Crazy Cruz: Impeach Holder

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Ted Cruz Wants To Impeach Eric Holder Over A Non-Scandal In An Agency Holder Doesn't Run | ThinkProgress

Attorney General Eric Holder leads the United States Department of Justice. He has no control over the Internal Revenue Service, which is housed at the Treasury Department. Yet, due to Holder’s indirect tie to an embarrassing — if not, exactly, scandalous — incident that occurred at the IRS, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) suggested on Thursday that Holder should be impeached and removed from office.

To explain, Cruz is upset that a Justice Department prosecutor Holder appointed to investigate accusations that the IRS targeted conservative groups when it singled out certain organizations seeking non-profit status for additional scrutiny has, at times, donated money to Democrats. Appointing this woman, according to Cruz, “mocks the rule of law.” The Texas Senator added that “when an Attorney General corrupts the Department of Justice by conducting a nakedly partisan investigation to cover up political wrongdoing that conduct by any reasonable measure constitutes high crimes and misdemeanors.”

The Constitution permits executive branch officials to be impeached and removed from office for “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”

This guy is certifiable.

I'm not just saying that. I believe it. Every time he opens his mouth, it becomes more apparent that he's just not wrapped too tight.

But, it gets him the votes from the low info folks.
Ted Cruz Wants To Impeach Eric Holder Over A Non-Scandal In An Agency Holder Doesn't Run | ThinkProgress

Attorney General Eric Holder leads the United States Department of Justice. He has no control over the Internal Revenue Service, which is housed at the Treasury Department. Yet, due to Holder’s indirect tie to an embarrassing — if not, exactly, scandalous — incident that occurred at the IRS, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) suggested on Thursday that Holder should be impeached and removed from office.

To explain, Cruz is upset that a Justice Department prosecutor Holder appointed to investigate accusations that the IRS targeted conservative groups when it singled out certain organizations seeking non-profit status for additional scrutiny has, at times, donated money to Democrats. Appointing this woman, according to Cruz, “mocks the rule of law.” The Texas Senator added that “when an Attorney General corrupts the Department of Justice by conducting a nakedly partisan investigation to cover up political wrongdoing that conduct by any reasonable measure constitutes high crimes and misdemeanors.”

The Constitution permits executive branch officials to be impeached and removed from office for “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”

This guy is certifiable.

I'm not just saying that. I believe it. Every time he opens his mouth, it becomes more apparent that he's just not wrapped too tight.

But, it gets him the votes from the low info folks.

Stop calling people names---words hurt them.
I really want that crazy bastard to run for president - just so I can see how many other crazy bastards would vote for him.
Ted Cruz is a canadian douche...but he isn't far off the mark on his call to impeach Holder. He should have been forced to resign a long time ago.

But let me reiterate...Ted Cruz is a USELESS canadian who is full of hot air. He needs to go back to canada and never come back to the US.
Ted Cruz is a canadian douche...but he isn't far off the mark on his call to impeach Holder. He should have been forced to resign a long time ago.

But let me reiterate...Ted Cruz is a USELESS canadian who is full of hot air. He needs to go back to canada and never come back to the US.

BTW, Cruz is an American that was born in Canada!

It's official: Ted Cruz a citizen of the U.S. - and the U.S. only -

Obama is an American born in America, but that never bothered you guys. Payback is a bitch and the bitch is ready and waiting...
Ted Cruz is a canadian douche...but he isn't far off the mark on his call to impeach Holder. He should have been forced to resign a long time ago.

But let me reiterate...Ted Cruz is a USELESS canadian who is full of hot air. He needs to go back to canada and never come back to the US.

BTW, Cruz is an American that was born in Canada!

It's official: Ted Cruz a citizen of the U.S. - and the U.S. only -

Obama is an American born in America, but that never bothered you guys. Payback is a bitch and the bitch is ready and waiting...

The Kenyan having an English father just makes it easier for Ted to run for president.

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