Cream Puff Clinton

Here are her problems:

1) Pathological Liar, but not very good at it, in spite of all the practice;

2) Incompetent all all other things, besides lying (See Above), and not very smart---failed Bar Exam;

3) Husband got her every job she ever time Coat-Tail Rider...who would have risen to Justice of the Peace in Chicago if she hadn't married a pussy-lovin Southern boy, who happened to be a political genius;

4) Health is a disaster...something is obviously wrong with her Brain & and Neurological System;

5) Would be headed for Jail except for her said Southern White Boy Protector;

6) Avaricious bitch who sold the interest of her Country for Contributions to the Clinton Foundation.


Adantage is that she has the unanimous support of the Stupidest, Most Dependent, Most Ignorant Americans....who...because Public Teachers Unions....might now be Majority.


Excellent job....great post.....sums it up rather nicely.........


If I might add........wherever they have engaged in corruption....which is every where they go....they first secure control of the law enforcement they can control any investigation into their crimes...they did this in Arkansas where bill the rapist was first Attorney General, and then Governor, then they fired all the U.S. attorneys when they got to the White House...and now the democrat controlled Department of Justice and FBI refuse to go after her......

It will be no different if she gets in again.......they will control the very people who should be investigating her.....
...and she's a loopy kunt
I support traditional marriage and I support religious freedom but I'm actually honest about the political landscape and get labeled a liberal by people here and it drives me nuts. This is the problem with you losers. You post memes that paint this picture that only republican voters believe in. You aren't changing anyones minds about Hillary with your "hillary is a criminal" middle school meme stuff. You guys are so freaking stupid and inept

do you deny that she is a proven liar?
You know what you need to do? You need to post more MEMES! Tell the world she kills babies! Tell the world about the emails and benghazi and do it in those amazing meme things 12 year-olds like! I bet you you will really impact the outcome of the election if you do that :)

It might not change the minds of those like you who advocate the murder of babies but it would be the truth.
I'm so proud of the people here who are helping me and others see how strong Trump actually is in this race. I know you thought Benghazi would ruin Hillary's image and end her presidential aspirations but that didn't happen. I know you thought the emails would do the same but that didn't happen. But the oversimplifications and exaggerations on Hillary placed onto memes are definitely going to do it! That and her stair issues! This is it guys. The stair issues will sink her campaign! The emails and Benghazi were the appetizers to Stairgate

Trump is such a strong candidate he's resetting his campaign to stay competitive with the baby murdering Hillary Clinton. I can't wait to bump this thread in November and congratulate you guys on being so right about Hillary losing the election and Trump winning

You guys and your memes are doing the Lord's work

You know God is so for President Trump
I'm so proud of the people here who are helping me and others see how strong Trump actually is in this race. I know you thought Benghazi would ruin Hillary's image and end her presidential aspirations but that didn't happen. I know you thought the emails would do the same but that didn't happen. But the oversimplifications and exaggerations on Hillary placed onto memes are definitely going to do it! That and her stair issues! This is it guys. The stair issues will sink her campaign! The emails and Benghazi were the appetizers to Stairgate

Trump is such a strong candidate he's resetting his campaign to stay competitive with the baby murdering Hillary Clinton. I can't wait to bump this thread in November and congratulate you guys on being so right about Hillary losing the election and Trump winning

You guys and your memes are doing the Lord's work

You know God is so for President Trump

Actually what it shows is exactly the type of trash that supports Clinton.
I'm so proud of the people here who are helping me and others see how strong Trump actually is in this race. I know you thought Benghazi would ruin Hillary's image and end her presidential aspirations but that didn't happen. I know you thought the emails would do the same but that didn't happen. But the oversimplifications and exaggerations on Hillary placed onto memes are definitely going to do it! That and her stair issues! This is it guys. The stair issues will sink her campaign! The emails and Benghazi were the appetizers to Stairgate

