Crazy Liam Neeson: "After a friend was raped by a black man, I wanted to kill a random black man"

i don't care about the governors 'klan' clothes or makeup . But this actor azzhole is an azzhole .
Maybe he can make a movie about it....that would be awesome!
Drug dealers, gangs and rapists are only white in movies now, so that script wont work.
Perhaps you missed this one....Trump border policy is based on it..
Tsk tsk Liam. You should have never aired this admission, now you're going to be treated to the lefts fascism.
As I said, he should have kept his mouth shut, and took this to his grave.

What Liam Neeson’s Racial Comments Mean for His Upcoming Films and Future Job Prospects

As debate continues to rage over Liam Neeson’s racially charged remarks, many in Hollywood are wondering anxiously what the fallout might mean for his upcoming films and the future of his career. Some observers even think the interview could permanently damage his career.

After he shared this week that, decades ago, a close friend revealed she was raped by a man of color and he considered committing violence against black men in revenge, Neeson attempted a quick rebound before the opening of his Lionsgate film “Cold Pursuit.”

The explanation of his remarks weren’t enough to neutralize the impact, many felt, and social media users and industry players continued to call him a racist after he explained that he would have had the same reaction if his friend had said her rapist was a white man.

What Liam Neeson’s Racial Comments Mean for His Upcoming Films and Future Job Prospects
i don't care about the governors 'klan' clothes or makeup . But this actor azzhole is an azzhole .
You think hes wrong for thinking how he felt many years ago was wrong? Do you want him to still want to kill a black man?
silly question BUT i think the actor said he wanted to kill a random 'black in retaliation' for another 'black' that raped someone . The actor is an azzhole GBoy .
Neeson was honest about a feeling he had long ago which he admits was wrong. No need to crucify the guy for his admission though I would have kept that little detail a secret.
Dear Hollywood, Please reshoot every scene that Liam Neeson has ever acted in and replace him with Christopher Plummer. Do this NOW.
"Admittedly, I have not seen the Liam Neeson interview, because I simply cannot bear the Irish accent, but from the resulting backlash it’s obvious he’s a racist," writes Godfrey Elfwick
Liam Neeson: After a friend was raped, I wanted to kill a black man

There is a US governor that wears klan clothes, so news like this isn’t even shocking anymore

It's the only way to stop it....there was a time when a black couldn't look at a white woman....the Klan hanged several who raped white women....they were often just saving the criminal justice system time and expense. Where I grew up in Detroit, when Willy came calling, his neighborhood got a visit in return. Weak whites are easy targets.....strong whites don't get fucked with.
Liam Neeson: After a friend was raped, I wanted to kill a black man

There is a US governor that wears klan clothes, so news like this isn’t even shocking anymore

It's the only way to stop it....there was a time when a black couldn't look at a white woman....the Klan hanged several who raped white women....they were often just saving the criminal justice system time and expense. Where I grew up in Detroit, when Willy came calling, his neighborhood got a visit in return. Weak whites are easy targets.....strong whites don't get fucked with.
"Admittedly, I have not seen the Liam Neeson interview, because I simply cannot bear the Irish accent, but from the resulting backlash it’s obvious he’s a racist," writes Godfrey Elfwick
He has played many macho roles in movies. One that was good was a movie called "Rob Roy".

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