Creationists' theory in detail

The trinity, the archangel, the angel of Jehovah, and salvation are off topic. I will start a separate thread on the trinity - you could start separate threads on the other subjects if you wish. For me to respond I would be derailing the thread. But I will mention one point in response here:

Some claim that Michael the archangel is not Jesus and yet claim the angel of Jehovah is Jesus in a number of Bible accounts - they call these examples of "Christology." So, if Jesus was the angel of the Lord (original Hebrew: H3068/Yehovah/Jehovah), would he be less than the chief/arch angel?

Or would he be the archangel (see the definition of the prefix "arch" in Greek = first)?

Now, on topic - Jehovah's Witnesses accept micro-evolution but reject macro-evolution - are you willing to get back to topic?

Ofc, we believe in microevolution. That is backed by the scientific method of Sir Francis Bacon, a Christian scientist.

Anyway, have you thought why JW brainwashes you (sorry, I don't have a better term) into not treating Jesus as our Lord? He is our only way to heaven. This is God's greatest commandment for the believers.

"Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’" Matthew 22:37
there is nothing contradictory between the 1st century and evolution - evolution, one would hope exemplifies the religion of that time, the triumph of good vs evil - progression of evolution validates the religion in not just objective but in physical terms. and what may be in the offering for humanity fulfilling its destiny.

Evolution ignores the 1st century. What big event happened then? This is such silliness.

Instead, we had evolution involved in the persecution of Christians in the 1st century by your ancestors -- the bad Jews. These Pharisees may have been the ones who actually had Jesus crucified. For shame, you crumb.
Evolution ignores the 1st century. What big event happened then?
there is nothing contradictory between the 1st century and evolution - evolution, one would hope exemplifies the religion of that time,
evolution is a directed metaphysical, spiritual set of circumstances culminating over time to create a prescribed change - the basis of the religion of antiquity for that change to be an enhancement from the previous state into the new one - accomplished through purity. sinners need not apply. the same revelation and reaffirmation that began in the 1st century before its derailment in the 4th.

Instead, we had evolution involved in the persecution of Christians in the 1st century by your ancestors -- the bad Jews. These Pharisees may have been the ones who actually had Jesus crucified. For shame, you crumb.
your a joke bond and always wrong - christianity is inimical to evolution as stated sinners need not aply.

there were no christians till the 4th century, those the same as the religious itinerant would not give the 4th century christian bible the time of day.

all three desert religions have abandoned the religion of antiquity, the same above goes for the rest of them.
Ou ancestors at one time couldn’t speak. Look how intelligent we are now. We came from single cells. Not intelligence

This belief means that you'll be shelter in place in a cave during the end times. I know because this is one of the things prophecized and it seems it isn't a metaphor.

People were similar to us during ancient times. In some ways, they were better off physically and mentally than us. They were quite sophisticated.
Yes and religion set us backwards

You're the one claiming your people were cave people who came from bacteria. They could only grunt and stuff. That's some hilarious backwards rock people stuff :auiqs.jpg: .
Of course our ancestors at one time couldn’t talk they lived in the water.

Not mine. We were human and close to perfect. We lived for a long time, some over 900 years. Yours were scum that lived in the water and muck. Even scum would wipe their feet of you.

I would agree. It sounds appropriate for someone like you.
Sorry. Humans have never lived for 900 years.

Stop the madness.

You just do not understand longevity and that the past was different than the present. Yours is a belief in a race of half-apes and Neanderthals. When it comes to brass tacks, the Christians were more sophisticated and heathier than you.
You can believe humans lived 900 years but not evolution?
Apparently, yes. That, and global floods that never happened, talking snakes, extreme punishment for fruit theft, his gods sponsoring incest and familial relations, a flat earth, Satans and boogeymen haunting his world, etc.

Proven matters of science are rejected.

Join in on the chorus... wait for it to come around... OK, here we go.

Row, Row, Row your boat gently down the stream.....
I connect the stupidity of religion, specifically Christianity, with the stupidity of voting republican.

Southern Christians for hundreds of years managed to remain evil racists.

