Crazy Eric Swalwell to announce White House bid with Parkland shooting survivor Wacky Cameron Kasky

"NRA Twitter is losing its mind with “how is Swalwell going to take guns from law-abiding owners.” SPOILER: I’m not. I’m organizing with the Moms & students, and we’re going to CHANGE the law. Weapons of war will be no more." - Swallwell
Swalwell can’t even manage his personal finances....He has a NEGATIVE net worth. Is this really the person Americans want to be looking after our economy ?
"i paid my student loans by myself...i need reparations under Warren's plan!" - Swalwell
“I support gun licensing. You need a license to drive a car; using a gun shouldn’t have a lower standard,” Swalwell said. “I want to know if Sen. Booker’s assault weapons ban would include the 15 million on the streets now, or just future sales. My plan bans both.”
Get real Swalwell. Low energy. Low votes. YOU SHALL NOT PASS BETA SWALWELL!!!!

we dont need Swalwell, we need a swell wall!
Swalwell 2020: Turn In Your Guns Or I'll Drop A Thermonuclear Weapon On You

Hey, Democrats, if you want to flush your money down the toilet by donating to these losers, send your money to me. I'll do some actual good stuff with it.
Eric Swalwell’s campaign setting new world records in cringe

from the article:

Swalwell posted some tweets over the holiday weekend flexing his sensitivity muscles for the social justice grievance crowd. One of the them said that “Being a good president doesn't mean you speak the loudest or tweet the most. Being a good president means knowing when to listen.” Included in the tweet was a photo of Swalwell sitting amidst five black people in Chicago.

Coincidentally, prominent black activist Alicia Garza wrote Tuesdayin the New York Times that no, this is precisely what they don’t need. “During election season, I always cringe when I see candidates eating fried chicken next to a bottle of hot sauce in Harlem or taking staged photos with black leaders,” wrote Garza. “These shallow symbolic gestures are not a substitute for meaningful engagement with black voters. And candidates should know that we see right through them.”

In a separate tweet on Sunday, Swalwell wrote that he “may be ‘another white guy,’ but I know where there are gaps in my knowledge or my experience and I know when to pass the mic.” Attached was a video clip from a new interview with Vice, wherein he promised again that as the Democratic nominee, he would pick a woman to serve as his running mate. “Where there would be gaps in my knowledge or my experience,” said Swalwell, “I will pass the mic to people who do have that experience.”

Does he know he’s running to lead the country and not to lead an AA meeting? I don’t recall President Barack Obama choosing to “pass the mic” to RuPaul when a bunch of gays were shot up at an Orlando night club.

This is a naked, debasing, humiliating pander by Swalwell to the social justice mob that now lords over the Democratic Party. But he’s unaware that to “pass the mic” isn’t about taking turns. It’s about giving up his turn altogether. The very question he was responding to in the Vice interview was, "Why should another white guy be president?" In other words, Don't you think it's time you step aside for someone else, Mr. Swalwell?


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