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A believer uses the Word of God as the judge and code for conduct and not his "FEELINGS." Read what the Bible has to say and not what you think! And as for "Gay" marriage: Children are a gift and a blessing from God according to the Bible, and yet not one "homosexual" couple has ever begotten children through a homosexual relationship. They must revert to a heterosexual union to produce children. So what Biblical purpose is there for "gay" marriage. Unless churches can find it, I feel the Word of God TOTALLY condemns such. And the churches that promote it will reap what they have made up through their own judgment....

You’re a “believer” in one of many asserted gawds, none of which have ever made themselves known in a way understandable to humans. And, let’s be honest, you are, vastly more likely than not, a believer in your partisan gawds for no other reason than familial connections and geographic location. How arbitrary is that?

People chose what their theistic beliefs are for many reasons, but rarely do they apply very hard standards to those reasons. They tend to be cultural (i.e., you grew up in a social environment that preferred one belief over another or you accept the beliefs of your parents. If you truly dig deep into what allows you to believe, you will find there is no clear reason to believe as you do-- the differing paradigms out there do not make a single case that rises above the others. In other words, there is no reason to believe Christianity over Islam over Buddhism over Judaism over Hinduism.

So, contrary to your claim, your beliefs really are nothing more than "FEELINGS".

The bible clearly separates the Christian philosophy from the others all one has to do is research the bible before making blanket statements lacking any evidence to support the blanket statements.

The same can be said for the ideological view of naturalism.

Nonsense. Christianity is simply a distillation of earlier religions, pagan beliefs and rituals that preceded it.

From an entirely demonstrable perspective, the majority of people have simply accepted the religion that is dominant within their culture. They go about their daily lives and the majority religion they have accepted has minimal to no real impact. Billions go through their rituals and really their religious beliefs are more or less like a second nature they really give no second thought to. It simply is the way it is for them. Honestly, how many theists do you know who could even assess the problem of Pascal's Wager, let alone have even heard of it?

Interestingly, if one tries to live according to strict Biblical law (and if one believes that the Judeo-Christian gawds are in fact “the” gawds, then one **must** obey these laws), modern society would imprison you for life, if not out and out sentence you to death (interesting irony: the Bible is used to support the death penalty, but if one follows to the letter what the Bible says you must as the gawd's law, you would incur the very penalty the Bible is used to support!).

So we can see that people select those ethics that they are comfortable with, and merely ignore the rest. This is tremendously arbitrary, and outright foolish. It also is evidence that the Bible is the **last** book one should use to support any ethical foundations.

As to naturalism, your comments are nonsensical. Naturalism has the obvious advantage of being testable and demonstrable.

You have yet to explain to us how anyone can test the supermagical / supernatural environment of your particular, partisan gawds.
The stupendously stupid “winning the lottery”™ argument as an analogy to biological evolution shares equal time with the other stupendously stupid creationist “analogy” ...

Since you are so desparate for even my negative attention, here you go...

The lottery analogy is an evolutionist analogy stupid. :lol::lol::lol::lol: Get a clue.

I'm only here to educate you cultists. Since all your previous advances at stalking have all been rejected, you're now an even angrier fundie.

And, did you know that christianity meets every description of a cult? I will be happy to provide the details.
The brainwashing is strong with this one. Not 1 in 1 chance for a single person buying a ticket but it is absolutely 1 in 1 chance that a winning ticket will be selected in the scenario above. This is not the case with DNA. There are not enough probabilistic resources since the big bang to account for chance being the source of DNA. You obviously still don't get it and this evidence of your susceptibility to accept false science is also obviously what makes you buy evolution as fact.

You're obviously ignorant of the laws of probabilities. The likelihood that all buyers of tickets would choose unique numbers covering all possible number combinations is beyond astronomical.

So I'm seeing a parallel. What are the odds that a creator will appear to us this month? Any of us? Beyond astronomical.

Do you think if you claim the wrong answer over and over again it will somehow be right? You should quit while you are ahead. You are just continuing to look more and more foolish by exposing your total lack of understanding of probability with these posts.