Religion treat women like second class citizens

Religious people hate killing but love guns.

Religious people hate gays. The Bible tells them to.

The Bible doesn’t mention global warming so they don’t worry about it. But one day they’ll tell us the Bible foretold it.

hell, look at how even your blacks don’t like gays. Why? Because the Bible told them the same thing it told white people about blacks.
You can believe humans lived 900 years but not evolution?

I admit I had trouble with longevity first when getting into the Bible starting 2012, but that is observable. History has recorded people living hundred of years. We also have the mythical stories around the world (myth follows truth). None of evolution is observable except natural selection and we have Alfred Russel Wallace's (Wallace line fame) version.
Wrong on so many levels I can’t even respond. Wrong!
You can believe humans lived 900 years but not evolution?

I admit I had trouble with longevity first when getting into the Bible starting 2012, but that is observable. History has recorded people living hundred of years. We also have the mythical stories around the world (myth follows truth). None of evolution is observable except natural selection and we have Alfred Russel Wallace's (Wallace line fame) version.
Oh please tell us about the verifiable accounts of any human living hundreds of years. I really am curious about these.

"myth follows truth"?


View attachment 316137
That’s three of us who have called out his post as complete utter bs
have not lobbied for anything. I responded to a demand.
Hmm, no , you proselytized. That's a fact. Why so embarrassed of it?

You're illiterate and / or a liar. A response to a demand is NOT proselytizing.

"proselytize convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another..."

I did exactly the opposite. Quit being a dumb ass. At least two posters are converting you even as we speak. That's why you are trying to drag me back into this chaotic nonsense. Like I said, if you non-believers left me alone, I'd disappear. But you make the accusation because you have two dedicated Christians that are spanking you and giving you and the other non-believers the beat down of a life-time. I guess if I were you, I'd go after the guy NOT caring whether or not you get whipped in this fight.

Adding insult to injury, most posters have either left or they are making up their minds if they weren't one way or another. I'm thinking since at least one of you non-believers has to resort to multiple accounts, you know you're not convincing anyone of your position.
Like I said, if you non-believers left me alone, I'd disappear.

Such a delicate flower. You’re required to respond. You will remain until you’re excused.

The gawds command you..

And that was the first lie Satan ever told "ye shall be as gods..." Since you are a female (or have a female name) does that make you a goddette?

A life lesson for you: don’t use your fears and superstitions in attempts to intimidate others.

The two religious extremists in this thread are stereotypical of those who are too committed to childish superstitions and ”us vs. them" mentalities.

I can honestly advise that your appeals to magic and supernaturalism are tragically damaging.

My preference for discerning fact from partisan religious superstition is based on using the tools of evidence and reason that allow any objective analyst to discriminate between my position and yours. Your preference is based (as you admit here) purely on which best fits your a priori religious commitment.

“ye really need to condemn all humanity for fruit theft..."

Bulllshit Hollie. You've been throwing your weight around ever since I I came onto this thread. All I see is a scared little girl that thinks she can browbeat Christians because most of them don't fight back. You can only turn the cheek so often. Here is the bottom line:

If your position is so fragile; if it requires you to lie, intimidate, and bully people that disagree with you, it's obvious: you don't believe that claptrap any more than I do. NOBODY asked you to believe, join, or support anything. You're getting spanked by those other guys. But, don't kid yourself. I've forgotten more than you are capable of learning. For, if your belief system requires you to be disrespectful and bully people; if it means nobody can respectfully disagree with you; when it means you are lying and relying on delusional liars to back you up, then YOU have a serious problem. My specific degree is in Christian Education. As a counselor, I'm trained to recognize emotional disorders. And you figure it out.

You've lied about me; bullied me and tried to infer that anyone that don't buy into a B.S. ideology of nothingness is lower on the food chain than you. Well surprise. You don't have a monopoly on human virtue. Anybody that buys into that ineffective elixir you're selling is two french fries short of a happy meal and should sue their brains for non support. The bottom line of all bottom lines has not changed: Time, space, and matter have an origination point. You are too freaking stupid to admit your theories don't have an ultimate answer to that. You take your beliefs on faith. So you believe in myths, fallacies, logical fallacies, and a point of view that has been discredited so many times that all I feel for you is pity.