Trump is such a strong candidate he's resetting his campaign to stay competitive with the baby murdering Hillary Clinton. I can't wait to bump this thread in November and congratulate you guys on being so right about Hillary losing the election and Trump winning

You guys and your memes are doing the Lord's work

You know God is so for President Trump

Actually what it shows is exactly the type of trash that supports Clinton.
Sick burn! You guys are very right. The majority of Americans support Trump and he's just totally going to win in November. You and the memes did it!
I'm so proud of the people here who are helping me and others see how strong Trump actually is in this race. I know you thought Benghazi would ruin Hillary's image and end her presidential aspirations but that didn't happen. I know you thought the emails would do the same but that didn't happen. But the oversimplifications and exaggerations on Hillary placed onto memes are definitely going to do it! That and her stair issues! This is it guys. The stair issues will sink her campaign! The emails and Benghazi were the appetizers to Stairgate

Trump is such a strong candidate he's resetting his campaign to stay competitive with the baby murdering Hillary Clinton. I can't wait to bump this thread in November and congratulate you guys on being so right about Hillary losing the election and Trump winning

You guys and your memes are doing the Lord's work

You know God is so for President Trump

Actually what it shows is exactly the type of trash that supports Clinton.
Sick burn! You guys are very right. The majority of Americans support Trump and he's just totally going to win in November. You and the memes did it!

Your problem is your own problem. Many of us simply have higher standards in life than you do.
I'm so proud of the people here who are helping me and others see how strong Trump actually is in this race. I know you thought Benghazi would ruin Hillary's image and end her presidential aspirations but that didn't happen. I know you thought the emails would do the same but that didn't happen. But the oversimplifications and exaggerations on Hillary placed onto memes are definitely going to do it! That and her stair issues! This is it guys. The stair issues will sink her campaign! The emails and Benghazi were the appetizers to Stairgate

Trump is such a strong candidate he's resetting his campaign to stay competitive with the baby murdering Hillary Clinton. I can't wait to bump this thread in November and congratulate you guys on being so right about Hillary losing the election and Trump winning

You guys and your memes are doing the Lord's work

You know God is so for President Trump

Actually what it shows is exactly the type of trash that supports Clinton.
Sick burn! You guys are very right. The majority of Americans support Trump and he's just totally going to win in November. You and the memes did it!

Your problem is your own problem. Many of us simply have higher standards in life than you do.
And the American people have that higher standard as well right? Trump is a man of moral character and he's going to beat Hillary, right?
I'm so proud of the people here who are helping me and others see how strong Trump actually is in this race. I know you thought Benghazi would ruin Hillary's image and end her presidential aspirations but that didn't happen. I know you thought the emails would do the same but that didn't happen. But the oversimplifications and exaggerations on Hillary placed onto memes are definitely going to do it! That and her stair issues! This is it guys. The stair issues will sink her campaign! The emails and Benghazi were the appetizers to Stairgate

Trump is such a strong candidate he's resetting his campaign to stay competitive with the baby murdering Hillary Clinton. I can't wait to bump this thread in November and congratulate you guys on being so right about Hillary losing the election and Trump winning

You guys and your memes are doing the Lord's work

You know God is so for President Trump

Actually what it shows is exactly the type of trash that supports Clinton.
Sick burn! You guys are very right. The majority of Americans support Trump and he's just totally going to win in November. You and the memes did it!

Your problem is your own problem. Many of us simply have higher standards in life than you do.
And the American people have that higher standard as well right? Trump is a man of moral character and he's going to beat Hillary, right?

Trump is and you're not.
I'm so proud of the people here who are helping me and others see how strong Trump actually is in this race. I know you thought Benghazi would ruin Hillary's image and end her presidential aspirations but that didn't happen. I know you thought the emails would do the same but that didn't happen. But the oversimplifications and exaggerations on Hillary placed onto memes are definitely going to do it! That and her stair issues! This is it guys. The stair issues will sink her campaign! The emails and Benghazi were the appetizers to Stairgate

Trump is such a strong candidate he's resetting his campaign to stay competitive with the baby murdering Hillary Clinton. I can't wait to bump this thread in November and congratulate you guys on being so right about Hillary losing the election and Trump winning

You guys and your memes are doing the Lord's work

You know God is so for President Trump

Actually what it shows is exactly the type of trash that supports Clinton.
Sick burn! You guys are very right. The majority of Americans support Trump and he's just totally going to win in November. You and the memes did it!