No. Obviously it's failed in your many continued attempts.

That's why I opted instead to stick to well-founded truths about the Cosmos and life on this planet, as opposed to absurd attempts at resolving the myriad conflicts between millenia old religious myths and contemporary scientific fact.
The stupendously stupid “winning the lottery”™ argument as an analogy to biological evolution shares equal time with the other stupendously stupid creationist “analogy” ...

Since you are so desparate for even my negative attention, here you go...

The lottery analogy is an evolutionist analogy stupid. :lol::lol::lol::lol: Get a clue.

I'm only here to educate you cultists. Since all your previous advances at stalking have all been rejected, you're now an even angrier fundie.

And, did you know that christianity meets every description of a cult? I will be happy to provide the details.

Nothing ever changes with you. As usual, your response has nothing to do with the topic at hand. You still come off as a real dimwit.

The lottery analogy is proposed by evolutionists when IDers talk about how improbable the spontaneous generation of dna is. Evolutionists respond by saying winning the lottery is improbable, but it happens every week. Every week someone beats the odds. This is a fallacy as proven by me above regarding probabilistic resources. So you were WRONG and you tuck your tail and change the subject as usual.
You're obviously ignorant of the laws of probabilities. The likelihood that all buyers of tickets would choose unique numbers covering all possible number combinations is beyond astronomical.

So I'm seeing a parallel. What are the odds that a creator will appear to us this month? Any of us? Beyond astronomical.

Do you think if you claim the wrong answer over and over again it will somehow be right? You should quit while you are ahead. You are just continuing to look more and more foolish by exposing your total lack of understanding of probability with these posts.

No. Obviously it's failed in your many continued attempts.

That's why I opted instead to stick to well-founded truths about the Cosmos and life on this planet, as opposed to absurd attempts at resolving the myriad conflicts between millenia old religious myths and contemporary scientific fact.

You really have no clue about probability arguments do you?
Since you are so desparate for even my negative attention, here you go...

The lottery analogy is an evolutionist analogy stupid. :lol::lol::lol::lol: Get a clue.

I'm only here to educate you cultists. Since all your previous advances at stalking have all been rejected, you're now an even angrier fundie.

And, did you know that christianity meets every description of a cult? I will be happy to provide the details.

Nothing ever changes with you. As usual, your response has nothing to do with the topic at hand. You still come off as a real dimwit.

The lottery analogy is proposed by evolutionists when IDers talk about how improbable the spontaneous generation of dna is. Evolutionists respond by saying winning the lottery is improbable, but it happens every week. Every week someone beats the odds. This is a fallacy as proven by me above regarding probabilistic resources. So you were WRONG and you tuck your tail and change the subject as usual.

Says the dipshit who clings to ancient myth.

Such irony.
Do you think if you claim the wrong answer over and over again it will somehow be right? You should quit while you are ahead. You are just continuing to look more and more foolish by exposing your total lack of understanding of probability with these posts.

No. Obviously it's failed in your many continued attempts.

That's why I opted instead to stick to well-founded truths about the Cosmos and life on this planet, as opposed to absurd attempts at resolving the myriad conflicts between millenia old religious myths and contemporary scientific fact.

You really have no clue about probability arguments do you?

Pray I do, since I'm schooling your retarded bitch ass.
I don't understand how people in U.S can be so stupid that they seriously believe in anything else than evolution. Here in Europe everyone agrees that evolution is the way things went. And then comes religion.

Ice Cold Blog

Have you noticed how messed up Europe is ?

And the US is just a shining beacon of goodness. Oh wait, we have more crime, more corruption, worse medical care, and dumber students.
Since you are so desparate for even my negative attention, here you go...

The lottery analogy is an evolutionist analogy stupid. :lol::lol::lol::lol: Get a clue.

I'm only here to educate you cultists. Since all your previous advances at stalking have all been rejected, you're now an even angrier fundie.

And, did you know that christianity meets every description of a cult? I will be happy to provide the details.

Nothing ever changes with you. As usual, your response has nothing to do with the topic at hand. You still come off as a real dimwit.