But, don't flatter yourself. If your muscles were as big as your mouth, you'd be the strongest person on earth. Now, if that's not enough to convince the posters here that I am not proselytizing, lobbying for or in any way encouraging you to believe in anything, then that individual is a total idiot. Period. Believe. Don't believe. If you die tonight, it's YOUR soul that you should consider, not which Christian you can attack... and BTW, to what end? All this bandwidth and all you've done is make people mad. Who in the HELL would want to be part of such a belief system that the only way it can exist is to piss people off? I'm going to get down to your level and respond in the language you understand. Answer me that. Who would want to belong to any belief system that requires people to be forced into believing? Who wants to belong to anything where you have to belittle others and you cannot use reason, but rather condescension? Are you really that stupid or are you looking for help? I can't read your mind.

Look, if I die tomorrow and there is a God and I followed his laws to the best of my ability, then I will be rewarded in Heaven far beyond what I could imagine. If God does not exist and I take my last breath and there is nothing, then I lost NOTHING. I lived a good life, tried to be a friend and a confidant to others and, rather exist to piss other people off, I'm more likely to spend my time helping other people. I've taken children into my home as a foster parent; kept a 94 year old woman in my home for free because her family wouldn't take care of her. It's not much, but it's an investment in my own mental well being and I feel good enough about myself that I don't have to waste every freaking day trying to shove a B.S. line down peoples throats that I, myself, couldn't believe. And it is so blatantly obvious: You don't believe what you spew. THAT is why you cannot let others respectfully disagree with you without the bullying, condescension, and absolute waste of bandwidth to soothe your narcissistic ego. You're wrong. I know you're wrong; the Christians witnessing to you know you're wrong; you know you're wrong and if you needed a friend, the half wits that would give your posts a thumbs up wouldn't even bother mentioning you if you died tonight. But, if you lived in my neighborhood, I'd be the FIRST person you'd call for help. So, waste some more bandwidth. Try to come up with some good zingers. BTW, you know the definition of an idiot? It's someone that does the same thing over and over, hoping for a different result. So, your best insult won't change my mind and it hasn't won you any new converts. It's only allowed you to wallow in your own misery. You're defeated. Remember: if you ignore me, I have no reason to come back. So, why would you want me to? You're begging for attention and for help. And if I'm wrong, this should be my last post here and you can forget me. Otherwise, I'm living in your head, rent free because you need my validation. Think about it before you start typing.
Snowflake. You’re taking it personally. You can’t do that. It makes you less objective.

you can’t get offended when we tell you your delusions are delusional
The trinity, the archangel, the angel of Jehovah, and salvation are off topic. I will start a separate thread on the trinity - you could start separate threads on the other subjects if you wish. For me to respond I would be derailing the thread. But I will mention one point in response here:

Some claim that Michael the archangel is not Jesus and yet claim the angel of Jehovah is Jesus in a number of Bible accounts - they call these examples of "Christology." So, if Jesus was the angel of the Lord (original Hebrew: H3068/Yehovah/Jehovah), would he be less than the chief/arch angel?

Or would he be the archangel (see the definition of the prefix "arch" in Greek = first)?

Now, on topic - Jehovah's Witnesses accept micro-evolution but reject macro-evolution - are you willing to get back to topic?

Ofc, we believe in microevolution. That is backed by the scientific method of Sir Francis Bacon, a Christian scientist.

Anyway, have you thought why JW brainwashes you (sorry, I don't have a better term) into not treating Jesus as our Lord? He is our only way to heaven. This is God's greatest commandment for the believers.

"Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’" Matthew 22:37

Did you know that Jesus was quoting the Jewish Shema in Matthew 22:37-40? In Mark's gospel Jesus is recorded as quoting more of Deuteronomy 6:4,5.

