Creationists light giant Ark replica with rainbow in LGBT solidarity

Class act by the fundies! :clap:


Gay animals on the Ark? :eek:


Not much difference between making something from their fairy tail and Disney making something from their fairy tails.

Disney is way more awesome :thup:
No your lying in front of a group that can fact check you is dumb. And everyone who does fact check you will know you are a liar. Just watch the thread idiot.
Why were they letting gay lions get on the Ark? Lol that's super dumb.
Deflection away from your lie? These folks are better then that. How does it feel to be a proven liar?
Just fine as it's endlessly amusing

If you want the rainbow back, you'll have to pry it from his cold, gay hand!


See the crowd laughing at him? A lot like the readers are you right now.

DarkFury - Sorry little cupcake but its you who is being laughed at because the OP is factual and you ran away because you lied.

Did you apologize for your lie? Of course not. We can always count on DarkFury turning tail and running away.


The thread title is false. Links have been provided about it.

If you want to make fun of Darkfury, you'd be better off doing it regarding something else.
The idiot of an OP seems to think I need stick around while members prove him to be the lying sack of shit he is. After 3 or 4 confirming links showing he is a liar why wait for more? You lying ass liberals can't pull this shit here because this ain't CNN okay?

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