The lottery analogy is proposed by evolutionists when IDers talk about how improbable the spontaneous generation of dna is. Evolutionists respond by saying winning the lottery is improbable, but it happens every week. Every week someone beats the odds. This is a fallacy as proven by me above regarding probabilistic resources. So you were WRONG and you tuck your tail and change the subject as usual.

What's interesting is that when ID'iots talk about how improbable the spontaneous generation of dna is, they do so by standing in front of green screens in failed attempts to represent themselves as doing actual research.

Such a shame that ID'iots are actually such phony charlatans. The only fallacy you're promoting is one which involves the ID'iot industry as being ethical. Clearly they are not.
I'm only here to educate you cultists. Since all your previous advances at stalking have all been rejected, you're now an even angrier fundie.

And, did you know that christianity meets every description of a cult? I will be happy to provide the details.

Nothing ever changes with you. As usual, your response has nothing to do with the topic at hand. You still come off as a real dimwit.

The lottery analogy is proposed by evolutionists when IDers talk about how improbable the spontaneous generation of dna is. Evolutionists respond by saying winning the lottery is improbable, but it happens every week. Every week someone beats the odds. This is a fallacy as proven by me above regarding probabilistic resources. So you were WRONG and you tuck your tail and change the subject as usual.

Says the dipshit who clings to ancient myth.

Such irony.
How do you know is views are from a myth ? Clinging ,don't think he made a choice the same as anyone who subscribes to a philosophical view.
No. Obviously it's failed in your many continued attempts.

That's why I opted instead to stick to well-founded truths about the Cosmos and life on this planet, as opposed to absurd attempts at resolving the myriad conflicts between millenia old religious myths and contemporary scientific fact.

You really have no clue about probability arguments do you?

Pray I do, since I'm schooling your retarded bitch ass.

What a mature response.
I don't understand how people in U.S can be so stupid that they seriously believe in anything else than evolution. Here in Europe everyone agrees that evolution is the way things went. And then comes religion.

Ice Cold Blog

Have you noticed how messed up Europe is ?

And the US is just a shining beacon of goodness. Oh wait, we have more crime, more corruption, worse medical care, and dumber students.

Have you noticed we are adopting European philosophical views and enforcing these views on this country ?
Nothing ever changes with you. As usual, your response has nothing to do with the topic at hand. You still come off as a real dimwit.

The lottery analogy is proposed by evolutionists when IDers talk about how improbable the spontaneous generation of dna is. Evolutionists respond by saying winning the lottery is improbable, but it happens every week. Every week someone beats the odds. This is a fallacy as proven by me above regarding probabilistic resources. So you were WRONG and you tuck your tail and change the subject as usual.

Says the dipshit who clings to ancient myth.

Such irony.
How do you know is views are from a myth ? Clinging ,don't think he made a choice the same as anyone who subscribes to a philosophical view.

I do not, actually. But then that probability thing rears its head. People over time have conjured 1000s of creation scenarios. So for one to, by chance, be right, and all the others made up myths, is also highly unlikely, to an astronomical degree.
Says the dipshit who clings to ancient myth.

Such irony.
How do you know is views are from a myth ? Clinging ,don't think he made a choice the same as anyone who subscribes to a philosophical view.

I do not, actually. But then that probability thing rears its head. People over time have conjured 1000s of creation scenarios. So for one to, by chance, be right, and all the others made up myths, is also highly unlikely, to an astronomical degree.

What would cause so many to subscribe to the belief in a higher power ?
How do you know is views are from a myth ? Clinging ,don't think he made a choice the same as anyone who subscribes to a philosophical view.

I do not, actually. But then that probability thing rears its head. People over time have conjured 1000s of creation scenarios. So for one to, by chance, be right, and all the others made up myths, is also highly unlikely, to an astronomical degree.

What would cause so many to subscribe to the belief in a higher power ?

Desire to assign significance. Wish to dodge the penalty for being born: death. To make what is hard to comprehend seem ordered, simple and easier to grasp.

All of the above, often.
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