Mark 12:28-34 - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition)
28 One of the scribes who had come up and heard them disputing, knowing that he had answered them in a fine way, asked him: “Which commandment is first* of all?”+ 29 Jesus answered: “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah, 30 and you must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.’+ 31 The second is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’+ There is no other commandment greater than these.” 32 The scribe said to him: “Teacher, you spoke well, in line with truth, ‘He is One, and there is no other besides him’;+ 33 and to love him with one’s whole heart, with one’s whole understanding, and with one’s whole strength and to love one’s neighbor as oneself is worth far more than all the whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.”+ 34 At this Jesus, discerning that he had answered intelligently, said to him: “You are not far from the Kingdom of God.” But no one had the courage to question him anymore.+

Deuteronomy 6:4,5 - American Standard Version
Hear, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah: 5 and thou shalt love Jehovah thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

The Divine Name is found 3 times here in the original Hebrew - who removed the Divine Name from the greatest commandment in the Bible?

Now, back to topic - I see we agree concerning micro-evolution - if you are using the same definition I am using.

On your other tangent - we are not brainwashed - though we have washed our minds clean from many deceptions and lies of this world.

Paul said "Prove all things" - 1 Thessalonians 5:21 KJV.
there were no christians till the 4th century, those the same as the religious itinerant would not give the 4th century christian bible the time of day.

all three desert religions have abandoned the religion of antiquity, the same above goes for the rest of them.

Wrong again. Atheists are usually wrong. When will you get anything right?

The trinity, the archangel, the angel of Jehovah, and salvation are off topic. I will start a separate thread on the trinity - you could start separate threads on the other subjects if you wish. For me to respond I would be derailing the thread. But I will mention one point in response here:

Some claim that Michael the archangel is not Jesus and yet claim the angel of Jehovah is Jesus in a number of Bible accounts - they call these examples of "Christology." So, if Jesus was the angel of the Lord (original Hebrew: H3068/Yehovah/Jehovah), would he be less than the chief/arch angel?

Or would he be the archangel (see the definition of the prefix "arch" in Greek = first)?

Now, on topic - Jehovah's Witnesses accept micro-evolution but reject macro-evolution - are you willing to get back to topic?

Ofc, we believe in microevolution. That is backed by the scientific method of Sir Francis Bacon, a Christian scientist.

Anyway, have you thought why JW brainwashes you (sorry, I don't have a better term) into not treating Jesus as our Lord? He is our only way to heaven. This is God's greatest commandment for the believers.

"Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’" Matthew 22:37

Did you know that Jesus was quoting the Jewish Shema in Matthew 22:37-40? In Mark's gospel Jesus is recorded as quoting more of Deuteronomy 6:4,5.

Mark 12:28-34 - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition)
28 One of the scribes who had come up and heard them disputing, knowing that he had answered them in a fine way, asked him: “Which commandment is first* of all?”+ 29 Jesus answered: “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah, 30 and you must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.’+ 31 The second is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’+ There is no other commandment greater than these.” 32 The scribe said to him: “Teacher, you spoke well, in line with truth, ‘He is One, and there is no other besides him’;+ 33 and to love him with one’s whole heart, with one’s whole understanding, and with one’s whole strength and to love one’s neighbor as oneself is worth far more than all the whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.”+ 34 At this Jesus, discerning that he had answered intelligently, said to him: “You are not far from the Kingdom of God.” But no one had the courage to question him anymore.+

Deuteronomy 6:4,5 - American Standard Version
Hear, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah: 5 and thou shalt love Jehovah thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

The Divine Name is found 3 times here in the original Hebrew - who removed the Divine Name from the greatest commandment in the Bible?

Now, back to topic - I see we agree concerning micro-evolution - if you are using the same definition I am using.

On your other tangent - we are not brainwashed - though we have washed our minds clean from many deceptions and lies of this world.

Paul said "Prove all things" - 1 Thessalonians 5:21 KJV.