Your problem is your own problem. Many of us simply have higher standards in life than you do.
And the American people have that higher standard as well right? Trump is a man of moral character and he's going to beat Hillary, right?

Trump is and you're not.
I've truly been enlightened this morning. I'm gonna send you a PM congratulating you when Trump wins in November :)

I'm grateful you showed me those memes that explained to me Hillary is a baby killer :)
Actually what it shows is exactly the type of trash that supports Clinton.
Sick burn! You guys are very right. The majority of Americans support Trump and he's just totally going to win in November. You and the memes did it!

Your problem is your own problem. Many of us simply have higher standards in life than you do.
And the American people have that higher standard as well right? Trump is a man of moral character and he's going to beat Hillary, right?

Trump is and you're not.
I've truly been enlightened this morning. I'm gonna send you a PM congratulating you when Trump wins in November :)

I'm grateful you showed me those memes that explained to me Hillary is a baby killer :)

Someone needs to show you a thing or two. Had you ever served in a combat outfit, you would also know that one of the major rules is that you leave no one behind. Your Cream Puff Hillary was in direct command of those folks in Benghazi. They cme under attack and Hillary never even asked for aid to be sent. You just absolutely do not do that. There have been instances like in my own outfit at Dak To when a commander called for friendly fire upon our own position when we found ourselves greatly outnumbered and being overrun. Hillary has already failed the test for Commander-in-Chief when she failed in her responsibility to request aid be sent in their behalf.

As far as the baby killer bit, Hillary has received the endorsement of Planned Parenthood. She has also accepted donations from Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood accepts taxpayer money. They donated taxpayer money to support Hillary's election. Hillary has promised to repeal the Hyde Act which prohibits taxpayer funding of abortions and if repealed, would greatly increase Planned Parenthood's evil enterprise.

You go ahead and carry her water though, just don't ever call yourself an American patriot. We both will know better.
How is it that Hillary is getting away with being such a wimp and not doing news conferences or reputable interviews..

Is it because she's a woman and needs special treatment, simply a coward, has mental problems and can't handle the stress, needs sleep, has far to much to hide ... what?
She's running against Trump. Only Trump fans want Trump. If Hillary had a real opponent this sort of stuff would be more of an issue for Hillary

.All the media are parasites for Trump while the left wing bobbleheads are complicit with Hillary's cowardice and crime.

sheesh .. obviously Democrats have little confidence in Hillary's qualifications...:laugh:

Because the narrative is if it's not Hillary, you are getting Trump. Trump is a unique candidate that will only get props from his fans. If Hillary were running against a "normal" candidate, you can't dumb down the race to "well if you don't support Hillary, you're getting Insane Guy". Because that is how this election is viewed, Hillary can get away with a lot of things. Against a normal candidate that didn't seem completely inept in a general election, Hillary probably would have to be held more accountable on doing interviews and press conferences, etc.

:lmao:... You almost make Hillary seem sane...

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If you really think what I said is unrealistic, I don't have anything else to say. Trump's campaign hasn't looked competent or strong since about 3 weeks into the general election. You hate Hillary Clinton? Okay, we get it. Only Trump fans (not even the whole GOP voting base) likes Trump. Hillary may not be loved by everyone who will vote for her but she is viewed as the safe pic

She's viewed as a bought and paid for candidate, a compulsive liar, boring, sexual harassment and rape enabler, an inept politician, an inept Secretary of State, a tax more and spend more socialist, the list goes on but she bottom line represents 4 more years of a corrupt and failed Presidency under Obama.

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