarkably expansive answer.
"Democratic socialism, to me, is about democratic control of every single facet of our life," he said. "Government is led by the people, not by big corporations, not by multibillionaires, and working people actually have control over who we elect to be our politicians, over how elections work, and over how our government is structured. People have the power."

Okere went on to say he believes socialism should guide a society's entire course, not just its political structures:
Chicago Dem Wants Socialism to Have 'Control of Every Single Facet of Our Life'


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