This is what I was afraid of. Christianity has no New World Translation. It is an incorrect version and one taught by a false prophet in the church. I can only hope and pray that you will realize this is not right and that you may be led astray after your death. One of the things I've heard is that it is difficult for JW members to leave. It is very difficult to leave its ministry; The others will try to sway you back. The so called teachings of the New World Translation is just to benefit the Watch Tower and Bible Tract Society. One doesn't have to do the things they tell you in order to be saved. It contradicts things in the regular translations of the Bible. Instead, you will be misled as you were in this life, and in death or after you die. Revelation tells us there is a period of Tribulation, but we do not know whether there is pre-Tibulation, mid-Tribulation, or post-Tribulation. One has to be ready for what comes after death, too. Satan is a great masquerader of the light. It's almost futile to show people that Satan exists because he wishes to hide and is very powerful. For that, we have to look at him with respect to his power like Jesus did.
The trinity, the archangel, the angel of Jehovah, and salvation are off topic. I will start a separate thread on the trinity - you could start separate threads on the other subjects if you wish. For me to respond I would be derailing the thread. But I will mention one point in response here:

Some claim that Michael the archangel is not Jesus and yet claim the angel of Jehovah is Jesus in a number of Bible accounts - they call these examples of "Christology." So, if Jesus was the angel of the Lord (original Hebrew: H3068/Yehovah/Jehovah), would he be less than the chief/arch angel?

Or would he be the archangel (see the definition of the prefix "arch" in Greek = first)?

Now, on topic - Jehovah's Witnesses accept micro-evolution but reject macro-evolution - are you willing to get back to topic?

Ofc, we believe in microevolution. That is backed by the scientific method of Sir Francis Bacon, a Christian scientist.

Anyway, have you thought why JW brainwashes you (sorry, I don't have a better term) into not treating Jesus as our Lord? He is our only way to heaven. This is God's greatest commandment for the believers.

"Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’" Matthew 22:37

Did you know that Jesus was quoting the Jewish Shema in Matthew 22:37-40? In Mark's gospel Jesus is recorded as quoting more of Deuteronomy 6:4,5.

Mark 12:28-34 - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition)
28 One of the scribes who had come up and heard them disputing, knowing that he had answered them in a fine way, asked him: “Which commandment is first* of all?”+ 29 Jesus answered: “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah, 30 and you must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.’+ 31 The second is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’+ There is no other commandment greater than these.” 32 The scribe said to him: “Teacher, you spoke well, in line with truth, ‘He is One, and there is no other besides him’;+ 33 and to love him with one’s whole heart, with one’s whole understanding, and with one’s whole strength and to love one’s neighbor as oneself is worth far more than all the whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.”+ 34 At this Jesus, discerning that he had answered intelligently, said to him: “You are not far from the Kingdom of God.” But no one had the courage to question him anymore.+

Deuteronomy 6:4,5 - American Standard Version
Hear, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah: 5 and thou shalt love Jehovah thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

The Divine Name is found 3 times here in the original Hebrew - who removed the Divine Name from the greatest commandment in the Bible?

Now, back to topic - I see we agree concerning micro-evolution - if you are using the same definition I am using.

On your other tangent - we are not brainwashed - though we have washed our minds clean from many deceptions and lies of this world.

Paul said "Prove all things" - 1 Thessalonians 5:21 KJV.

This is what I was afraid of. Christianity has no New World Translation. It is an incorrect version and one taught by a false prophet in the church. I can only hope and pray that you will realize this is not right and that you may be led astray after your death. One of the things I've heard is that it is difficult for JW members to leave. It is very difficult to leave its ministry; The others will try to sway you back. The so called teachings of the New World Translation is just to benefit the Watch Tower and Bible Tract Society. One doesn't have to do the things they tell you in order to be saved. It contradicts things in the regular translations of the Bible. Instead, you will be misled as you were in this life, and in death or after you die. Revelation tells us there is a period of Tribulation, but we do not know whether there is pre-Tibulation, mid-Tribulation, or post-Tribulation. One has to be ready for what comes after death, too. Satan is a great masquerader of the light. It's almost futile to show people that Satan exists because he wishes to hide and is very powerful. For that, we have to look at him with respect to his power like Jesus did.

Ignoring your biased accusations - I again ask - who removed the Divine Name from the greatest commandment in the Bible according to Jesus? (Matthew 22:37-40; Mark 12:29,30; Deuteronomy 6:4,5?
have not lobbied for anything. I responded to a demand.
Hmm, no , you proselytized. That's a fact. Why so embarrassed of it?

You're illiterate and / or a liar. A response to a demand is NOT proselytizing.

"proselytize convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another..."

I did exactly the opposite. Quit being a dumb ass. At least two posters are converting you even as we speak. That's why you are trying to drag me back into this chaotic nonsense. Like I said, if you non-believers left me alone, I'd disappear. But you make the accusation because you have two dedicated Christians that are spanking you and giving you and the other non-believers the beat down of a life-time. I guess if I were you, I'd go after the guy NOT caring whether or not you get whipped in this fight.

Adding insult to injury, most posters have either left or they are making up their minds if they weren't one way or another. I'm thinking since at least one of you non-believers has to resort to multiple accounts, you know you're not convincing anyone of your position.
Like I said, if you non-believers left me alone, I'd disappear.

Such a delicate flower. You’re required to respond. You will remain until you’re excused.

The gawds command you..

And that was the first lie Satan ever told "ye shall be as gods..." Since you are a female (or have a female name) does that make you a goddette?

A life lesson for you: don’t use your fears and superstitions in attempts to intimidate others.

The two religious extremists in this thread are stereotypical of those who are too committed to childish superstitions and ”us vs. them" mentalities.

I can honestly advise that your appeals to magic and supernaturalism are tragically damaging.

My preference for discerning fact from partisan religious superstition is based on using the tools of evidence and reason that allow any objective analyst to discriminate between my position and yours. Your preference is based (as you admit here) purely on which best fits your a priori religious commitment.

“ye really need to condemn all humanity for fruit theft..."

Bulllshit Hollie. You've been throwing your weight around ever since I I came onto this thread. All I see is a scared little girl that thinks she can browbeat Christians because most of them don't fight back. You can only turn the cheek so often. Here is the bottom line:

If your position is so fragile; if it requires you to lie, intimidate, and bully people that disagree with you, it's obvious: you don't believe that claptrap any more than I do. NOBODY asked you to believe, join, or support anything. You're getting spanked by those other guys. But, don't kid yourself. I've forgotten more than you are capable of learning. For, if your belief system requires you to be disrespectful and bully people; if it means nobody can respectfully disagree with you; when it means you are lying and relying on delusional liars to back you up, then YOU have a serious problem. My specific degree is in Christian Education. As a counselor, I'm trained to recognize emotional disorders. And you figure it out.

You've lied about me; bullied me and tried to infer that anyone that don't buy into a B.S. ideology of nothingness is lower on the food chain than you. Well surprise. You don't have a monopoly on human virtue. Anybody that buys into that ineffective elixir you're selling is two french fries short of a happy meal and should sue their brains for non support. The bottom line of all bottom lines has not changed: Time, space, and matter have an origination point. You are too freaking stupid to admit your theories don't have an ultimate answer to that. You take your beliefs on faith. So you believe in myths, fallacies, logical fallacies, and a point of view that has been discredited so many times that all I feel for you is pity.

But, don't flatter yourself. If your muscles were as big as your mouth, you'd be the strongest person on earth. Now, if that's not enough to convince the posters here that I am not proselytizing, lobbying for or in any way encouraging you to believe in anything, then that individual is a total idiot. Period. Believe. Don't believe. If you die tonight, it's YOUR soul that you should consider, not which Christian you can attack... and BTW, to what end? All this bandwidth and all you've done is make people mad. Who in the HELL would want to be part of such a belief system that the only way it can exist is to piss people off? I'm going to get down to your level and respond in the language you understand. Answer me that. Who would want to belong to any belief system that requires people to be forced into believing? Who wants to belong to anything where you have to belittle others and you cannot use reason, but rather condescension? Are you really that stupid or are you looking for help? I can't read your mind.

Look, if I die tomorrow and there is a God and I followed his laws to the best of my ability, then I will be rewarded in Heaven far beyond what I could imagine. If God does not exist and I take my last breath and there is nothing, then I lost NOTHING. I lived a good life, tried to be a friend and a confidant to others and, rather exist to piss other people off, I'm more likely to spend my time helping other people. I've taken children into my home as a foster parent; kept a 94 year old woman in my home for free because her family wouldn't take care of her. It's not much, but it's an investment in my own mental well being and I feel good enough about myself that I don't have to waste every freaking day trying to shove a B.S. line down peoples throats that I, myself, couldn't believe. And it is so blatantly obvious: You don't believe what you spew. THAT is why you cannot let others respectfully disagree with you without the bullying, condescension, and absolute waste of bandwidth to soothe your narcissistic ego. You're wrong. I know you're wrong; the Christians witnessing to you know you're wrong; you know you're wrong and if you needed a friend, the half wits that would give your posts a thumbs up wouldn't even bother mentioning you if you died tonight. But, if you lived in my neighborhood, I'd be the FIRST person you'd call for help. So, waste some more bandwidth. Try to come up with some good zingers. BTW, you know the definition of an idiot? It's someone that does the same thing over and over, hoping for a different result. So, your best insult won't change my mind and it hasn't won you any new converts. It's only allowed you to wallow in your own misery. You're defeated. Remember: if you ignore me, I have no reason to come back. So, why would you want me to? You're begging for attention and for help. And if I'm wrong, this should be my last post here and you can forget me. Otherwise, I'm living in your head, rent free because you need my validation. Think about it before you start typing.
Snowflake. You’re taking it personally. You can’t do that. It makes you less objective.

you can’t get offended when we tell you your delusions are delusional

I'm not delusional; you're plain stupid.
I do not know why posters keeping posting off topic - I have taken the bait and joined them - but I prefer to stay on topic:

Evolutionist Dobzhansky studied radiation induced mutations in Drosophila (fruit fly). In his observations he noted the phenomenon of equilibrium = variation about a mean/average and that the tendency was to return to the 'wild' type or become sterile.

Evolutionist Gould noted this phenomenon in the fossil record as well - and he coined the term "macro-evolution" in his Punctuated Equilibrium model of evolution to explain the gaps in the fossil record.

We reject this model and believe the gaps in the fossil record are real and constitute evidence of direct creation.

Hopefully someone will respond on topic.
Hope you all have a good night - I am going offline and have an early appointment with my cardiologist early tomorrow morning. My wife is off from work tomorrow so I will likely not post until Wednesday - we have our mid-week meeting tomorrow night via computer download (Zoom) where we can comment on our research/Bible study.
Hope you all have a good night - I am going offline and have an early appointment with my cardiologist early tomorrow morning. My wife is off from work tomorrow so I will likely not post until Wednesday - we have our mid-week meeting tomorrow night via computer download (Zoom) where we can comment on our research/Bible study.
Good luck at the Dr. office and God Bless.
I do not know why posters keeping posting off topic - I have taken the bait and joined them - but I prefer to stay on topic:

Evolutionist Dobzhansky studied radiation induced mutations in Drosophila (fruit fly). In his observations he noted the phenomenon of equilibrium = variation about a mean/average and that the tendency was to return to the 'wild' type or become sterile.

Evolutionist Gould noted this phenomenon in the fossil record as well - and he coined the term "macro-evolution" in his Punctuated Equilibrium model of evolution to explain the gaps in the fossil record.

We reject this model and believe the gaps in the fossil record are real and constitute evidence of direct creation.

Hopefully someone will respond on topic.

We reject this model and believe the gaps in the fossil record are real and constitute evidence of direct creation.
there are no gaps in evolution - the end product is a metaphysical, spiritual endeavor culminating in a physical transformation.


the transformation can occur from one parent to offspring in a single procedure when the metaphysical process is completed where the offspring reproduces the desired physical change from that point forward without intermediate stages - or more commonly through tractable physical steps as trial runs to the conclusion.

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